Chapter 15 – managing incidents Flashcards
Which two programs provided the foundation for the national incident management system NIMS?
The southern California FIRESCOPE and
the Phoenix Arizona fire ground commander programs FGC
NFPA # for emergency services incident management system?
NFPA 1561
Developed in 1990
FGC Program focused on small and medium sized urban emergencies. FIRESCOPE Handled the challenges at………..
Large scale wildfires
The ……….is a core set of doctrines, concepts, principles, terminology, and organizational process. It allows for effective, efficient, and collaborative incident management across all emergency management and incident response organizations.
National incident management system
Five components of NIMS are:
- Preparedness
- Communications & information management
- Resource management
- Command and management
- Ongoing management and maintenance
Conducting a critique should be scheduled ………after the event, while allowing adequate time to gather and prepare the necessary information.
As soon as convenient
The 1974 Stafford act covers all hazards including natural disasters and terrorist events. To be eligible, requires an adoption and implementation of ………
The incident commander position is the only position that is ……….
Always filled
The IC is responsible for completing all tasks that are not ………
The recommended span of control is?
3-5 up to 7
The overall direction and goals are set at the strategic level
The IC always functions at the ………..
Strategic level
………. assignments are usually defined by a geographic area (one part of a building) or functional responsibility (ventilation), or sometimes by a combination of the two.
In large incidents, another level of management may be added to maintain a reasonable span of control. ………..are established to group tactical components.
An officer assigned to a branch would oversee some combination of ………..
Divisions, groups, or units
The actions required to achieve tactical objectives. This is where the physical work is accomplished.
Task level assignments
Ex.Searching for victims, operating hose lines
The IC is responsible for the completion of three strategic priorities:
- Life safety
- Incident stabilization
- Property conservation
Who is expected to assume command of an incident?
First fire officer or fire department member to arrive at the scene
First arriving company level officer has three options when arriving at the incident and assuming command:
- Investigation
- Fast attack
- Command mode
The safety officer, liaison officer, and information officer are always part of the ………. ; these duties cannot be delegated to other sections of the incident organization
Command staff
……..acts as the eyes and ears of the IC by identifying and evaluating hazardous conditions, watching out for unsafe practices, and ensuring that safety procedures are followed.
Safety officer
NFPA number for fire department safety officer
NFPA 1521
NFPA number for fire department occupational safety and health program?
NFPA 1500
The point of contact for representatives from outside agencies and the person responsible for exchanging info with representatives from those agencies
Liaison officer
The person responsible for gathering and releasing incident information to the news media and other appropriate agencies. The officer serves as the contact person for media requests
Public information officer
The ICS has four standard components:
- Operations
- Planning
- Logistics
- Finance/administration
The ………… section of ICS is responsible for the management of all actions that are directly related to controlling the incident. This section fights the fire, rescues any trapped individuals, treats the patients, and does whatever else is necessary to deal with the emergency situation
Operations section
The ………section of ICS is responsible for collection, evaluation, dissemination, and use of information relevant to the incident.
Also responsible for developing and updating the incident action plan IAP
Planning section
The …….. section of a ICS is responsible for providing supplies, services, facilities, and materials during the incident
Logistics section
A ……….section of ICS is usually established during a natural disaster, when state or federal experience reimbursement or inspected, or doing hazardous materials incident in which reimbursement may come from the shipper, carrier, chemical manufacturer, our insurance company.
Finance and administration
A DIVISION is composed of the resources responsible for operations within a defined ………… area.
Ex. A floor inside a building, the rear of the building, or a …….. at a brush fire
Geographical area
A……….. is composed of resources assigned to a specific function, such as ventilation, search and rescue, or water supply.
The ………supervisor might coordinate actions of a crew advancing a hose line into a fire area, a crew that is search and rescue in the same area, and a crew that is performing then ventilation.
Division supervisor
The smallest organizational elements within the incident management system.
ex. The officer assigned to supervise the air supply
“Air supply”
After a tornado, if damage occurred in two separate areas across town, the IC could establish two …….., one for each area affected.
A supervisory level established in either the operations or logistics function to provide an appropriate span of control
A standard procedure to manage uncommitted resources at the scene of an incident.
These resources are immediately available for use where and when the incident commander needs them.
Five units of the same type with an assigned a leader.
Ex. 5 engines, 5 ambulances
Strike team
2 to 5 Single resources that are assembled to accomplish a specific task.
Ex. 2 engines, 1 truck co
Under the supervision of 1 Leader
Task force
Task force leader
EMS strike teams, consisting of five ambulances and a supervisor, often organized to respond to ………
Multiple casualty incidents or disasters
……….. was amended in 2007 to provide federal government disaster and emergency assistance to state and local governments, tribal nations, eligible private nonprofit organizations, and individuals affected by a declared major disaster or emergency.
The Stafford Act
The incident command system ICS, is part of the NIMS component. What does NIMS stand for?
National incident and management component
What Act provides the federal government disaster an emergency assistance to state and local governments
Covers all hazards including natural disasters and terrorist events
The Stafford act
What is the core set of doctrines, concepts, principles, Termanology, and organizational process that allows for affective efficient and collaborative incident management across all emergency management an incident response organizations?
National incident management system
Which system allows the company officer to maintain a manageable span of control?
How many levels of command are included in the ICS
3 Levels
What are the three levels of command and ICS?
Strategic level
Tactical level
Task level
Who is responsible for ensuring that safety issues are managed effectively at the incident scene
Safety officer
The fourth major ICS component under the IC, responsible for the administrative, accounting, and financial aspects of an incident, as well as any legal issues that may arise
Finance/administration section
Within a building, divisions commonly take the number of the floor on which they are working. For example firefighters working on the fifth floor would be division ______.
A basic tactical unit for emergency operations, with the fire officer in the role of a working supervisor
A fire company