Chapter 8 Flashcards
Differentiate skeletal muscle tissue from skeletal muscles by listing the tissues present in each skeletal muscle.
Skeletal muscle tissue, connective tissue proper, smooth muscle tissue, epithelium, nervous tissue, blood.
List of various functions which skeletal muscles perform in the body.
Locomotion, posturing, respiration, Prehension, Mastication (Chewing), Delutition (Swallowing), abdominal press, vocalization, eye movement, venous return.
Define muscle Belly as it relates to skeletal muscle structure.
The contractile part of a muscle.
Tendon as it relates to skeletal muscle structure.
Fibrous connective tissue attachments
Aponeurosis as it relates to skeletal muscle structure.
just like normal muscle tendons, but broad and sheet like.
Origin as it relates to skeletal muscle structure.
attachment of a muscle belly to the more fixed part of the skeleton
Insertion as it relates to skeletal muscle structure.
attachment at the moveable end of muscle belly
Epimysium as it relates to skeletal muscle structure.
sheathes of connective tissue covering the a muscle belly.
Perimysium as it relates to skeletal muscle structure.
partitions that extend inward from the epimysium and segment the muscle cells into groups termed fascicle or fascicles
Endomysium as it relates to skeletal muscle structure.
Fibrous connective tissue septae enveloping each individual muscle cell.
Fascicle as it relates to skeletal muscle structure.
thin partitions termed perimysium extend inward from the epimysium and segmant the muscle cells into groups termed fasciculi or fascicles.
Myofiber vs. myofibril
Myofiber (muscle cells are also called myofibers (muscle fibers). Myofibrils are specialized organells containing contractile structures within the muscle cell called myofilaments.
What is a myomere?
unit of skeletal muscle from Z line to Z line.
What causes the A band?
overlap of thick and thin myofilaments.
what causes I bands in myofilaments?
I (isotropic) bands do not polarize visible light, therefore they appear lighter.
what causes H bands in myomere?
The lighter central region of each A band consists of thick filaments only, therefore being a little lighter.