Chapter A06 - Flight Mode Annunciator Flashcards
Where is the FMA located?
on top of the PFD
How many modes of an FMA?
Across the three bars of the FMA what do they stand for?
Across the three bars of the FMA what do they stand for?
According to CS 25.1322 (Flight Crew Alerting), visual alert indications must have:
- Red for Warning alert indications.
- Amber or yellow for Caution alert indications.
- Any colour except red or green for Advisory alert indications.
A generic term used to describe a flight deck indication meant to ______ of and identify to the flight crew a ______ or aeroplane system condition.
- attract the attention
- non- normal operational
The level or category of alert for conditions that require _______ and a less urgent _______ than a warning alert.
- immediate flight crew awareness
- subsequent flight crew response
The level or category of alert for conditions that require _____ and _______
- immediate flight crew awareness
- immediate flight crew response.
Modes can be engaged in three different ways:
- Manually
- Automatically
- By being ARMED
Roll Modes are
HDG SEL - Heading Select
LNAV – Lateral Navigation
VOR/LOC – VOR or Localiser Tracking
CWS – Control Wheel Steering
Maintains the MCP-displayed heading. A/C turns in the same direction as the rotation of the HDG SEL. The bank angle limit is set by the Bank Angle Limit Selector.
HDG SEL automatically disengages on engagement of VOR LOC or APP modes.
Pressing the LNAV button selects the_____ to intercept and follow the active route.
- There must be an ______
- The LNAV button must be_____
- FMC to control roll
- active route in the FMC
- pressed.
VOR: displays _____ to capture and track selected _____.
LOC: displays _____ to capture and track the selected _____.
- roll commands
- VOR course
- roll commands
- localiser course
Pitch Modes are:
ALT HLD – Altitude Hold
MCP SPD – IAS / Mach
V/S – Vertical Speed
LVL CHG – Level Change
VNAV – Vertical Navigation Speed / Path
G/S – Glide Sloper
CWS – Control Wheel Steering
During a climb with the autopilot engaged in the V/S mode (holding of vertical speed), the autothrottle:
Can be operated in the SPEED mode (holding of IAS).
Lvl change mode, autothrottle is?
Stall protection is?
When you enter to high a V/S, when the speed gets to low the automatics take over and pitches the nose down