Chapter 6 Flashcards
What do most fire officer find as their greatest challenge?
managing people
When did the concept of management emerge?
Th Industrial revolution as rural workers needing direct supervision come to work in large factories.
What are the two schools of Human Resources?
Scientific management
Humanistic management
Scientific Management
Developed by Fredrick Winslow Taylor the scientific management broke down work task into constituent elements and trained works to preform specialized sequences of motions in the one “best” way. This way skilled crafts were converted into simplified jobs that could be preformed by unskilled workers.
Taylor’s four Principles of Scientific Management
- Replace rule of thumb with methods based on a scientific study of the task
- Scientifically select, train, and develop each worker
- Cooperate with workers to ensure scientifically developed methods were being followed.
- Divide work nearly equally between managers and workers so that managers apply scientific management principles to planning and workers did the work
Humanistic Management
Started by professor George Elton Mayo the Humanistic Management method shifted the focus to the worker and working conditions, in an effort to make them more productive.
Hawthorne effect
When George Mayo preformed productivity studies at Western electric’s Hawthorne Works plant. Mayo found that people improve their performance or behavior not because of any special condition but simply because of the extra attention they received as part of the study.
Who developed Theory X & Theory Y managerial types?
Douglas McGregor
Theory X manager believes…
that people do not like work, and consequently need to be closely watch and controlled.
Theory Y manager believes…
that people like to work, but need encouragement rather than being controlled.
How do X/Y theories relate to the fire officers job? Specifically what are the 3 situations were a X mindset is required?
Theory Y- encourage FFers creativity, not always a good fit for every situation.
Theory X-need to be used in key areas.
- operating at a fire or other high risk activities close autocratic supervision required
- workplace conflicts require officer to take control and issue specific directions to defuse the situation.
- near the end of negative disciplinary measures
Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs: Firefighter edition
Level 1- Physiological Needs: the most basic needs humans need to survive Air, Water, Food, and Shelter
FO be aware of crew needs, food, water, rest
Level 2-Safety, Security, and Order: Safety and Security
Safety is a big concern, as is Security which is associated with maintaining employment
Level 3- Belonging to/being accepted by a group:
Our group is our department/ companies
Level 4- Esteem and Status: Special awards, promotions, badges
Level 5-Self Actualization: peak experiences of love, understanding, happiness, or rapture. Self actualizing people have many such peak experiences. They tend to focus on problems outside themselves, have clear sense of what is true.
Who developed the Grid Theory?
Explain basic Grid theory
Robert Blake and Jane Mouton
Grid theory assumes that every decision made and every action taken in the workplace is driven by people’s values, attitudes and beliefs.
These values are based on two fundamental concerns that influence behavior:
Concern for People and Concern for Results
Results of a survey that measured concern in each area describe 5 behavioral models.
Blake & Mouto’s Grid Model: What are all five behavioral models?
Indifferent: Evade and elude Controlling: Direct and Dominate Accommodating: Yield and Comply Status Quo: Balance and Compromise Sound: Contribue and Commit
Blake & Mouto’s Grid Model: Indifferent
Indifferent: Evade and Elude
Lowest level of concern for both results and people. Key word for this style is Neutral. Person who goes through motion of work, doing enough to get by. The Indifferent manager relies heavily on instructions and process, tend to overlook problems and not offer solutions.
Blake & Mouto’s Grid Model: Controlling
Controlling:Direct and Dominate
High concern for results but low concern for people. High concern for results bring determination, focus, and drive for success thus this person is highly trained, organized, and experienced. Low concern for other prevents controlling person from being aware of others outside what is expected in terms of results. The controlling person expects everyone else to keep up.
Blake & Mouto’s Grid Model: Accommodating
Accommodating: Yield and Comply
Low Concern for results and High concern for other people. Maintains heightened awareness of the personal feelings, goals, and ambitions of others. Cornerstone phrases “Lets’s talk about it” “What can I do to help” “ Let me know what you think”. Main weakness of this type is discussions focus on feeling and avoid concrete issues. Diametrically opposed to Controlling type.
Blake & Mouto’s Grid Model: Status Quo
Status Quo: Balance and Compromise
Believes there is an inherent contradiction between concerns for results and people, but does not value one over the other. This person sees high concerns for results or people as too extreme, moderates both. This person tends play it safe work toward acceptable solutions that follow proven methods. A key aspect of Status Quo approach is emphasis on maintaining popular status w/i team and organization. Status Quo leader must be intelligent and informed enough to persuade people to settle for less than they want to do or could achieve. To do this this leader must be well liked. This view underestimates people, results, and the power of change.
Blake & Mouto’s Grid Model: Sound
Sound: Contribute and Commit
Sees no contradiction between high concern for people and results. Feels no need to restrain, control, or diminish the concerns for both people and results. Sound model leads to more effective work relationships based on what’s right rather than who’s right. This model is preferred for a candidate who seeks to become a successful fire officer.
Human resource management
the task fo managing people using physical, financial and time assets
Typical HR management functions
Human resource planning Employee (labor) relations Staffing Human resource development Performance management Compensation and Benefits Employee health, safety, and security
Human Resource Planning
the process of having the right number of people in the right place eat the right time who can accomplish a task efficiently and effectively.
Most often deals with forecasting future staffing needs and determining how those needs can be met.
Human resource department
Includes all activities to train and educate the employees. This function is heavily dependent upon the fire officer at. the company level.
Mission Statement
a formal document that outlines the basic reason for the organization’s existence and states how it sees itself.
What is one of the greatest demands on the fire office…
is to make efficient use of time.
What is are two good methods to ensure that all activities are accomplished?
Is to place all scheduled events on a monthly calendar. the calendar provides a visual method of tracking up coming events
Another method is to create a “daily file”. Within this file a page describes each activity and specifies when it is to be completed, then organized from earliest due to latest.
What is one of the best tools to improve time efficiency?
delegation- allows subordinates to complete task they are capable of performing allowing the subordinate to grow.
Once the task is assigned the FO must provide regular follow up on the task, a verbal report at the station is most often given.
A basic daily responsibility of the FO
Performance Management
The process of setting performance standards and evaluating performance against those standards. Evaluation of the fire fighter’s performance is a primary function of the fire company officer.
Step-and-grade pay system
In such a system the position of firefighter is established on a particular pay grade level that comprises a number of steps. If the FFer has good performance they will progress from one pay step up the next until the top step of the pay grade.
Commonly used compensation system for FFers (outside of Step-and Grade pay systems)
merit-based pay: FFer is typically paid a base amount and then receives additional compensation for good performance.
skill- based pay: FFer is typically paid a base amount and then given additional compensation for any skills the fire fighter can demonstrate.
Direct Supervision
requires that the FO directly observe the actions of the crew. FO oversee interior attack as part of the crew, oversee folding of hose etc. The more dangerous the activity the more direct supervision needed.
The more direct supervision need the less effective the crew. The goal of the FO is to reduce need for direct supervision and increase the utilization of the fire company.
What are the four Borders of Managing Human Resources?
The organizations may be subject to federal laws, union contract, city regulations., and departmental policy. these four borders define the fire officers Human Resources arena.