Chapter 17 – fire attack Flashcards
Four factors that separate modern dwellings from legacy dwellings are:
- Larger homes
- Open house geometries
- Increased fuel loads
- New construction material
Modern dwellings are almost …… large as legacy single-family dwellings
Open geometry in modern homes reduces ………. and allows more air to support rapid fire propagation
Movement of heat and smoke from a higher pressure area within a fire area toward lower pressure areas accessible via doors, windows, and other openings
Flow path
………….by applying 30 - 90 seconds of water into the compartment dramatically reduces Fire development and improved conditions
Softening the target
The fire officer needs to see and directly communicate with all of the members when performing a task in a high-risk situation, such as ………
IDLH environment or below grade rescue
Size up begins long before arrival and continues until the incident is …………
The end result of a good size up is an ………… that considers all the pertinent information, defines strategies and tactics, and assigns resources to complete those tactics.
Incident Action Plan
SOP’s list the essential ……….. factors, which include building size and arrangement, type of construction, occupancy, fire and smoke conditions, and other factors, such as weather and time of day.
Size Up factors
Vigorous dark smoke churning means a high heat release rate, indicating ……… conditions are present
Before introducing additional air into a compartment that is belching dark, billowing smoke, the officer needs to Soften the target and coordinate ………. efforts with the assigned crews
Fires involving class B combustibles require the use of ……….
A fire in Class A combustibles normally dictates a direct attack with………..
Five step process for analyzing emergency situation, created by chief Lloyd Layman, in 1940:
Fundamentals of fire tactics
Layman’s size up procedure
- Facts
- Probabilities
- Situation
- Decision
- Plan of operation
The National Fire Academy NFA has developed a size up system that includes three phases:
- Pre-incident information
- Initial size up
- Ongoing size up
NFA initial Size Up “ what do I have?” Should include these actions?
- The IC completing a 360 around the building
- Locating the fire and the size of the fire as well as volume, color, movement, and location of smoke.
- Also the size and construction of the building
- Any exposures, and special concerns such as the possibility that light weight construction could be involved.
……………consist of an advance into the fire building by firefighters with hose lines or extinguishing agent to overpower the fire.
This activity drives most fire department training, operations, and organizational structures.
Offensive operation
The risks of an offensive attack can be justified only when it may generate realistic benefits.
Specifically, there must be …………. that can be saved to justify taking this risk.
Lives or valuable property
A ……….. is used when the risks outweigh the benefits.
Firefighters are not allowed to enter the structure or do not operate for positions that involve avoidable risks
Conducted from the exterior, using large streams to contain and, if possible, overwhelm a fire.
A defensive operation
A strategy where a defensive operation is initiated, but with the recognition that the situation could change to an offensive approach when interior conditions improve.
Transitional operation
Chief Lloyd Lehman developed a list of seven factors to assist in developing an action plan. What is the acronym?
R Rescue E exposures C confinement E Extinguishment O overhaul V ventilation S Salvage
The first five factors are listed in a priority order, the last two maybe used at any point to support the first five.
The best method of protecting the occupants from harm is to ………..
Extinguish the fire quickly
Whenever interior search and rescue operations are underway, the fire must be attacked to give the rescuers time to enter the structure and search for occupants
The best method of protecting an exposed property is ………..
Make an aggressive fire attack and extinguish the fire before it can spread
If the fire is in one room, the objective of confinement should be to …………
Confine the fire to that room of origin
prevent spreading of fire to uninvolved areas of the same property
………. eliminates or significantly reduces the need for rescue, exposure, and confinement properties.
Rapid extinguishment
When operating at ventilation limited fires, controlling the door and coordinating ventilation with water application are vital to controlling the ………… in early suppression operations
Flow path
PPE allows firefighters to enter deeper into buildings and stay longer often without sensing the level of …….. in the environment
An initial rapid intervention crew (IRIC) are …….. members from the initial attack crew
A RIC or RIT Consists of ……. members.
