Chapter 3 - Firefighters and the fire officer Flashcards
Once the meeting with the officers supervisor is over, the formal organization expects the officer to as ………. issued or amended.
Enforce the order
Firefighters who want to initiate a harassment complaint have a choice of three methods for doing so. They are :
- Federal government
- Local government
- Within the Fire department
A prompt and accurate report at the start of the workday provided from each work location to the battalion or district chief within the first 15 minutes of the reporting time?
Beginning of shift report
When faced with an unpopular order, the fire officer should expressed concerns and objections with his or her supervisor ………..
In private
If the department has agreed to an EEOC consent decree, it has promised the court that it will work to hire qualified individuals who reflect …………..
The community
Fire officers should not complain about problems without proposing …………
The company level officer functions as a working supervisor, sharing the hazards and work conditions with the ………..
Fire Company team
What year was the Equal employment opportunity act
Every fire officer has an obligation to work effectively with a supervisor. These are three activities that are necessary to ensure a good working relationship:
- Keep your supervisor informed
- Make appropriate decisions at your level of responsibility
- Consult with your supervisor before making major disciplinary actions or policy changes
The most valuable proposals from officers would consider the larger picture of how a possible solution would affect the rest of the………..
What years were the civil rights acts signed?
New supervising fire officers must make prompt …………
Sometimes of information must be passed up the chain of command quickly. For example, all injury infectious disease exposure reports must be processed without delay.
The third and fourth issues cited by the administrative fire officers ……… and ……….. are of equal importance
Decision making
Problem solving
For an actionable item, the fire officer must act immediately in these situations by speaking with the offending firefighter in private, and counseling the fire fighter that behavior is unacceptable in the fire station or in any situation where the individual is representing the department either on duty or
The fire officer should provide the fire fighter with the fire department’s EEO/AA policy statement and if applicable, the code of conduct
Off duty but in uniform
The company level officer plays a key role in developing competencies within the company. These are the three specific recommendations to assist fire officers in this task:
- Develop a personal training library
- Know the neighborhood
- Use problem-solving scenarios
In municipal fire department, a fire officer’s supervisor is usually a ……….. who supervises numerous fire companies within a geographic area
Command level officer
(batallion chief, district chief)
In the supervisor role, the fire officer functions as the official representative of the …………
Fire chief
A company officers duties can be divided into three distinct roles:
- Supervisor
- Commander
- Trainer
The fire officer must immediately respond to any utterances of offensive or derogatory language in the work environment.
The EEOC 1999 guidelines clearly state that ………… are liable for the acts of those who work for them if the organization knew or should have known about the conduct and took no immediate, appropriate, corrective action.
Employee behaviors that require an immediate corrective action by the supervisor
Actionable items
Who is directly responsible for the supervision, performance, and safety of a crew of firefighters?
He or she has a sacred duty to ensure that all of the fire company team members remain safe when operating in a hostile or hazardous work environment.
The company officer
4 most important tasks by new fire officers that are considered vital by Chiefs officers?
- Beginning of shift report
- Notifications
- Decision making
- Problem solving
What year did the EEOC amend the guidelines on sexual-harassment?
What year was the equal employment opportunity commission of civil rights act signed?
Cannot discriminate because of individuals race, color, religion, sex, or national origin
The ability of an officer to project an image of being in control of the situation
Command presence
What are the four most important tasks a new officer needs to perform well
- Beginning of shift report
- Notifications
- Decision making
- Problem-solving
Fire officer should provide this at the start of the workday from each location, to the battalion or district chief, within the first quarter hour of reporting time 
Beginning of shift report
Some types of information must be passed off the chain of command quickly. New supervising fire officers must make prompt ________.
The fire department has an agency wide mission that is translated into _______. These are used to develop annual, Quarterly, and monthly objectives for each fire company.
Annual goals
Monthly goals show up as the planned activities on the fire company ________ _________.
Daily planner
He was known as the father of fire-based emergency medical services, and a practicing attorney.
Promoted to battalion chief of Los Angeles county fire department in 1971
Wrote fire company supervision textbook, Effective Company Command
James O. Page
- Keeping your supervisor informed,
- making appropriate decisions at your level of responsibility,
- consult with your supervisor before making disciplinary actions or policy changes are all obligations every fire officer has to work effectively with a _________
NFPA# for Standard for fire officer professional Qualifications.
NFPA 1021
Title VII of the civil rights act of 1964 makes it illegal to refuse to hire based on__________
Race, color, religion, sex, or national origin
Equal Employment opportunity act of 1972 covers all public and private employers with 15 or more employees. In general, the 1972 act covers ______and other _________
Volunteer fire departments
Nonprofit emergency service organizations
As applied to fire department, ________means the work force should reflect the community service
Complaint settled by a court decision represent less than _____ % of all the harassment, hostile workplace, and discrimination complaints filed against fire departments.
Firefighters who want to initiate a harassment complaint have a choice of three methods for doing so. What are these three
- Federal government
- Local government
- Within the fire department
What is the most common reason a local government is found liable in harassment or Hostile work place cases?
Failure to investigate a complaint
What is the second most common way local governments lose harassment or hostile workplace complaints?
Blaming the person bringing the complaint to you.