Chapter 9 - Autonomy Flashcards
What is the difference between independence and autonomy?
independence = capacity to behave on one’s own
autonomy is broader, deals with various areas of self-governing
What are the 3 main dimensions of autonomy?
- gaining emotional independence in relationships with others, especially parents
- making independent decisions and following through on them
cognitive aka value
- developing an independent set of beliefs and principles, separate from peer and parental pressures
do not occur simultaneously and do not occur in a fixed order
- leads to confusion, paradoxical situations, and differing opinions between youth and adults
What is really happening when teens are “rebelling”?
not rebelling or rejection/disconnection from the family
instead the process of self-regulation has begun but the boundaries are unclear and not mutually agreed upon
How does autonomy appear in toddlerhood?
“terrible twos”
key in development in the sense of self
assert self as an individual with needs separate from parents/others
preparation for later development in adolescence
In what ways does emotional autonomy develop during adolescence?
change in parent-child relationship (power, expression, interaction)
become less emotionally dependent on their parents
detachment (psychoanalytic view)
- natural way to force adolescent from family, implies breaking off of relationships/connection to family
emotional autonomy achieved through individuation
What is individuation?
long, gradual process
begin to let go of dependency on parents and adopt a more mature, responsible relationships with them
take increasing responsibility for the self
begin to turn less dependent relationships (peers and others)
not about severing parent-child relationships, but about transforming it
What are 4 characteristics of the transformation in parent-child relationship?
- no longer turn to parents for every concern, develop personal coping mechanisms
de-idealization of parents
- no longer considered to be experts in every area
people outside the family take up considerable emotional energy
begin to interact with parents as people not just parental figures
What are some barriers to emotional autonomy?
youth expect autonomy earlier than parents
may be anxious without safety net
parents may feel rejected and view non-compliance as rejection
How does parenting style impact emotional autonomy?
authoritative promotes independence and positive adjustment
authoritarian decreases overall well-being and increases problem behaviour leads to becoming a “follower”
- helicopter parents smother youth, can’t experience individuation
indifferent/permissive leads to pseudo-independence, over-reliance on peer advice
- detached or has no boundaries
What are some traits of toxic parenting?
excessive psychological/physical control
mental illness
manipulative, controlling, demanding
react to the disruption in family equilibrium by increasing chaos
What are some examples of maladaptive parenting?
treating older adolescent as a child
requiring all decisions to be approved
using guilt to create pressure to follow parental direction
creating fear so adolescents will not disagree
manipulating through possible withdrawal of love, affection, financial help, place to live, etc.
What are some traits of behavioural autonomy?
does not make fully independent decisions!
turn to others for advice when appropriate
weight different solutions or courses of actions using others’ and own judgement
and THEN reach an independent decision about how to act/behave
What are the 3 domains of behavioural autonomy?
changes in decision making ability
changes in susceptibility to influence of others
changes in feelings of self-reliance
What are some changes in decision making that occur when achieving behavioural autonomy?
be more aware of possible risks
consider future consequences of alternatives
turn to independent specialists as consultants
realize when advice givers have vested interests
be cautious about accepting biased advice
due to changes in cognitive development
How does self-regulation improve with age?
decisions less influenced by rewards
- risks and rewards more equally balanced
better at controlling their impulses
- by late adolescence, reasoning about rewards and impulse control have matured, decisions and actions are more planful and deliberate
Why are early adolescents especially susceptible to advice/influence of peers?
orientation towards peer group has increased
more dependent on peers as autonomy from parents increases
- peers provide bridge to autonomy
susceptibility greatest in early teen years and then declines