Chapter 9 – evaluation and discipline Flashcards
When is Feedback on individual performance is most effective when delivered?
As soon as possible after an action or incident
When should the fire officer correct unsafe conditions?
As soon as they are noticed
A moral, mental, and physical state in which all ranks respond to the will of the leader.
The fire officer builds ………. by training to meet performance standards, using rewards and punishments judiciously, instilling confidence in and building trust among team leaders, and creating knowledgeable collective well.
Discipline that is based on encouraging and reinforcing appropriate behavior and desirable performance.
Positive discipline
Discipline that is based on punishing inappropriate behavior or unacceptable performance performance
Negative discipline
Positive discipline should be used before negative discipline is applied
A fire officer provides ………by identifying weaknesses, setting goals and objectives to improve performance and providing the capability to meet those targets.
Positive discipline
One of the most effective strategies within the realm of positive discipline is…………..
Some type of Hands-on training or activity should be scheduled every day, and skills have been shown to deteriorate if not used within ……… days of training.
90 Days
The first level of negative discipline, considered “informal” by many organizations. And “informal” discipline action stays with the fire officer and does not become part of the employees record.
Oral reprimand, warning, or admonishment
Fire fighter who is not meeting expectations should know there was a problem ………. the annual evaluation is undertaken.
The subordinate should be given adequate time to change the behavior or improve the skill, particularly if it is jeopardizing a scheduled pay raise or continuing employment.
Long before
…….. is common when the fire officer is required to conduct a face-to-face meeting with the fire fighter to review the evaluation.
………. reduces conflict, because a positive evaluation is likely to make the evaluation a more pleasant experience and avoids confrontation.
Leniency or severity
……….. is an evaluation error in which the fire fighter is evaluated only on incidents that occurred in the last few weeks, rather than on all of the events that occurred throughout the evaluation period .
A fire officer demonstrates a ……….. when a fire fighter is rated in the middle of the range for all dimensions of work performance. This holds a little value for the fire fighter or the evaluation process.
Central tendency
An evaluation error
When a fire fighter is evaluated on the bias of the fire officers personal ideals instead of the classified Job standards.
Frame of reference
………… is aimed at discouraging unacceptable behavior and poor performance.
…………is a stronger force than positive discipline
Negative discipline
An official negative supervisory action at the lowest level of the progressive discipline process
Formal written reprimand
A work assignment that isolates the fire fighter from the public, often an administrative assignment away from the fire station environment.
Restrictive duty
An evaluation error in which the fire officer takes one aspect of a firefighters job and applies it to all aspects of work performance
Halo and horn effect
A pre-disciplinary conference that occurs before any suspension, demotion, or involuntary termination is issued. This term refers to a US Supreme Court decision.
Loudermill hearing
Discipline should be progressive, moving from _____ to _____and from ______to _______.
Positive to negative. &
Minor to major
What specifies all of the required knowledge, skills, and abilities that a fire fighter is expected to master within a specified time. To complete the probationary requirements?
A classified job description
How often should performance evaluations be held?
not just when a scheduled rating has to be submitted
By training to meet performance standards, using rewards and punishments judiciously, installing confidence in and building trust among team leaders, and creating knowledgeable collective will, the fire officer builds _________?
A moral, mental, and physical state in which all ranks respond to the will of the leader
Starting out to correct a problem with positive discipline and then increasing the intensity of the discipline if the individual fails to respond to the positive form, perhaps by using mild negative discipline
Progressive discipline
Unless there’s a problem with employees performance, the scheduled evaluation should be used primarily as an opportunity to discuss future _____ and _______.

Goals and objectives
If an employee receives a substandard annual evaluation then the outcome might require a _______ _______ _______. This plan should cover a span of time such as 120 calendar days, that would be designated as a special evaluation. Period
Work improvement plan
What starts the paper trail of progressive discipline process?
A written reprimand
A _________ hearing can be conducted by disciplinary board, by the fire chief or another ranking officer, or buy a hearing officer.
Program that helps employees cope with underlying issues that might be affecting workplace performance
If you were employed grievances and severe disciplinary actions are encountered when ______ is in place.