Chapter 5 Flashcards
Incident Action Plan
Plan that addresses and minimizes the chances of harm by identifying and controlling the factors that might lead to firefighter injury or death
What is the first step in developing an Incident Action Plan (IAP)?
Understanding the causes of firefighter deaths and injuries. Prevention depends on the ability to halt the cascade of events that lead to a serious injury or death
“Everyone Goes Home” is a program developed by whom?
The National fallen firefighters foundation NFFF
What were the initiatives that the and FFF came up with?
- Find/advocate culture change related to safety, leadership, management, supervision, accountability and personal responsibility.
- enhance personal and organizational accountability
- integrate risk management and incident management
- empower firefighters to stop unsafe practices
- national standards for training, qualifications, certs
- implement national medical/physical standards
- create national research and data collection systems
- utilize technology to enhance health and safety
- investigate all fatalities, injuries and near misses
- national standards for policies and procedures
- national protocols for response to violent incidents
- ensure FFer/ families access counseling and psych
- grant programs for implementation for safe practices
- ensure public education receives more resources
- enforcement of codes and home fire sprinklers
- ensure safety is primary consideration design of apparatus/equipment
In 2005 the international Association of fire Chiefs launched a web-based system to report near misses, the goal is to track incidents to identify trends and to share information. What is this program based on?
the aviation safety reporting systemWhich is been gathering reports of close calls since 1976.
The NFFF Life safety Summit noted that a disproportionate number of firefighters older than the age of ____ died of cardiac arrest while on duty.
The NFPA firefighter fatalities in the United States 2011 noted that heart attacks are the leading cause of firefighter deaths accounting for ____ of all line of duty deaths from 2007 to 2011.
fire officers must understand that ______ are as important to the body as wearing full protective equipment.
Physical fitness activities should be considered an essential component of every firefighters training regiment
What accounts for the largest percentage of traumatic firefighter deaths?
Average number firefighter deaths annually resulting from motor vehicle collisions over the last decade
Who is at the greatest risk of collision deaths among firefighters?
Volunteers account for three quarters of the fatalities, almost 40% were in their own personal vehicles
Of firefighter fatalities from collisions how many firefighters were not wearing their seatbelts?
what was frequently cited as the cause of these accidents
Over three fourths
excessive speed given road conditions
How many fatalities could be prevented each year by requiring firefighters to wear seatbelts?
Who is responsible for requiring seatbelt use?
The fire officer who allows his company to respond while unrestrained in the fire apparatus has no excuse of a fatal accident results. Use of seatbelts by firefighters, like many other safety precautions require a change in culture. Fire officer must be prepared to accept the responsibility and provide the leadership to bring about this change.
What are prime factors that directly cause death while operating in burning buildings, followed by trauma
asphyxia and Burns
The US fire administration’s firefighter fatality retrospective study indicated that ____ of fatal fire suppression incidents tallied in the report involved the death of a single firefighter. Many of these firefighters became lost or disoriented and died before their fire officer or incident commander was aware
OSHA regulation and NFPA 1500 establish specific requirements for firefighters operating an IDLH environments. This two in two out rule includes the following elements:
- Designated officer in charge
- to firefighters who enter the IDLH area together, remain in visual or voice contact while wearing SCBA.
- to properly equip and train firefighters who must be positioned outside the IDLH, account for interior team, remain capable of rescue
Initial rapid intervention crew, is required to be assembled prior to operations within IDLH environments. Two firefighters from the initial tech crew will be assigned IRIC until RIC company is deployed. Both should meet the requirements of NFPA 1407
What are the typical components of a Personal Accountability System?
- Method to identify all personnel on scene
- method to identify a personnel in hazard area
- process to account for personnel quickly during event
- process to ensure personnel do not go unaccounted for for an extended period of time.
A personal accountability system is required by NFPA ____.
Some departments require a par every ____ during fire attack or other hazardous operations.
NFPA 1500
What should firefighters know about their air supply?
Firefighter should know the amount of air in their cylinders at all times and develop an extra strategy before the low air alarm activates.
What is the minimum size of an interior work team?
How does SCBA use 30 years ago have similarities to present day TIC use?
Some departments with thermal imaging devices did not use them either the device was inoperable or not used. Thermal imaging cameras is a critical component of a comprehensive safety program. Allows crews to navigate locate victims, evacuate fire conditions
Situational awareness
Continual connection between the functions being performed by the company and the overall situation. This is one of the most important reasons for establishing and maintaining an effective incident command structure and every incident. Officer maintain situational awareness by staying oriented, making observations, providing and receiving regular updates within ICS, listening to fire ground radio communications, and continually performing risk-benefit analysis.
