Chapter 4: Secularism Flashcards
What is Secularism?
An atheistic and materialistic worldview that advocates a public society free from the influence of religion.
What is Materialism?
the idea that only the physical world exists
What is propaganda?
a biased, misleading, and/or manipulating of information disseminated with the goal of persuading opinion and influencing action towards a particular position or cause.
What is the Humanist Manifesto?
A document detailing the beliefs and agenda of secular humanism
What is secular humanism?
a religious and philisophical worldview that makes humankind the ultimate norm by which truth and values are to be determined
What is a worldview?
a pattern of ideas, beliefs, convictions, and habits, that help us make sense of God, the world, and our relationship to God and the world.
What is naturalism?
the belief that all phenomena can be explained in terms of natural causes
What is a determinist?
Someone who believes that human behavior is determined by evolutuonary herritage, no free will exists.
What is mind/body monism?
the belief that human beings are made of one substance
What is transhumanism?
A humanistic movement that hopes to advance humanity beyond its physical and mental limitations through the application integration of biotechnology
What is natural law?
an ethical and moral code that is obvious to all thinking people
Who is an atheistic and agnostic professor?
John Dewy
Who is a pioneer in DNA research?
Francis Crick
Who is a famed psychologist?
B.F. Skinner