Chapter 10 - Intimacy Flashcards
What is intimacy?
emotional attachment between 2 people
“caring, daring, and sharing”
concern for other’s well-being
willingness to disclose honest and sensitive information
sharing of commonalities
NOT the same as intimacy
What did Bowlby suggest about intimacy?
intimacy during adolescence directly related to history of close relationships
particularly attachment in infancy
Describe the strange situation.
infant and caregiver enter unfamiliar room
child explores room with parent watching
stranger enters and approaches
parent leaves briefly, returns and comforts child
3 patterns of response (4th discovered later)
What are the 3 (4) patterns of response to the strange situation?
anxious avoidant
anxious resistant
Describe anxious avoidant attachment.
not distressed by separation
avoid contact with caregiver upon return
results when caregiver is rejecting, distant, or unpleasant
- cries a lot
- not easily soothed by caregiver
- strong need for security
defends self against rejection by avoiding contact with caregiver after separation, ignoring efforts to interact
Describe anxious resistant attachment.
stays close to parent in stranger’s presence
distressed by separation but angry and resistant upon return
results when caregiver is unpredictable and not appropriately responsive to baby’s needs
infants want to be close to reduce uncertainty but become frustrated at the inability to predict or control caregiver’s responsiveness
Describe secure attachment.
explore and interact with stranger in caregiver’s presence
distressed by separation, but easily comforted upon return
results when caregiver is accessible, and responds consistently and appropriately
infant comes to expect responsiveness and this trust allows them to explore and accept brief separations
Describe disorganized attachment.
no organized response
odd/ambivalent behaviour
- freezing
show confusion/apprehension
first impulse is to seek comfort but as they approach they are afraid to be close
results when caregiver is unpredictable or abusive
- may act destructively to child’s needs/distress
- parent may be dealing with trauma and can’t respond to child’s needs
How do infant attachments influence adolescent intimacy according to Bowlby?
early attachment relationships form basis for more general models of interpersonal relationships throughout life
- internal working model: set of beliefs and expectations about close relationships
intimacy is cumulative
- experiences build
How does secure attachment in infancy impact adolescence?
develop healthy ideas about relationships (positive internal working model)
more advanced social competencies
allow adolescents to enter into more satisfying intimate relationships
easier to develop trusting relationships when having many positive past ones
How does insecure attachment during infancy impact adolescence?
develop negative internal working model
become more vulnerable/sensitive to rejection in romantic relationships
- rejection sensitivity
choose/find selves in relationships that are unsatisfying
- self-fulfilling prophecy
What does Sullivan say about the emergence of intimacy? (chumships, integration)
intimacy first surfaces in preadolescence through same-sex friendships (chumships)
- learn important skills for later relationships
- private and intimate information
- caring friendships involving honesty, loyalty, and trust
in adolescence, need to learn how to integrate need for intimacy with sexual impulses/desires
- integrate sexuality into already established capacity for intimacy
- shift to romantic relationships
Describe the intimacy vs. isolation phase.
only after a real sense of identity can be established can real intimacy become possible
intimacy = ability to fuse your identity with someone else’s without feeling you will lose something
those with unformed identities will only be able to establish shallow relationships; pseudointimacy
- will experience sense of isolation
essential struggle is risking developing a sense of “we” with others or suffering feelings of isolation
Describe the key difference between Eriksons and Sullivans theories of intimacy.
Erikson: must develop coherent sense of identity before forming genuine intimate relationships with others
Sullivan: development of intimacy precedes development of coherent sense of self
What are some potential sex differences in the development of intimacy?
- self-definition of great importance, development of intimacy a more distant concern
- Erikson’s model may be more applicable
- intimacy fundamental concern, tasks of intimacy and identity more merged
- Sullivan’s model may be more applicable