Risk-benefit analysis
Based on a hazard and situation assessment that weighs the risk involved in a particular course of actions against the benefits gained from taking those risk.
risk-benefit analysis must always be approached in a structured measured manner
What is the only situation that truly justifies exposing firefighters to a high level of risk?
Situation in which there is a realistic chance that a life can be saved
How do firefighters start risk-benefit analysis?
The officer starts risk-benefit analysis by preparing a pre-incident plan, which is a written document that provides information which can be used by responding personnel to determine the appropriate actions in the event of an emergency at specific facility.
How is an incident action plan developed?
When operating in emergency incident the fire officer reviews the pre-incident plan and makes observations about current conditions. These two inputs are combined to produce an incident action plan
Incident safety officer
Designated individual at emergency scene who sets the duties and responsibilities specified in NFPA 1521 safety..
Incident command system ICS
Standard organizational structure that is used to manage assigned resources to accomplish the stated objectives of an incident. Every incident requires someone in charge, Incident Commander
How is information exchange between the safety officer and incident command?
Exchange of information between the incident commander and the incident safety officer is conducted verbally and quickly at the command post.
What is one of the prime responsibilities of an instant safety officer?
Identify hazard this situations and dangerous conditions at emergency incident and recommend appropriate safety measures in most cases the safety officer acts as an observer monitoring conditions and actions in evaluating specific situations.
If the situation creates a limited hazard to personnel, the safety officer has the authority to immediately suspend or alter activities. The safety arts officer must then immediately inform the incident commander of the hazardous situation and his actions
What are the requirements for the incident safety officer as outlined by NFPA 1521?
At a minimum the safety officer must meet the requirements for fire officer one.
- safety and health hazards involving emergency ops
- building construction
- fire department’s personnel accountability system
- incident scene rehabilitation
When more than one safety officer needs to be assigned, what should the safety officer informed command of?
You should inform command of the need to establish a safety unit
The process of providing rest rehydration nourishment and medical evaluation to members who are involved in strenuous or extended duration incident scene operations.
Part of incident safety officer’s role is to ensure that an appropriate rehabilitation process is established
Incident scene rehabilitation
Tactical level management unit that provides medical evaluation, treatment, monitoring, food and food replenishment, mental rest, and relief from climate conditions of the incident.
What is the third line of defense for ensuring firefighters obtain appropriate rehabilitation?
The incident safety officer is the third line of defense
The company officer is a second
The individual is the first
For every firefighter death in the line of duty, nearly ____ firefighter injuries occur.
What is a good method for fire officers to ensure that his subordinates fully understand all safety policies and procedures?
An effective method would be to have membersIndividually read the policy and lead group discussions to ensure that it’s understood. One method to reinforce safety policies is to watch videos of incident and critique them based solely on safety policies.
What are five sources that may be accessed to review safety policies?
- Report of the week- national firefighter near miss program
- the secret list- firefighters close calls website
- emergency responder safety Institute
- NIOSH studies
- videos who
Principles that should be implemented to prevent injuries as well as death
Physical fitness
Personal protective equipment
Was the leading type of firefighter injury?
sprains and strains are the leading type of firefighter injury
Who is responsible for determining whether it is safe to reduce level of PPE?
Incident commander in the safety officer responsible for determining what the level of PPE that will be used at any time.
What are tools that are firefighter operating in hazardous areas should carry?
forcible entry tool
personal escape rope
Standard on station/work uniforms for emergency services
NFPA 1975
What should every fire department have for its stations?
Comprehensive workplace safety program applies to all of its facilities. Fire department has control over the fire station environment at all times and has the ability, as well as a responsibility, to identify encouraging safety problems that are present.
At the station what has the potential to cause injuries resulting in lost times and workers compensation claims?
Kitchen knives
Proper lifting techniques should be used to reduce the risk of back injuries which can be potentially career ending. What is proper lifting technique
Firefighter should bend at the knees and lift by standing straight up. The back should be kept in a natural position rather than locked in a hyperextended manner.
Standard on fire Department infection control program
NFPA 1581
The standard for fire Department infection control programs identifies six components for an infection control program.
- Written policy with the goal of IDing and limiting
- written risk management plan, identify risk/control measures
- annual training and education on infection control
- designated infection control officer
- access to appropriate immunization for employees
- instructions for handling exposure incidents
Always follow written procedures are manufacturer’s guidelines for decontamination of medical equipment. A ___ percent bleach and water solution is typically used for this purpose, however the solution should not on turnout gear
Fire officer must be prepared to fulfill the duties of the initial supervisor when a member has experienced and infectious disease exposure. What is the most important first step with any exposure?
The most important first step with any exposure is to wash the exposed area immediately and thoroughly with soap and running water.
