Chapter A08 - Trim, Yaw Damper and Flight Envelope Protection Flashcards
Pitch down moment as you approach the ?
Speed of sound - Known as mach tuck
Mach Trim
Always _____ – not pilot controlled.
Can be an independent system. Prevents _____ at high speeds.
- engaged, automatic
- Mach Tuck, or ‘Tuck Under’
A yaw damper as a type of stability augmentation system which
counteracts Dutch Roll,
It is mandatory on some aircraft for the yaw damper to be serviceable before
dispatch as flight without the system would be deemed unsafe.
Y/D moves the rudder in proportion to the
angular rate of yaw
ADC provides speed information to the Y/D computer so that
correct rudder inputs are calculated (high speed = less rudder input)
Most modern A/C have a main Y/D system and a standby system for
The Y/D does not
balance turns
Pilot sees Parallel -
Parallel system - Autopilot moves the controls are you can see it
Series Yaw Dampers use ?
Y/D channel separate from rudder channe
Stable Dutch roll looks like?
Neutral dutch roll looks like?
Unstable dutch roll looks like?
Yaw damper controls and indicators
Y/D switched on/off with a ____
Indicator swings _____ to show
rudder inputs made by Y/D system
- switch
- L and R
Yaw damper acts on?
Rudder only
How does Yaw damper detect yaw?
Rate gyro, IRS or accelerometer
The yaw damper system sends a motion order to the rudder if the yawing rate of the aircraft:
Is not constant
An aircraft is turning right, with too much bank (slipping turn). The yaw damper system…
Is not designed to provide a balanced turn.
When available, the yaw damper indicator supplies the pilot with information regarding the…
Yaw damper action on the rudder
What are the advantages of FBW?
Weight saving
Reduced maintenance costs
Flight Envelope protection
Improved handling
Fuel saving
Gust load alleviation
A control law is how the
pilot’s control movements are translated into control surface movements
In a FBW system, the aircraft can only manoeuvre within the
flight envelope and protection prevents the envelope being violated during extreme situations such as windshear and TCAS avoidance.
Typical inputs into the Flight
Envelope Protection system include:
- AoA (α or alpha)
- Air speed
- Aircraft configuration
- Attitude
- G reading
The flight envelope protection system provides protection from exceeding:
- AoA (α or alpha)
- High/low speed
- Pitch attitude
- Bank angle
- Load factor
On a modern large transport aircraft, regarding fly-by-wire and FMS:
Fly-by-wire software is qualified to a higher standard than the FMS software.
The auto-trim function in a non-fly by wire aircraft:
Ensures no snatch on disengagement of the AP, and keeps the elevators in a neutral position relevant to the horizontal stabiliser.