Chapter 10 Flashcards
Name and number first 6 cranial nerves
- Olfactory nerve, 2. optic nerve, 3. Oculomotor nerve, 4. Trochlear nerve, 5 Trigeminal n. (has 3 parts Ophthalmic, Maxillary, mandibular nn.), 6. Abducens nerve.
Name and number cranial nerves 7-12.
- Facial nerve, 8. Vestibulocochlear nerve, 9. Glossopharyngeal nerve. 10. Vegus nerve, 11. Accessory nerve, 12. Hypoglossal nerve.
Name the functional neuron type, transmitting foramen and function of the Olfactory nerve.
Sensory, Cribiform foramina of ethmoid b, VA Sense of smell.
Name the functional neuron type, transmitting foramen and function of the Optic nerve
sensory, superior orbital fissure, SA Vision
Name the functional neuron type, transmitting foramen and function of the Oculomotor nerve
motor, superior orbital fissure. SE Motor to Superior, medil, and inferior rectus mm., inferior oblique m., levator palpebrae superioris m. of the eye. VE: motor to cillary m. of eye and pupillary sphincter m. of iris
Name the functional neuron type, transmitting foramen and function of the Trochlear nerve.
Motor, Superior orbital fissure, SE: motor to superior oblique m. of the eye.
Name the functional neuron type, transmitting foramen and function of the Trigeminal Ophthalmic nerve.
Superior orbital fissure, SA: sensory from and around the eye (general sensation)
Name the functional neuron type, transmitting foramen and function of the trigeminal Maxillary nerve.
Foramen rotundum of sphenoid bone, SA: sensory from upper lip, and surrounding skin, upper teeth and gums, and palate.
Name the functional neuron type, transmitting foramen and function of the Trigeminal Mandibular nerve.
Foramen ovale of sephenoid bone, SA: sensory; lower lip and surounding skin, upper teeth and gums, and palate. SE: Motor to mm. of mastication.
Name the functional neuron type, transmitting foramen and function of the Abducens nerve.
Superior orbital fissure, SE: motor to lateral rectus m. of eye
Name the functional neuron type, transmitting foramen and function of the Facial nerve
Mixed. Both internal acoustic meatus and stylomastoid foramen of temporal bone. SE, VA, VE. Taste sensation, motor to lacrimal, sublingual, and submandibular glands, motor to mm. of facial expressions and stapedius m.
Name the functional neuron type, transmitting foramen and function of the Vestibulocochlear nerve
Sensory. Internal acoustic meatus of temporal bone. SA: Sensory from cochlear part of internal ear, and vestibular part of internal ear (Balance)
Name the functional neuron type, transmitting foramen and function of the Glossopharyngeal nerve.
Mixed. Jugular foramen. SA, VE, SA, SE: taste, GS back of toung, motor to parotid gland (salivation), Cutaneous aria behind ear, motor to skeletal mm. of pharynx.
Name the functional neuron type, transmitting foramen and function of the Name the functional neuron type, transmitting foramen and function of the Vegus nerve.
Mixed, Jugular foramen. VE, VE, SA, SE: sensory to Digestive system, and few taste fibers of tongue. Motor to heart, smooth muscle muscle and glands of respiratory and digestive systems. Sensory from skin in back of ear, and posterior wall of external acoustic meatus. Motor to muscles of larynx and pharynx.
Name the functional neuron type, transmitting foramen and function of the Accessory nerve
Motor, jugular foramen. SE: motor to trapezius and part of sternocleidomastoid mm.