Chapter 9- Sexual Reproduction And Meiosis Flashcards
Life cycle of sexually reproducing organisms
Two types of cell division interact (mitosis and meiosis)
Zygotes become adults through mitosis
Mature adults produce sex cells by meiosis
Sex cells combine to fertilize and become zygotes
Basic principles of meiosis
Occurs only in the reproductive organs (germ cells)
Diploid and haploid cells
Gametes result (egg or sperm, haploid)
1:4 cell division- one diploid becomes 4 non-identical haploid cells
Normal chromosome numbers in an organism
2n-> 46
Half the normal chromosome number
N-> 23
Role and function of meiosis
Only in sexually reproductive organisms
Produces haploid gametes
Ensures offspring receive a dell set and correct # of chromosomes (46 or 23 pair homologous)
Introduces genetic variability
Meiotic cell division
More complicated than mitosis
Basic cell cycle is the same
Cell division phase is now meiosis (2 divisions, M1 and M2)
Meiosis I
Reductional division (reduces # of chr)
Chromosomes have already been replicated and occur in pairs (maternal/paternal)
Prophase I metaphase I Anaphase I Telophase I Cytokinesis Interkinesis
Prophase I
envelope disappears, centrosomes migrate, spindles appear and attach to centromeres
Synapsid: chromosomes find their homologous pair
Crossing over occurs- non-sisters exchange segments (genetic variability)
Metaphase I
Homologous chromosomes line up on random sides in middle of cell
** independent assortment
Anaphase I
Homologous chromosomes separate and move to poles
Telophase I
Nuclear envelope reforms, centrosomes return, spindles disappear
Cells cleave into 2 daughter cells
2 non-identical haploid daughter cells at end of Meiosis I
Cells grow slightly but no replication of DNA
Meiosis II
Each cell divides again
Essentially same as mitosis PMAT + cytokinesis
In anaphase the sister chromatids separate and move to poles
4 non-identical haploid gametes at end of meiosis II
Mitosis breakdown
Somatic cells
1:2 division
Diploid-> diploid
2 identical daughter cells
Occurs all the time
Meiosis breakdown
Germ cells
1:4 division
Diploid-> haploid
To produce gametes
4 non-identical daughter cells
Less frequent until age of sexual maturity