Chapter 8 : The Prophet's Guardians Flashcards


Regarding Amina’s Death

  • Ibn Ishaq reports that when the Prophet was 6, his mother took him to Medina to visit his father’s mother’s family, The Bani Al-Najjar
  • On their return, she dies in Al-Abwa between Makkah and Madina
  • Her slave Umm Ayman brings him back to Makkah to his grandfather
  • Thus, at the tender age of 6, the Prophet is left without a mother or father
  • In Sunni Traditions, the dominant view is that she died as a disbeliever :-

” It was narrated that Abu Hurairah said ‘ The Prophet visited the grave of his mother and wept causing the people around him to weep ‘. Then the Prophet said ‘ I asked My Lord for permission to seek forgiveness for her but he did not give me permission. Then i asked My Lord for permission to visit her grave and he gave me permission. So visit the graves for they will remind you of death ‘. “

  • Sahih Muslim
  • Regarding the narrations of Abu Huraira :-
    1) Sunni Tradition - Reliable companion of the Prophet with the most hadith in Sahih Muslim
    2) Shia Tradition - Not reliable and considered a serial liar and enmity towards Ahlul Bayt
  • Another hadith in Sahih Muslim from Abu Huraira ( This hadith is also in Shia sources ) :-

” There was a dog moving around a well whom thirst would have killed. Suddenly, a prostitute from the prostitutes of Bani Isra’il happened to see it and she drew water in her shoe and made it drink and she was pardoned because of this “

  • Sahih Muslim
  • God forgave a prostitute for quenching the thirst of a dog but cant forgive Aminah, the woman who fed the Messenger of God
  • In the Shia Traditions, we categorically reject any hadith that diminishes the integrity and honour of the Prophet’s Mother
  • All Shia Jurists in their Hajj manuals designate the visitation ( Ziyarah ) of Aminah as one of the recommended ( Mustahabb ) acts of worship :-

” Peace be upon you, O the pure one, the purified one. Peace be upon you, O the one who was chosen by Allah with the highest honour. Peace be upon the one from whom light emanated from her forehead. Peace be upon the one for whom the angels descended and the veils of paradise were lifted. Peace be upon the one for whom Hoor Al-Ayn descended upon her and they gave her from the drinks of paradise. Who gave her the glad tidings of the birth of the greatest of Prophet’s. Peace be upon you, O the mother of the Messenger of God. Peace be upon you, O the mother of the Beloved of God. So congratulations to you, O Aminah for being the recipient of this great divine grace. And peace be upon you, and peace be upon the Messenger of God, and may his mercy and his blessings be upon you. “

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The Prophet under the care of Abdul Muttalib

  • In Al-Kafi, there is tradition from Imam Al-Sadiq where he sheds lights on the immense love and respect Abdul Muttalib showed the Prophet :-

” The Makkans used to lay a rug out especially for Abdul Muttalib in the shade of the Ka’bah. Out of respect for Abdul Muttalib, nobody sat on it except for him. Once the young Prophet sat upon it, and Abdul Muttalib’s sons rushed to move him away. Abdul Muttalib told them ‘ Leave my son be, for by God, he has something great in store for him. I believe he will one day lead you all. His disposition is that of one who will lead people ‘. “

  • Abdul Muttalib on his deathbed :-

” O Abu Talib ! Ensure that this boy remains as near to your person as your own heart, for I have overlooked all my sons and chosen you alone for this testament because you and his father are from a single mother … O Abu Talib ! If you live to see his heyday, then remember that I was among the most perspicacious ( Someone who notices, realizes and understands things quicky ) and aware people of who he is. If you can follow him openly, then do so. Aid him with your tongue, your hand and your wealth for he will, by God, lead you and rule over you as none of my ancestors ever ruled … O Abu Talib ! I do not know of any of your ancestors who lost a father as he did or a mother the way he did. Thus, be mindful of his loneliness. “

  • Abu Talib accepted his testament
  • Upon hearing Abu Talib’s acceptance, he said :-

” Now I can die easy. Thereafter he kept kissing the Prophet saying ‘ I testify that I have never kissed any of my children with a fragrance as sweet as yours or a face as pleasant as yours ‘. “

  • Abdul Muttalib passes away when the Prophet was 8 years old
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The Prophet under the care of Abu Talib

  • Abu Talib raised the Prophet as his own son, in fact, he favored him over his own
  • He took him to Syria when he was 12
  • Story of Bahira The Monk in the words of Abu Talib :-

” The caravan reached Bosra and stopped at a monastery there. The monk Bahira brought them food and ate with them. Bahira’s interest was peaked when he met Muhammad … Bahira said ‘ Young boy, I shall ask you 3 questions for the sake of Lat and Uzza ‘. Muhammad grew angry and said ‘ Do not ask me for their sake, for I do not hate anything as much as i hate them. They are stone idols worshipped by my people ‘. Bahira said under his breath ‘ That is one characteristic ‘. Then Bahira said ‘ Then for the sake of God, answer me ‘. Muhammad said ‘ Ask what you like, for you have now asked me for the sake of my God and yours, whom nothing matches ‘. After a few more questions, Bahira falls upon him kissing him and saying ‘ You are the answer to Abarham’s prayer and the fulfillment of the prophecy of Jesus, you are one purified of the filth of the Age of Ignorance ‘. Then he turned to me and asked ‘ Who is this boy to you for I see that you do not let him leave your side ‘. I said ‘ He is my son ‘. Bahra said ‘ He is not your son. It is not possible that his actual father or mother still be alive ‘. So I clarified ‘ He is my nephew. His father died when his mother was pregnant with him. And his mother died when he was 6 years old ‘. Bahra said ‘ Now you have spoken the truth. I advise that you return him to your city. For if people see him and notice in him what I have noticed, they will do him harm especially the Jews ‘. I said ‘ Never, God would not let harm befall him ‘. “

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