Chapter 9 Flashcards
What is the anatomic type,location and type/distribution impulses, of Somatic efferent neurons.
Multipolar. Brain: cranial nerve motor nuclei. Spinal cord: anterior gray column. Motor to skeletal muscle.
What is the anatomic type,location and type/distribution impulses, of Visceral efferent neurons.
- Brain: motor Nuclei of cranial nerves 3,7,9,10
- Spinal cord: lateral great column in sacral region
- Autonomic ganglia
- Motor to smooth muscle, cardiac muscle, and glandular epithelium
What is the anatomic type,location and type/distribution impulses, of Somatic Afferent neurons.
- Pseudounipolar (Some bipolar)
- Retina and sensory ganglia of cranial and spinal nerves.
- Sensory from retina, internal ear skin, skeletal muscle, bones, joints
What is the anatomic type,location and type/distribution impulses, of Visceral Afferent Neurons.
- Pseudounipolar.
- Nasal mucosa and sensory ganglia of cranial and spinal nerves
- Sensory from nasal mucosa, oral mucosa, deep body organs
Which functional neuron types have cell bodies that are in the CNS?
Somatic Efferent, Visceral Efferent.
Which functional neuron types have cell bodies that are in the PNS?
VE (Postganglionic neurons), SA, VA
What are two things the prosencephalon develops into?
- Telencephalon
- Diencephalon
What does the Telencephalon develop into?
What does the Diencephalon develop into?
-Epithalamus, thalamus, hypothalamus.
The mesencephalon stays the same
The mesencephalon stays the same
What does the Rhonbencephalon develop into?
-Metencephalon, Myelencephelon
What does the Myelencephelon Develop into?
Madulla oblongata
What does the Metencephalon develop into?
-pons, cerebellum