Chapter 13 Flashcards
What roles do Fire Officers perform in relation to properties within their communities (what 3 critical tasks do the perform)?
- Identifying and correcting fire safety hazards
- Developing and maintaining pre-incident plans.
- Promoting fire safety through public education.
Pre-incident planning
document developed by gathering general and detailed data used by responding personnel to determine the resources and actions necessary to mitigate anticipated emergencies at a specific facility.
Recommended Practice for Pre-incident Planning (which NFPA?)
NFPA 1620
high value property
contains equipment, materials, or items that have a high replacement value.
high risk property
has the potential to produce a catastrophic property or life loss in the event of a fire. (ie nuclear power plant, bulk fuel storage)
Today what are pre-incident plans meant to identify?
They are meant to advance the strategies tactic and actions that should be taken if a predictable situations occurs, and to make the firefighters failure with the building.
NFPA 1620 Outlines a six- step method for pre-incident plans
- physical elements and site conditions
- occupant considerations
- fire protection systems and water supply
- special hazards
- emergency operations considerations
- special or unusual characteristics of common occupancy
NFPA 1620 Pre-Incident plans procedure
Step one
- Identify physical elements and site conditions:
This step is all about identifying all the structural elements of the building. The size and dimensions, construction, floor plan, stairwell locations, utilities etc
NFPA 1620 Pre-Incident plans procedure
Step two
- Identify Occupant Considerations:
This part of the preincident plan looks at the occupants their age and physical and mental condition and decided how and if they will be evacuated. the preincident plan should plan on where these occupants would be moved to and what services they may need. Long term tracking of the occupants may be needed as well.
NFPA 1620 Pre-Incident plans procedure
Step three
- Identify Fire Protection Systems and Water Supply
Evaluate the building size and contents to determine water supply. Document the location of hydrants and their flow rates, ideally the hydrants would feed off a large main as part of a grid system. If demand exceeds available water then preincident plan should identify a way to mitigate the lack of water ( relay operations or water shuttle). FDCs and FACPs should be noted.
NFPA 1620 Pre-Incident plans procedure
Step four
- Identify Special Hazards:
Document any special hazards and ensure required resources (spec ops) are sent during emergencies. Special hazards may include flammable/combustable liquids, biological agents, chemicals etc. Preincident plan should not e contact information for facility hazmat coordinator and location of material safety data sheet. Any hazard that is on scene electrical to vapor should have instructions on how to handle the situation until facility hazmat arrives.
NFPA 1620 Pre-Incident plans procedure
Step five
5.Identify Emergency Operation Considerations:
Preincident plan should plan on how to fight a fire in this building. Where CP should be located.
NFPA 1620 Pre-Incident plans procedure
Step six
- Identify Special or Unusual Characteristics of Common Occupancy:
Cross reference types of hazards ie multiple FFer deaths occur in places of assembly. Then analysis the specific assembly building and try to find ways to mitigate those hazards that contribute to those deaths.
What is the goal of preincident planning?
to develop a written plan that would be valuable to both the owner of the building and the fire department if an incident occurs at that location.
What is the relationship between state fire codes and local fire code?
State fire codes are applied state wide and tend to set a minimum standard. Where local codes are only applicable within the jurisdiction and tend to be more stringent requirements.
Mini/max code
mini/max code is where the local code may not exceeded the state minimum, no local control over fire code.
catastrophic theory of reform
Fire codes are often adopted or amended in reaction to fire disasters
Authority having jurisdiction
term used in NFPA to refer to an organization, office or individual responsible for enforcing the requirements of a code or standard.
Authority having jurisdiction for a state would be the state fire Marshall.
AHJ has the ability to delegate the power to enforce the code to the fire officers, fire inspectors, and other individuals who actually conduct inspections.
building code vs fire code
building code and fire code establish minimum safety standards.
Building codes contain regulations that apply to the construction of a new building or extension or major renovation of an existing building.
Fire Codes applies existing building and to situations that involve a potential fire risk or hazard.
Building code requires the sprinklers be installed fire code ensures the sprinklers are maintained and functioning properly.
who enforces state fire codes?
The state fire Marshall usually delegates that responsibility to local fire officials.
law enacted by authorized subdivision of a state such as a city, town or county.
modle codes
documents developed by a standards-developing organization, such as the NFPA, and made it available for adoption by authorities have jurisdiction.
what does a complete set of model codes include?
building, electrical, plumbing, mechanical, and fire codes
what is the primary advantage of a model code?
The same regulations apply in many jurisdictions, and all of the requirements are coordinated to work together without conflicts.
What are the two paths that a model code may be adopted by a jurisdiction?
Adoption by reference - where the jurisdiction passes an ordinance and adopts a specific edition of the model code. ie jurisdiction adopts NFPA1
Adoption by transcription when the adopts the entire text ie when jurisdiction copy the language of the code and insert that into the actual ordinance.
how often is model code updated?
3-5 years
How long does code last?
For as long as the building is occupied for the same purpose. If the use of the building changes ie residential to assembly , or is extensively remodeled then the code must be brought current.
What are two reasons for fire companies to preform inspections
- clarify means of access and egress and status of built in FPS
- to preform inspections
What does the inclusion of FPS allow in terms of building construction?
It allows more flexibility in the design of the building. The travel time to exits can increase, the access for apparatus could be restricted the building can be taller etc.