Chapter 8: Theology Flashcards
the study of god
the belief in the existence of a God or gods
the belief that everything in the universe is ultimately divine
the belief that God does not exist
prominent athiest who had a big influence on the American education system
John Dewy
a general distrust toward any religion claiming to know absolute truth about reality
theological suspicion
the acknowledgement that many different religions exist in today’s diverse society
religious pluralism
the belief that we should be tolerant of competing religions in order to get along with one another
descriptive pluarlism
the belief that we should be tolerant of other religions because no single religion can be universally true for everyone
prescriptive pluarlism
belief in a single deity
the belief in one God recognized as three seperate and distinct persons: Father, Son, and Spirit
trinitarian monotheism
belief in many gods
states that the amount of usable energy in a closed system will decrease over time
second law of thermodynamics
the belief that nonliving matter produced living matter through purely nature processed
spontanious generation
the idea that life arrived from outer space