Chapter 13 – Preincident planning and code enforcement Flashcards
What are three critical tasks that fire officers handle in relation to properties within their communities?
- Identify and correct things fire safety hazards through safety checks or code enforcement
- Developing and maintaining pre-incident plans
- Promoting fire safety through public education
NFPA # for pre-incident plan
NFPA 1620
The original purpose of a pre-incident plan was to provide information that would be useful in the event of a fire at a ……..or ………location
High value
High risk
A property that has potential to produce a catastrophic property or life loss in the event of a fire
High risk property
Ex: nuclear power plants, bulk fuel storage, hospitals, jails
Pre-incident plan is meant to identify in advance the ………..that should be taken if a predictable situation occurs and make firefighters familiar with the building
Strategies and actions
NFPA 1626 step method
Preincident plans
- Identify physical elements and site considerations
- Identify occupant considerations
- Identify fire protection systems and water supply
- Identify special hazards
- Identify emergency operation considerations
- Identify special or unusual characteristics of common occupancy
A drawing that shows the relationship of the building to other buildings, streets, hydrants, utility controls, and other features.
Plot plans
During pre-incident planning, building specific information should include hours of operation, occupant load, and the ………..
This information will imply how many companies would be needed and what they can expect in terms of removing occupants
Location of occupants
If evacuees need to be relocated, their location must be………..
The ideal hydrant would be fed from a large main that is part of a grid that allows water to flow from………
Several directions
NFPA # for recommended practice for fire flow testing and marking of hydrants
NFPA 291
The total quantity of all combustible products found within a room or space
Fuel load
The four phases of a developing Fire:
- Incipient
- Free burning
- Flashover
- Smoldering/decay
The stage of a fire that involves only the object of origin?
Incipient phase
A drawing of the interior of the structure and is similar to ArchiText blueprints. It notes stairwell locations, elevators, stand pipe connections, material storage areas, fire alarm panels, and points of entry.
Floor plans
A …………… establishes legally enforceable regulations that relates specifically to fire and life safety, including related subjects such as regulation of hazardous materials and processes protection and operating features.
Fire code
Who is the authority that has jurisdiction for a state fire code?
State fire marshal
Who has jurisdiction for a local fire code?
Fire chief, fire marshal, or code enforcement official
When a state fire code has been established, it is generally the ……… standard in all jurisdictions within that state
Who does the state fire marshal usually delegate enforcement authority to?
Local fire officials
At the local level, fire and safety codes are enacted by adopting an …………, which is a law enacted by and authorized subdivision of the state, such as a city, county, or town.
The local jurisdiction adopts an ……….. that establishes the fire code as a set of legal enforceable regulations and empowers the fire chief to conduct inspections and take enforcement actions
What are the two reasons for a fire company to perform inspections?
- Clarifying means of access and egress
2. The status of built-in fire protection features
Some automatic sprinkler systems are ………. and sound a gong or a bell only at the outside of the building
Local alarms
……….systems are used in locations where a wet pipe system would likely freeze, such as an unheated storage facility and parking garage.
Dry pipe systems
Sprinkler system most often found in ordinance plants, aircraft hangers, and occupancy’s with flammable liquid hazards.
All the sprinkler heads are open and ready to discharge as soon as the control valve opens.
Deluge systems
A sprinkler system that is designed to reduce the risk of water damage due to accidental sprinkler discharge.
Includes a separate detection system that triggers the dry pipe valve and fills the sprinkler pipes with water
Pre-action sprinkler system
Standpipes are the subdivided into three classes based on their expected use:
- Class I Intended for use by fire department. 2 1/2” hose outlets
- Class II designed for occupant use. 1 1/2” hose coupling with pre-connected hose and nozzle in a hose station cabinet
- Class III Intended use for occupants up until fire department arrives. 1 1/2” and 2 1/2” connections. May have inch and a half pre-connected hose line
Carbon dioxide extinguishers fire by displacing oxygen. This gas is heavier than air, so it settles in low places. Firefighters are required to use ………if a fixed system has been activated
Halon has not been allowed to be manufactured or imported into the United States since 2000, but ……….may still be recharged
Legacy systems
Flammable or combustible liquids such as gasoline storage tanks, use a …………..that discharge is bubbles over a liquid surface creating a smothering blanket extinguishing the fire.
Low expansion foam system
NFPA # for standard on types of building construction
NFPA 220
Type I Construction
Fire resistive
The most durable and lasting structure
Type II construction
Type III construction
Limited combustible (ordinary)
Main street USA
Usually no higher than 4 stories
Type IV construction
Heavy timber
Type V Construction
Wood frame
Most common structures including single-family, multi family, Mercantile, and low rise commercial buildings
NFPA # for identification of hazardous materials for emergency response
NFPA 704
NFPA 704 what does blue quadrant represent
Health hazards
NFPA 704 what does red quadrant represent?
Flammability hazards
NFPA 704 What does yellow Quadrant represent?
