chapter sixteen Flashcards
what was bolsheviks goal regarding class
to create a ‘classless’ society’
term used against aristocrats, priests, merchants, landowners, officers, employers, and the ‘well-dressed’; anyone who was considered a hinderance to worker or peasant prosperity might be condemned as a ‘bloodsucker’, a ‘parasite’ or ‘non-person’
how did bolsheviks use burzhui in their campaign
painted the burzhui as the ‘class enemies’ of the proleteriat, the people, and the revolution- creating class warfare within the public
when was the official abolition of class heirachy and what did it entail
november 1917
got rid of any titles or priveleges
how did the bolsheviks use class warfare in the civil war
blamed the reason for ‘war communism’ and the austerity of war on the whites, who they painted as tsarist ex-nobility- so public would blame them for the shit conditions instead of the bolsheviks
the grain requisition on peasants targetted the kulaks and presented them as class enemies to the poorer peasants
how did rationing work during the civil war
allocated by ‘work value’
party members got the most
then workers and soldiers
then professionals (like lawyers, doctors)
then burzhui got barely enough to live off
when was the nep brought in
how did nep shift class relations (again!)
gave burzhui who were previously managers/capitalist experts or whatever purpose again and jobs but did not halt the campaign against the bourgeoise ‘way of life’
how did bolsheviks control workers during civil war
took away the freedoms of early bolshevik rule (e.g. control of the factories and wages) and brought back managers; also gave internal passports to prevent them leaving cities in search of food and keep productivity high; by 1921 workers could be imprisoned or shot if they failed to meet quotas
soviet campgain for women and why
promoted the new liberation of women due to marxist equality (and also to increase productivity if women could work)
when was the decree against sex discrimination and what did it entail
november 1917
church influence removed by only recognising civil marriage
divorce made easier and less expensive
in 1920 abortion was legalised, to protect the high mortality rates from illegal abortions
free contraceptive advice was provided
in 1928 wedding rings were banned
commisariat of the enlightenment
provided free education at all levels
education reforms under lenin
introduction of comisariat of enlightment
replaced old secondaries schools with his reformed versions
schools combined mental and physical work to create a more productive population
during 1920s textbooks and exams were abolished due to being built off tsarist framework
physical punishment was banned
still encouraged creativity and art to an extent
when was the russian young communist league (rksm) formed
1918 and extended in early 1920s to become youth division of politics party and 1926 renamed to komsomol and expanded to 10-28 years old from 14-21
what recreational activities did bolsheviks discourage
how did marx describe religion
the opium of people
how did lenin see and treat the church
did not see the church as a threat
allowed freedom of religious worship after oct. revolution due to the population being mainly orthodox
church lands seized in 1917 (not direct attack because private land was declared illegal)
church schools and seminaries taken over by the state
decree on civil marriages followed separation of church and state in 1918
from 1921 teaching of religion banned in schools
monasteries turned into hospitals, schools, prisons, etc.
what happened to priests under lenin
lost their lives under war communism due to poor rations (due to clergy being lowest ration size)
peasants, despite still being religious, didnt care much about the fate of the priests
the patriarch of the orthodox church (tikhon) was arrested 1922 due to opposition to government