chapter four Flashcards
forcing everyone within the russian empire to think of themselves as ‘russian’ by enforcing russian language and culture
exaggerated belief in national superiority
an old russian word which means ‘round up’ or lynching; it originally denoted an assault by one ethnic group on another; after 1881 it gained connotations of an attack on jews
how many different ethnic groups within the russian empire
over 100
national ideology
a belief in the strength of ones own country, language and traditions; this became a powerful force in europe after the defeat of napoleans attempt to spread french influence
why did the diversity of the empire threaten tsarist autocracy
lack of national ideology and patriotism
people identified with their regional group not russia as a whole
needed patriotism for stability of tsars power
guerilla warfare
a form of fighting conducted by groups of soldiers and armed civilians using methods such as ambushes, sabotage and raids rather than fight conventionally
granting a request in response to demand
a form of christianity based on the teachings of the sixteenth-century german; martin luther
went against catholicism due to corruption of church and starts of protestantism
polish rebellion 1863
over 200,000 poles had joined in creating an underground national government for poland
alexander ii reacted quickly leading to guerrilla warfare
poles lose by 1864
example of alexander ii lessoning russification
1864-75 the latvians and estonians allowed to revert back to lutherism instead of orthodoxy
allowed finns to have their own diet (parliament)
finlands russification
1892; reorganised the diet (parliament) to weaken its political influence
use of russian language increasingly demanded
russian coinage replaced local currency
polish russification
1885; polish national bank closed
all classes except for polish language and religion had to be taught in russian (including polish literature had to be taught in russian translation)
baltic germans russification
between 1885-1889 russian language endorced in all state offices, police force, judicial system and school
ukrainian russification
laws limited use of ukranian language in 1883
1884; all theatres in the five ukrainian provinces were closed
how did russian empire promote orthodoxy
laws benefitted those of orthodox faith promoted willing conversions
mass baptisms forced on muslims in the empire
results of russification
intended to increase unity of the empire
but did end up intensifying national feelings among the non russians of the empire
pale of settlement
area of western russia that since 1791 was basically only place jewish people could live within russia
which class of society were most anti-semitic
poorer class/the serfs
when and where did jewish pogroms break out
april 1881 in ukraine
example of systemic anti-semitism during the pogroms
the okhrana are thought to be part of the reason the pogroms started
governing authorities didnt do anything to curb the violence
examples of anti-semitism legislation and dates
1887; number of jews admitted to schools and universities regulated (could only make up 10-5% of school population)
1892; jews are banned from participation of local elections and lose right to be elected in town duma
impact of antisemitism to the tsarist autocracy
many jews left russia
but those who stayed in russia dissproportionally were involved in revolutionary groups; due to discontent of their treatment