Chapter 12 Flashcards
The difference between the current situation and the desired solution.
An expression of grief, regret, pain, censure, or resentment; a lamentation ;an accusation; or fault finding.
A state of opposition between two parties (complaint is often a manifestation of a conflict)
An error or fault resulting from bad judgement, deficien knowledge, or carelessness. Misconception or Misunderstanding
What are the four categories of problems that a fire officer could be expected to encounter?
- In house issues- situations/decisions occurring at the station that are w/i the direct scope of supervisory responsibilities. Most begin/end at company officer level.
- Internal departmental issues- policies, decisions, or activities that go beyond the scope of the local station. Resolution requires action by command officers at higher level on org chart
- External issues- FD activities that involve private citizens or another organization. Require FO to keep supervisor informed, no surprises.
- High-Profile Incidents- issues that are likely to become major events. ie FFer arrested on duty, senior fire admin before involved directly.
When dealing with problems that arise it is important to remember that problems should be handled at the lowest level possible but the FO should know …
problems that need to be handled at a higher level.
Systematic approach to solving problems includes what five steps?
- Define the Problem
- Generate alternative solutions
- Select a solution
- Implement the solution
- Evaluate the result
Define the problem (5 steps
systematic problem solving)
Define the problem: well defined problems are half solved.
Pay attention: to what’s going on in organization, fix minor problems before they become major problems.
Ask basic questions: Question the value of each organizational activity once a year, situations change.
Correct the problem immediately: The sooner you receive bad news the faster you can correct the situation. Ensure there are no barriers to receiving negative information.
Foster a trusting relationship with FFs, (fear vs trust)they must feel their input is valued. The more information you have the better the decisions can be made.
Generate Alternative Solutions (5 things)
(systematic problem solving)
- The best people to solve a problem are those with directly involved in the problem.
- Brainstorming is method of shared problem solving, fire company natural group for brainstorming.
- Senior command officer influence brainstorming (reduces input), best solution found by those directly involved.
- FO should encourage participation of FFers
- FFers should anticipate their solution will be implemented, if it meets criteria… otherwise destroys FFer participation in decision making process.
What are the eight step to brainstorming?
- write out problem statement
- give time limit to generate ideas 15-25min
- Officer should function as scribe, keep on task
- ask for alternative solutions
- select best five ideas
- est. critter for determining best answer
- rate solutions 0-5 scale, 5 great
- add up scores for each idea, highest wins
Select a solution
(systematic problem solving)
At this point have defined problem, and generated solutions ranked based on criteria. Solution should meet criteria and be the highest ranked.
Implement the Solution
(systematic problem solving)
Most difficult phase of problem solving. Buy in is greater when those affected have a role in the decision making process, leading to higher commitment to plan.
Deadlines focus effort and prioritize activities.
A problem is not truly solved unless the solution is implemented. Have a plan B if the original solution cannot be implemented.
Evaluate the Results
(systematic problem solving)
Did the solution deliver the desired result? Once the plan is implemented then an immediate evaluation should be preformed, and at regular interval after.
Officer needs to be ready to adjust the plan or implement the plan B. Many problems are solved in phases, changing the plan is not failure.
Feedback is part of the evaluation
One of the most difficult situations for a fire officer is…
interpersonal conflicts or grievance within the company or directly involving another member.
What are the four different types of interpersonal conflicts situations. Conflicts with
- coworkers
- the work environment, station, apparatus or equipment
- policy or procedure
- the fire officers own behavior, decisions, or actions.