Chapter 9 Flashcards
What is the difference between positive discipline and negative discipline?
Positive discipline is intended to help the employee recognize problems and make corrections to improve performance or behavior.
Negative discipline is intended as a punishment for unsatisfactory performance, unacceptable behavior, or failure to respond appropriately to positive discipline.
What is meant by progressive discipline?
Moving from positive to negative and from minor to major discipline. Progressive discipline might begin with the verbal counseling than move to a verbal reprimand with a written note to be filed and employees fall into a formal reprimand and finally suspension/reductions in pay/demotion.
What’s the ultimate form of negative discipline for employee?
Why regular evaluations performed?
To ensure that firefighters know which type of performance expected while on the job and where he/she stands in relation to those expectations. Helps the firefighter set personal goals for professional development and performance improvement.
Formal written document, that evaluates a firefighters performance during the previous year.
Annual performance evaluation
Structured probationary programs require the fire officer to complete a monthly evaluation of each probationary firefighter. This evaluation typically assesses the probationary firefighter in four areas:
- Firefighting skill competency- including proficiency as apparatus operator.
- Progress in learning job specific information not covered in basic training.
- progress in learning fire company district/territory including streets and target hazards.
- Performance in other job task- station cleaning, station tours etc.
How should performance evaluation and feedback on individual performance be given to firefighters?
Performance evaluation should be a continuous supervisory process, not a special event performed only when scheduled evaluation has to be submitted.
Feedback of an individual’s performance is most effective when it’s delivered as soon as possible after an action or incident. At this point the firefighters intensely aware of the event and wants to know how he/she performed.
Discipline (skip too weird)
Moral, mental, and physical state in which all ranks respond to the will of the leader. Fire officer builds discipline by training to meet performance standards, using rewards and punishments judiciously, instilling confidence in building trust among team leaders.
Within the fire department, discipline is divided into positive and negative sides. Describe each.
Positive discipline is based on encouraging and reinforcing appropriate behavior/desirable performance.
Negative discipline based on punishing inappropriate behavior/unacceptable performance
Describe how progressive discipline should work:
Positive discipline should be used before negative discipline is applied, then increasing the intensity of positive discipline if the individual fails to respond.
Negative discipline might have to be used to an increasing degree if the individual fails to respond in an appropriate manner.
What is the key to positive discipline?
The key to positive discipline is to convince these parties that they want to do better and are capable of and willing to make the effort.
How does the fire officer provide positive discipline?
By identifying weaknesses, setting goals and objectives to improve performance, and providing the capability to meet those targets.
What is a starting point for positive discipline?
The starting point for positive discipline is to establish a set of expectations for behavior and performance. Once these expectations are known, there must be consistent and conscientious efforts to meet them. Must apply to the entire team.
How is positive discipline and reinforced?
Reinforced by recognizing improved performance in rewarding excellent performance.
How does the officer set the stage for positive discipline?
The officer sets the stage for positive discipline by setting clear expectations and “walking the walk”
What can be used as a stimulant for positive reinforcement especially at the company level?
What is one of the most effective strategies within the realm of positive discipline?
Empowerment- officer who identifies an area where improvement is needed can often empower the firefighter to correct the problem on their own. It is important for the officer to identify the target provide the resources but doing the work on their own and demonstrating their capabilities can be a very positive motivator.
What is the first level of negative discipline, considered informal – not part of the employee’s official record.
An oral reprimand, warning, or admonishment.
What are the three portions of an oral reprimand?
- Expect compliance- of violated policy/procedure
- Statement of verbal reprimand
- Notification continued failure to comply will result in more severe discipline
What is the benefit of an informal written reprimand?
The form ensures that the officer covers all the required minutes of an informal reprimand. In addition the form allows the firefighter to clearly understand that this was a discipline issue and have an opportunity to respond. This type of record is valued by the personnel office if the issue becomes a grievance or results in a civil service hearing.
What are the typical official documents municipalities require be held pertaining to an employee?
Hiring packet Tax withholding forms Personal actions i.e. change in rank and pay Evaluation reports Grievances Formal discipline
NFPA 1021 identifies ____ as the level of officer who issues formal evaluations and disciplines.
Fire officer 2
What are the four steps of the annual evaluation process?
- Supervisor fills out standardized evaluation form which evaluates subordinates on a number of knowledge areas, skills, and and abilities appropriate to rank/job.
- Subordinate is allowed to review and comment on the officers’s evaluation
- face-to-face feedback interview between the supervisor and subordinate to discuss the evaluation. Opportunity to clarify points and review the performance over the last rating period.
- Establishing goals for the subordinate to accomplish during the next evaluation. usually specific, measurable goals.
What is the goal of the feedback interview as part of annual evaluations?
The goal of feedback interview to ensure both supervisor and subordinate understand the results of the evaluation.
Since the fire officer should be providing continual evaluation and feedback throughout the year, the information on the annual evaluation should come as no surprise. What should the scheduled evaluation be used primarily for then?
The schedule evaluation should be used primarily as an opportunity to discuss future goals and objectives
Performance log
A log used by the fire officer to maintain a list of the firefighters activities by date, along with a brief description of performance observations.
