Chapter 3 - Cells Flashcards
Smallest unit of life that can function independently
Cell theory
- All organisms made of one or more cells
- The cell is the fundamental unit of life
- All cells come from previous cells
- All have the same basic chemical comp
- all cells use energy
- all contain DNA that is passed on as cells divide
Two major categories of cells
Prokaryotic and eukaryotic
Simplest type of cell
Generic material free within the cell
Only capable of simple activities
No membrane bound organelles
All are single celled ex. Bacteria, archaea
More advanced
Genetic material contained in a membrane bound nucleus
Capable of greater activity
Contains numerous organelles
Uni or multicellular ex. Plants, animals, fungi, protists
Plasma membrane and cell wall
Thin, permits exchange with outside environment
Selective permeability
Phospholipid bilayer
Two opposite rows of hydrophilic heads with hydrophobic tails
Proteins embedded within to regulate what goes in and out
Cell Wall
Outside of the plasma membrane
Only found in plant cells
Protects cell and keeps it from absorbing too much water
Fluid that fills the inside of the cell
DNA found here
Directs cellular activity
Has a nuclear membrane
Site of protein synthesis
Found through the cell and dotting the ER
Rough Endoplasmic Reticulum
Assists in synthesis of proteins
Transports proteins
Dotted with ribosomes
Hugs the nucleus
Smooth Endoplasmic Reticulum
Synthesis of lipids
Transports lipids
Looks like tunnels or coral tubes
Golgi Apparatus
Sorting, packaging and distribution of materials
Looks like a long ribbon
“Post office” of the cell
Transport of materials produced/received by the ER and golgi
Some dispose of waste
Fuse with lysosomes
Aid in digestion and discharge of unwanted material (ie. bacteria/old cell parts)
Fuse with vesicles
Central vacuole (plants)- storage, excretion of water
Food vacuoles (animals and protists)- I take and storage of food
Site of cellular respiration
Powerhouse of the cell
Oxygen and food are used to create energy
Found in plants and animals
Site of photosynthesis
Contains chlorophyll and other pigments
Plants/algae only
Internal framework extending throughout the cytoplasm
Shapes and supports the cell
Important for animal cells with no cell walls
Important in cell division
Pair of centrioles
Flagella and Cilia
Extensions from a cell
Cilia are hairlike used for movement and trapping materials
Flagella are whiplike and larger, used for movement