Materials reactivity hazard
NFPA 704, numbers from 0 to 4 represent the relative hazard. 0 means the material poses …….hazard where 4 indicates……….
No hazard
Extreme danger
NFPA 704 The white quadrant indicates?
Special hazards
During inspections, less critical issues can be corrected by the occupancy manager within a reasonable time period, generally ……….
30 to 90 days
NFPA # for portable fire extinguishers
Where should Hazard identification signs meeting NFPA 704 should be placed?
Stationary containers
Above ground tanks
Entrances to locations where hazardous materials are stored
When is the best time for officers to be on the lookout for fire and life safety hazards during
 Pre-incident planning
Meant to identify in advance the strategies, tactics, and actions that should be taken if a predictable situation occurs? Also to make the firefighters familiar with the building.
Pre-incident planning
These provide a representation of the exterior of a structure
Plot plans
These are interior views of a building
Floor plans
Who has considerable experience with tracking evacuees for larger evacuations during weather related events?
American red cross
Open pipe chases, elevator shafts, and balloon construction, all contribute to this?
Vertical fire spread
What make and seal horizontal fire spread
False ceilings and cock lofts
What are the factors that may potentially hinder the collection of data
Time, owner resistance, and proprietary information
What part of the pre-incident plan should show the relationship of the building to other buildings, Street, hydrants, utility controls, and other features?
Plot plan
A state fire code applies everywhere in the state, where as a local adopted fire code can be within that particular _______.
In many cases, a state or provincial fire code sets up a ______ standard, and local jurisdictions have the option of adopting more stringent requirements.
The local jurisdiction may not be able to exceed the state minimum fire code. This is called
Min/max code
Who is the authority having jurisdiction for a state fire code?
The state fire marshal
Who would have the authority having jurisdiction in a provincial fire code?
Provincial fire marshal or fire commissioner
Who has authority of jurisdiction for a local fire code?
The local fire chief, fire marshal, or code enforcement official
What is a model code document that contains requirements specifically related to protecting the lives of building occupants covering detailed information on means of egress?
NFPA 101, life safety code
What year did the national Board of fire underwriters publish the national building code?
Having the same regulations apply in many jurisdictions and all of the requirements are coordinated to work together without conflicts is a primary advantage of a ____ _____.
Model code
What occurs when the jurisdiction passes an ordinance that adopts a specific edition of the model code?
Adoption by reference
A jurisdiction’s codes often allow more flexibility in the design of a building when these are included
Build in fire protection systems
Sprinklers operated in how many of all reported structure fires large enough to activate sprinklers.
This fire protection system requires higher maintenance because the activation of sprinkler system requires the entire sprinkler system to be drained
Dry pipe systems
These are special versions of wet or dry pipe systems in which large quantities of water are needed to control a fast developing fire quickly
Deluge systems
The extinguishing agent of choice for fire protection in computer rooms and electronic equipment from the 1960s to the 1990s
Halon 1301
What is used in areas where the goal is to fill a large space with foam, thereby excluding air from the area and smothering the fire?
High expansion foam
What are usually included in the ordinance that adopts the local fire code?
The fire department authority and responsibilities for conducting code compliance inspections
NFPA standard on types of building construction
NFPA 220
How are buildings themselves classified by, referring to the design and the materials used in construction?
Construction type
This refers to the purpose for which a building or portion of a building is used or is intended to be used.
Occupancy type
An occupancy used for the gathering of people for deliberation, worship, entertainment, eating, drinking, amusement, or awaiting transportation
An occupancy used for account and recordkeeping or transaction of business other than Mercantile
Occupancy that is used for educational purposes through the 12th grade.
Some may also cover some daycare centers for children older than 2 1/2 years.
An occupancy that either products are manufactured or processing, assembling, mixing, packaging, finishing, decorating, or repair operations are conducted
Occupancy is used for purposes of medical or other treatment or for care of 4 or more persons where such arguments are more in capable of self preservation.
An occupancy is used to house 4 or more persons under very degrees of a strain or security, where such arguments are mostly in capable of self-preservation because of security measures not under the occupants control.
Detention and correctional
Occupancy used for the display and sale of merchandise
What is the goal for a code compliance inspection in a public assembly occupancy?
Ensure that all of the access and egress pathways are clear and in good order
What is a major problem noted in a mini assembly inspections?
In every inspection, the fire department must confirm that there is sufficient _____ ______ ______ for the occupants
Means of egress
What are important considerations for assembly type occupancies?
Exit lighting an emergency lights
Which occupancies are notorious for inappropriate use of electrical cords?
In education occupancy, what was the example of a catastrophic theory of reform, in which 95 people died, most of them children?
The our Lady of Angels school fire
December 1, 1958
When the fire officer is inspecting residential units, where are the areas they can inspect, unless otherwise requested by the occupant
Common areas
What is essential in detention facilities because of the inability of occupants to protect themselves from fires?
Working sprinkler systems
What is the NFPA for standard on disaster/emergency management and business continuity programs?
NFPA 1600