Document all exposures asked soonest possible using a standardized reporting form. At a minimum, the record should include the following
- Description of how the exposure occurred
- mode of transmission
- entry point
- use of personal protective equipment
- medical follow-up and treatment
Who determines the members fitness for duty status after an exposure to communicable diseases?
The fire department physician to determine the members fitness for duty.
Who is charged with ensuring that all injuries, illnesses, exposures, fatalities or potentially hazardous conditions in all accidents including involving fire department vehicles and apparatus are thoroughly investigated?
The fire department health and safety officer
The result of an accident investigation should always include…
Recommended corrective actions that are presented to the Fire Chief or the Fire Chief’s representative
Who is usually responsible for conducting an initial investigation and for fully investigating many minor accidents?
The fire officer
What are the three phases of an investigation?
- Identification and collection of physical evidence
- interview with witnesses
- written documentation, at the end of the investigation
What does examination of the physical evidence include?
Documenting time, day, date and conditions that existed at the time of the incident.
Weather conditions should be noted
Scene of the accident should be fully documented, w/ drawings
How do you verify previous answers while conducting an investigation?
Restate previous questions in different order and from different perspective to verified answers.
“Whats Changed Over the Past 30 Years” the NFPAs Fire Analysis show what trend?
What were the drivers of this trend?
The number of fire fighter dying on duty declined by 30% over a 30 year period (151 deaths annually to 99).
The two primary drivers of this decline are reduction FFer deaths due to sudden cardiac arrest, and decreasing number of structure fires.
The rate of FFer deaths in structure fires is higher than 70s.
What goal for reduction in FFer deaths was adopted by the US Fire Administration, through the National Fallen Firefighters Foundation?
50% reduction of FFer deaths w/i a decade.
Data shows that fewer FFers are being killed on scene but more FFers are being killed…
while responding to emergency scene incidents or preforming duties other than FFing.
The NFPA reports that 70, 090 FFers were injured in the line of duty, what was the most common injury?
The most frequent reported injury was strains, sprain, or muscle pain.
FFers are more likely to die of ____ while on duty than other US workers.
a heart attack
What is it about the work of firefighting that might contribute to the high heart attack rate in FFers?
The nature of the work, which cab suddenly change from low activity to an episode of high stress and intense exertion. This type of sudden stress can trigger a heart attack.
What are the most significant factors to in preventing heart attacks?
regular medical exams, and physical fitness.
What is the second leading cause of FFer fatalities?
What is the most common scenario of these types of fatalities?
The 2nd leading cause of FFer fatalities is vehicular accidents.
The most common scenario of these accidents involves FFers responding to emergency incidents in a personal vehicle. The next most common is tender rollover (tenders have a disproportionately higher fatality rate)
What is the third most frequent category of FFer fatalities?
Asphyxiation and burns
HFACS Level 1: Unsafe acts
Two categories: Errors and Violations
Error-unintentional based of Decisions, Skills, Perceptions
Decisions- flaws in comm to decision makers
Skills- attention failure
Perceptions- visual illusions
Violations- intentional classified Routine or Exceptional
Routine- failure to use safety equipment/best practices
Exceptional-not being qualified to preform action
HFACS Level 2: Preconditions to Unsafe Acts
Substandard conditions and practices of the individual involved. Examples include adverse mental states, psychological factors, physical limitations.
HFACS Level 3: Unsafe Supervision
Level 3 role of supervision in near miss, four categories : Inadequate supervison Allowing inappropriate operations failure to correct know problems Supervisory violations
HFACS Level Four: Organizational Influences
Operating culture of the fire department, is often significant to the near miss as the individual’s actions
Most difficult HFACS level to analyze
Risk management
The identification and analysis of exposure to hazards, selection of appropriate risk management techniques to handle exposure, implementation of chosen techniques, and monitoring results, with respect to the health and safety of members.
What do Risk-management principles suggest in terms of where to focus training?
Risk management principles suggest that fire officers should focus attention on the high-risk activities that are performed infrequently.
The real value in post incident analysis is the learning process that resale form the information obtained during the process. What is the process for post incident analysis?
- determine what the preferred and safer response should be.
- Develop a procedure, practice, or equipment listed needed to deliver the preferred/safer response/activity.
- Consult w/ supervisor for approval/formal adoption of revised response/activity.
- Train peers/subordinates in preferred/safer response/activity.
- Make revision part of an updated standard operating procedure/directive
- Integrate the new response/activity into existing CE and basic program.
What are the four roles the Fire Officer must fulfill to provide a safe environment for the fire company and ensure that everyone goes home?
- Identify unsafe and hazardous conditions
- Mitigate or reduce as many problems as possible
- Train and prepare for the remaining hazards
- Model safe behavior