Chapter 11-Market Research Flashcards
Market research
The process of gathering, analyzing and interpreting information about a market
Product oriented (business)
A business whose main focus of activity is on the product itself
Produces the product first the finds a market
Necessities-will definitely be bought
Old fashioned approach
Customers may wait before buying
Why do we do market research (4)
Predict future demand changes
Explain patters in sales or existing products+market needs
Reduce risks associated with new product launch
Asses the most favoured présentation/flavor for the product
What is the role of marketing (7)
To answer:
Customers willing to buy?
What price?
What type of customer?
What features?
What type of promotion?
What kinds of information does market research gather
Quantitative information-quantity of something
Qualitative information,-answers questions where opinion/judgement is necessary
What are the market research methods(2)
Primary/field research- the collection and collation of original data via direct contact with potential/existing customers
Secondary/desk research-uses information that has already been collected and is available for use by others
What are the advantages of primary research
The information is up to date+relevant
Planned and carried out by people using the data
Most effective when used to gather info ona specific problem
What are the limitations of primary research
Not immediately available
What are the advantages of second research
Can be used to help asses size of market by finding out the size of the population and its age structure
Newspapers contain vital economic forecasts
Quick to obtain
What are the disadvantages of secondary research
Data may be out of date
Availible to all businesses
Data may not be relevant
Market oriented(business)
National/international businesses
Identifies needs and wants in future and presents, produces the right goods to make sales and profits. Better able to survive+be successful
More adaptable
Able to take advantage of new opportunities
Describe the process of primary research (6)
- Decide what the purpose of the research is
- Decide on the most suitable method of research
- Who/how big is the sample
- Carry out the research
- Analyze+collect the data
6.produce an easy to understand report
What are the methods of primary research(5)
Online surveys
Focus groups
What are the advantages of questionnaires (4)
They are detailed+qualitative
Can give the customers opinion
Can be online
Can be encouraged via voucher
What are the disadvantages of a questionnaire (3)
Answers may not be accurate
Time consuming
Costs money