Chapter 9 - Lecture Section 9.3 Flashcards
Humans Retinas have ___ proportions of L-Cones and M-Cones
True or False: Depending on what the Wavelength that’s being reflected is, is the colour that we’ll see
False. It’s more complicated than this for a number of reasons.
The Sensors/Cones can be different from person to person, but despite this individual variability, people are still generally ___ in the way they recognize colours.
___ Wavelength Cones are always evenly distributed, but sparse in the ___ Periphery, this is fairly common across all people.
S // Near
What is Colour Constancy?
Perception of colour remains relatively unchanged despite changes in ambient illumination
What is an example of Colour Constancy?
Think of all the changes in ambient illumination you would experience on a normal day, you’re inside your house looking at your shirt which is green, then you go into the living room where the illumination condition is different, and the sweater doesn’t look like it’s changed colour.
A Green sweater has a peak of reflectance of 495nm under LED light, but 570nm under incandescent light, yet it always looks like ___ green colour, this is referred to as ___.
the same // Color Constancy
Sunlight is more or less ___ light.
Incandescent light, which is the old-style light bulb that has a tungsten filament, has very ___ looking light, where there are much more ___ wavelengths and relatively few ___ wavelengths.
yellow-ish // longer // short
In a modern LED light bulb, the ___ light that is produced is because of several different coloured LED ___.
white // photodiodes
What are the mechanisms that have been shown to contribute to Colour Constancy perception?
Chromatic Adaptation
Effect of the Surroundings
Memory and Color
What is Chromatic Adaptation?
Chromatic Adaptation refers to the selective bleaching of certain photoreceptors depending on the ambient lighting.
What is Ambient lighting?
Ambient lighting would be the lightbulb in the room that is casting its light onto all the surfaces, and those surfaces are then reflecting light into your eye, but the wavelength that is being reflected is dominated by the light source.
So if it’s a Red light, most of the light that’s reflected is going to be a Longer wavelength.
When our eyes adapt to ambient light, it becomes ___ to the wavelengths.
less sensitive
When the room that the subject is sitting in and also the other room is illuminated by White light, and the colour sample is Green, the subject will say the Green paper is ___.
When the sample room has Red illumination, but the ambient lighting where the person is sitting has White illumination, an illusion is produced, and the subject reports that the paper has shifted towards ___, and will look ___.
Red // kind of yellowish or brownish
Why does the subject perceive that the paper looks kind of yellowish or brownish when the sample room has Red illumination and the ambient lighting where the person is sitting has White illumination?
This is because the observer is not adapted because of the ambient light in their room being White, so they are adapted across all wavelengths more or less equally
Both the sample room is illuminated in Red light, and the subjects room is illuminated in Red light, so the subject becomes adapted to Red, all of the Red light that is reflecting off of these surfaces are flooding the eye with predominantly L wavelengths, and so the L wavelength cones are becoming adapted, they are losing sensitivity to this l wavelength light. The result is that the colour perception of Green paper is now slightly shifted toward ___ rather than strongly shifted.
___ decreases sensitivity
Selective bleaching
With Chromatic Adaptation, as you are becoming adapted, less sensitive to the dominant colour, it appears to fade and other colours are ___ to pick out.
With Chromatic Adaption, what happens when there is lush illumination/a lot of green surfaces?
We become less sensitive to Green and this allows other colours to stand out, like flowers or berries.
With Chromatic Adaption, what happens in an Arid environment/a lot of Yellow surfaces?
Like in a fall environment, where all the grass has turned Yellow, you become less sensitive to Yellow
Chromatic Adaptation can cause adaptation to the ___ colour in the ___ lighting.
dominant // ambient
Chromatic Adaptation helps with ___ and searching for ___ in the scene.
object detection // novelty
What is the evolutionary advantage to Chromatic Adaptation?
Dominant colours appear to fade and other colours are more easy to pick out.
If you are foraging for flowers or berries, their colours will become more apparent.
This helps with object detection and searching for novelty in the scene.