The term ………. is used to indicate that a fire fighter is lost, missing, or in life-threatening danger.
The incident commander standard response to a Mayday is to activate the RIC. When this occurs, the RIC operation has priority over ………..
All other tactical functions
The IC should use the tactical priorities to determine the relative importance of each task needed to be performed in the context of the specific situation. ……….. often guide these decisions, as do staffing and standard equipment on each piece of apparatus
The ………. is the agency that has the primary responsibility for notifying people within an evacuation area of what to do.
Police department
For large scale or long term evacuations, the ……….. may need to be contacted to establish emergency shelters for residence.
Red Cross
At least 1 million fire deaths have occured in ………… dwellings.
More than any other type of occupancy in the United States
One-and two-family dwellings
Single-family dwellings constructed since 1980 often have an ……… with lightweight structural components supporting floors and roofs.
Open geometric design
Balloon frame construction was common until the ……….
Low rise multi family dwellings that have been built since the 1980s are often type……. construction, with lightweight wood truss components in the floors and roof
Type V Construction
Multi family dwellings that are NFPA compliant 13R have automatic sprinkler systems, but may increase the degree of difficulty for the firefighters having…………
Taller buildings, longer hallways, restricted apparatus access due to creative landscaping.
The NFPA 13 R system does not protect the ……. area or the ………
Attic area
Void Spaces
In a high-rise fire, it is important to gain control of the ………
The ……… officer controls the lobby and entry and exit of both civilians and firefighters in the lobby. In addition, he controls elevators, operates local building communications and assists in controlling of the heating ventilating and air conditioning systems.
Lobby control officer
In high-rise operations the group of firefighters who move equipment and water supply hose lines up and down the stairwells.
Stairwell support group
The stairwell support unit leader reports to the Support Branch Director or the logistics section chief
What is an important factor in limiting heat release in temperatures in a house fire?
Limiting flow paths until fire suppression water is ready to be applied
At a structure fire, the fire officer relays relevant information to who?
Branch, group, or IC
Who serves as the eyes and ears for the IC
company officer
Command staff assignments include the roles of safety officer, liaison officer and ____ _____ officer 
Public information officer
When does the first phase of size of begin?
Long before the incident occurs
What guides the decision making process and ensure consistency between officers and events?
Controlling the door and coordinating ventilation with water application are vital to controlling the flow path early in suppression operations while operating at _____ _____ fires.
Ventilation – limited
This Tactical activity includes protecting or removing property that could be damaged by the fire, smoke, water, or fighterfighting operations.
A dedicated crew of firefighters who are assigned for rapid deployment to Rescue lost or trapped members
Rapid intervention crew
NFPA standard for training fire service rapid intervention crews
NFPA 1407
Incident commanders should use _____ _____ when assigning tasks
Tactical priorities
In most cases, what is the first level of assistance for fires?
Mutual aid from surrounding fire departments
When the need for resources exceeds the normal capabilities of the fire department and involves numerous other agencies, a fire officer may have to activate the _____ _____ _____.
Local emergency plan
The fire officer should consult the emergency response guidebook, the local hazardous materials team, or keep track for guidance in determining evacuation distances based on the _____, _____and _____.
Product, quantity, and environmental conditions
Which type of construction Inc. void spaces in the exterior walls, interconnected with the void spaces in the floors and ceilings, where a fire could spread rapidly from the basement to the attic
Balloon frame construction
Common up until the 1930s
What is the percent of high-rise office buildings NFPA estimates there are no automatic sprinkler systems in?
What is the percent of high-rise hotels NFPA estimates there are no automatic sprinkler systems in
What is the percent of high-rise apartment buildings NFPA estimates there are no automatic sprinkler systems in?
Built-in sprinkler systems fail in about one in every ____ fires?
In high-rise fires, this is a particularly labor-intensive task?
Stairwell support group