Chapter 9 Flashcards
What is communication
Transferring of a message from sender to reciever, who understands the message.
What is a Message
The information/instructions being passed by the sender to the reciever.
When has there effective communication
When the message has been sent, recieved, understood and acted upon as intended.
What is internal communication
Communications between workers of the same organisation
What is external communication
Communication between the organisation and other organistations/individuals
What is the process of effective communication
Medium of communication
What is a transmitter/sender
The person who sends a message/starts the communication process off.
Have to decide on appropriate medium of communication and reciever.
What is a medium of communication
The method used to send a message
Eg talking/emailing
What is a reciever
Wthe person who recieves the information
What is feedback
The reply from the reciever that shows whether the message has arrived, been understood and if neccessary acted upon
What is one way communication
Communication that does not require a response
What is two-way conversation
When the reciever gives a response to the message and there is a discussion about it
What are the advantages of two-way communication (2)
The sender will know whether the information has been recieved and understood
It may motivate the reciever as they feel they are making a real contribution to the discussion
What is formal communication
When messages are sent through established channels using proffesional language
What is informal communication
When messages are sent and recieved casually using everyday language
In the workplace there are informal channels/grapevines which are unrecognised meeting, managers sometimes use to test things out before officially introducing, but can also be used to spread gossip/rumors.
What are the communication methods (3)
What are the methods of verbal communication (4)
Team meetings/briefings
Telephone calls
Video conferencing
What are the advantages of verbal communication (3)
Information is passes on quickly, meaning it is efficient for large groups of people
There is opportunity for immediate feedback/two-way communication
Message can be reinforced by the speaker with body language
What are the disadvantages of verbal communication (3)
In a large meeting, there is no way to tell if the message is being effectively communicated
Feedback can take long
Not appropriate if a record of the message is required eg. A warning
What are the methods of written communication (6)
Business letters-internal/external, follow a set structure
Memorandums-must have the businesses name, internal
Text messages-can’t be reinforced with tone/body language, but quick and discreet and there is a record
Reports-details about particular problem
Email/social network-intranet and internet
What are the advantages of written communication (3)
There is hard evidence-reduces disagreements
Can contain complicated details(can be a law to display safety procedures)
Can be copied and shared quickly
Disadvantages of written communication (3)
Two-way communication may be difficult
Other than email, it is not easy to check whether the message has been recieved and understood
There is no oppurtunity for body language, tone etc. To reinforce the message
What are the methods of visual communication (4)
Charts and diagrams
Photographs and cartoons
Films, videos and powerpoints
What are the advantages of visual communication
It presents information in an appealing way which makes it more likely to be read
Can make the message clearer by illustrating points being made
What are disadvantages of visual communication
There is no feedback unless another form of communication is used
It can be difficult for some people to ionterpret the visuals
What are the factors to be considered when choosing a communication method(7)
Importance of feedback
Importance of written record
The reciever
Message details
Leader ship style
Explain upwards communication
The passing of messages/information from subordinates to managers
Explain horizontal/lateral communication
Way of transferring informal and formal messages and ideas
Can cause conflict between departments
Explain downwards communication
Managers to subordinates
Statements+intructions about business decisions
Does not allow for feedback
Original meaning of the message may becomne distorted as it travels down the levels heirarchy
What are communication barries
Factors that stop effective communication
What causes a breakdown in communications/how can communication fail
Through problems with:
What could be wrong with the media of communication and how to resolve/lessen them
The message may be lost-insist on feedback
Wrong channel used-use appropriate channel
No feedback-choose a different medium
Distorted down a long chain of command-choose the shortest possible channel
Breakdown of medium-make other forms of communication availible
2 examples of a breakdown of media
Postal strikes or computer failure
What are the problems with the sender that cause communication barries
How do you resolve/lessen them
Jargon-use understandable terms
Wrong message/wrong reciever- make sure the right perspn is getting the right messgae
Speaks to quick/unclearly-make message clear and insist on feedback to ensure its understood
Message too long/details distract-keep message brief to ensure main points are understood
Problems with recievers that affect commjunicatiuon and how to resolve/lessen them
Not listening/paying attention-explain the importance of the message and then ask feedback
Does’t like/respect the speaker-get respected speaker to deliver the message
Problems with feedback that affects communication and how to resolvethem
No feedback-different medium/method
Reached slowly/distorted-use direct line of communication