T account
A slightly more sophisticated documentation system, compared to the performance logs, to track firefighter performance. The layout, which is similar to an accounting balance sheet listing credits and debits. The form list the assets on the left side and the liabilities on the right side, with the result resembling the T.
The fire officer should require all firefighters who’ve completed the probationary period to identify ____ during the next evaluation period.
To identify three work-related goals they want to achieve during the next evaluation.
How are informal performance reviews helpful.
Informal performance reviews conducted throughout the year allow review the FFer’s T account or performance log. This provides an opportunity to see what the officer can do to assist the firefighter in meeting their established goals.
Mid-year review
An informal performance review that requires a higher level of documentation. Have the FFer write a self-evaluation, which helps focus on the job description and the personal goals that were set.
At this time personal goals can be adjusted because of changes to the work environment.
Advanced Notice of a Substandard Employee Evaluation
Formal notice given in advance, typically 10 weeks/or when issue arise, of substandard performance. Gives firefighter time to change behavior/improve skill.
Notice must identify aspects of job performance that is substandard and indicate what the employee must do to avoid receiving the substandard annual evaluation.
Municipality may require work improvement plan.
Work improvement plan
Plan given to an underperforming employee, allowing a set amount of time to demonstrate improved performance/behavior.
Six weeks before the end of annual evaluation period.
Firefighter conducts another self about valuation. Goal is to identify how well firefighter has meant organizational expectations and personal goals. Officer should review document and provide feedback together develop final formal evaluation report for this rating period.
Well documented and comprehensive annual evaluation
Is based off performance long/T account, bimonthly informational reviews, may-year review, firefighter self-evaluation at six weeks before annual evaluation
Evaluation is largely a subjective process which is vulnerable to unintentional biases and errors. What are the seven biases/errors report errors?
- Leniency or Severity- rate lower/higher than actual performance. Leniency is common when conducting face-to-face evaluations.
- Personal bias- valuation error that occurs when evaluators perspective skews evaluation. If this bias is based on race religion gender etc. then is discrimination.
- Recency- evaluation error where evaluation only on incidents that occurred recently.
- Central Tendency- when a firefighter is rated in the middle of the range for all categories.
- Frame of Reference- evaluation error where firefighters are evaluated on bias of fire officers personal ideals versus actual job standards.
- Halo and Horn affect- officer concentrates only on one aspect of firefighters performance which is either exceptionally good or exceptionally bad
- Contrast Affect- evaluation error where the officer compares performance of one firefighter verses another, not to job standards.
Which force is stronger negative discipline or positive discipline?
Negative discipline is a stronger force.
The disciplinary process is designed to be consistent and well documented. What are the typical steps in a progressive negative discipline system?
- Counsel- about poor performance ensure understanding of requirements. Are there issues contributing to poor performance?
- Verbal Reprimand- for poor performance
- Written reprimand- place copy in firefighters file
- Suspend- from work for an escalating number of days
- Terminate- employment of a firefighter who refuses to improve
When is a fire officer required to consult with supervisor concerning discipline?
Before formal negative discipline
How does/might negative discipline process proceed?
- Informal oral or written reprimand- issued by supervisor, remains at station, expires after one year
- Formal written reprimand- initiated by fire officer, copy goes to individuals personal file, expires after one year
- Suspension- may originate with officer, issued by battalion chief or higher, remains permanently in employees file
- Termination- usually recommended by lower-level command officer, issued by Fire Chief after consulting with personnel office.
Formal written reprimand again
Represents an official negative supervisory action at the lowest level progressive discipline process.
Should contain:
- statement of charges in sufficient detail,
- statement this is an official letter of reprimand,
- list of previous offenses,
- statement that similar occurrences could result in more severe discipline.
What starts the paper trail of a progressive disciplinary process?
A written reprimand
A disciplinary suspension is usually a result of ____?
A willing full violation of policy or procedure or another specific act of misconduct.
Restrictive duty
Work assignment that isolates the fire fire from the public, often administrative assignment away from the fire station environment.
Examples of alternative disciplinary actions
Extension of a probationary period Establishing an Special evaluation period Involuntary transfer or detail Financial restitution Loss of leave Demotion
Loudermill hearing
In most cases a pre-disciplinary confluence must be conducted before’s suspension, demotion, or involuntary termination can be invoked. Known as a Loudermill hearing in which the employee has the opportunity to present his/her side of the case, and explanation of adverse evidence.
What Supreme Court ruling held up employer’s law right to terminate an employee without a pre-disciplinary conference.
Gilbert v Homar 1997
Employee assistance program EAP
Designed to deal with issues such as substance abuse, emotional or mental health issues, marital and family difficulties, or other difficulties that effect job performance.
One important characteristic of an EAP…
Is its ability to maintain the value to the organization of highly trained emergency service professionals.
What is the goal of EAP?
The goal of EAP is to provide counseling and rehabilitation services to get the employee back to full productive duty as soon as possible.
EAPs provide an additional benefit of reducing employee grievances and severe disciplinary actions when in place.