Chapter 9 - Chronic Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism Flashcards
A condition in which the consumption of alcohol has produced major psychological, physical, social, or occupational problems.
Symptomatic Drinking
A patter of alcohol consumption aimed at reducing stress and anxiety.
The avoidance of some consumable item or behavior.
Individuals whose behavior consciously or unconsciously encourages another person’s continuation in a pattern of alcohol or other drug abuse.
Alcohol Abuse
A syndrome characterized primarily by the continued use of alcohol despite the drinker’s knowledge of having a persistent physical problem or some social or occupational difficulty.
Alcohol Dependence
A syndrom in which alcohol abuse involves a variety of significant physical, psychological, social, and behavioral problems.
Alcohol Withdrawl Syndrome
The more common of two general reactions to the cessation of alcohol consumption in an alcoholic. it is characterized by physiological discomfort, seizures, and sleep disturbances.
Delirium Tremens (DTs)
The less common of two general reactions to the cessation of drinking in an alcoholic. It is characterized by extreme disorientation and confusion, fever, hallucinations, and other symptoms.
Fatty Liver
A condition in which fat deposits accumulate in the liver as a result of chronic alcohol abuse.
Alcoholic Hepatitis
A disease involving inflammation of the liver as a result of chronic alcohol abuse.
Alcoholic Cirrhosis
A disease involving scarring and deterioration of liver cells as a result of chronic alcohol abuse.
Alcoholic Dementia
A condition in which chronic alcohol abuse produces cognitive deficits such as difficulties in problem solving and memory.
Wernicke-Korsakoff Syndrome
A condition resulting from chronic alcohol consumption, characterized by disorientation, cognitive deficits, amnesia, and motor difficulty.
Vitamin B1
The tendency to make up elaborate past histories to cover the fact that long-term memory has been impaired.
Fetal Alcohol Syndrome (FAS)
A serious condition involving mental retardation and facial-cranial malformations in the offspring of an alcoholic mother.
Capable of producing specific birth defects.
Fetal Alcohol Effect (FAE)
A cognitive deficiency in the offspring of an alcoholic mother. It is regarded as less serious that fetal alcohol syndrome.
Systems Approach
A way of understanding a phenomenon in terms of complex interacting relationships among individuals, family, friends and community.
The concept that individuals who live with a person who has an alcohol (or other drug) dependence suffer themselves from the difficulties of self-image and impaired social independence.
Children of Alcoholics (COAs)
Individuals who grew up in a family with either one or two alcoholic parents.
Concordance Rate
The likelihood that one member or a twin or family relation will have a condition if the other member has it.
A medication that causes severe physical retains and discomfort when combined with alcohol. Brand name is Anatabuse.
A long-lasting antagonist for the treatment of alcoholism. Brand name is ReVia. Brand name for an extended release injectable for is Vivitrol.
A long-lasting antagonist for the treatment of alcoholism. Brand name is Revex.
A GABA-related drug for the treatment of alcoholism. Brand name is Campral.
A serotonin-related drug for the treatment of alcoholism. Brand name is Zofran.
Alcoholics Anonymous (AA)
A worldwide organization devoted to the treatment of alcoholism through self-help groups and adherence to its principles, which include absolute abstinence from alcohol.
SMART Recovery
A treatment program for abuse of alcohol and other drugs that emphasizes a nonspiritual philosophy and a greater sense of personal control in the abuser. SMART stands for Self-Managing And Recovery Training.
Employee Assistance Programs (EAPs)
Corporate of institutional programs for workers or employees to help them with alcohol or other drug-abuse problems.
Member Assistance Programs (MAPs)
Institutional programs for workers or employees to help them with alcohol or other drug-abuse problems, set up by established unions within the organization and tailored to meet the needs of union members.