Chapter 45 : The Battle of Uhud IV - The First Skirmish Flashcards


The First Skirmish

  • After putting on his 2nd Coat of Mail, The Prophet presents his sword to his followers asking which companion is most worthy of wielding it against The Quraysh
  • Some companions rise to the challenge
  • The Prophet gives his sword to Abu Dujanah
  • The Khazraji Companion brandishes the sword and uncharacteristically swaggers in front of the ranks
  • On seeing this display, The Prophet comments :-

” This is a sort of walking that God dislikes except in such a situation. “

  • This meant that under Normal Circumstances, A Believer should walk in Humility. However, In Situations where you are defending Islam, You should walk with Pride and Confidence
  • The Makkan Army consists of 3 Battalions :-

i) Abu Sufyan - Leading from The Centre
ii) Khalid Ibn Al Walid - Leading from One Side
iii) Ikrimah Ibn Abi Jahl - Leading from Another Side

  • With the Armies facing each other, Abu Sufyan steps out and announces that The Quraysh have no quarrel with The Aws and Khazraj
  • Abu Sufyan asks them to abandon The Prophet’s Army but his request is met with Jeers [ Taunts / Mocks ]
  • Al Waqidi [ Sunni Historian ] reports :-

” The first to initiate The Battle was Abu A’mir [ A Christian Monk Living in Madinah and The Father of Hanzalah ]. He came out with 50 Slaves of Quraysh to initiate The Battle. He came forward and announced ‘ O Tribe of Aus, I am Abu A’mir. ‘ They replied ‘ You are not welcome O Evil One. ‘ Abu A’mir replied ‘ The state of my people is bad after me. ‘ He commenced The Battle by having the 50 Slaves throw stones at The Muslims and they retaliated by also pelting stones back at them [ No Casualties at this time ]. The Pelting then stops and Abu A’mir is moved off the Battlefield with his Slaves. The Leaders of The Quraysh feel that they acted inappropriately and call upon some of their more Seasoned Fighters like Talhah Ibn Abi Talhah to step forward. “

  • It is reported that The Slaves did not fight and were tasked with protecting The Camp
  • Abu A’mir and his men dug ditches in which they could try and entrap The Muslims [ The Prophet eventually fell into such a Ditch ]

” The Pagan Women were brought in front of The Pagan Army before The Battle Began and played Musical Instruments and Recited Poetry. After their performances, they would return to the back of The Army and remain in the back row. Whenever a man would try to run away, they would encourage him to go back and fight and would remind him of the dead at Badr. “

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Unexpected Help

  • While Abdullah Ibn Ubayy and his 300 Khazraj deserted The Prophet, there were those who joined unexpectedly :-

1) Hanzalah [ Son of Abu A’mir Al Fasiq ] married Jamila [ Daughter of Abdullah Ibn Ubayy ]. They consummated their marriage on The Eve of The Battle of Uhud and he proceeded to The Battlefield without performing Ghusl

2) A Jew called Mukhayriq [ Wealthy, Well Learned and Well Respected Rabbi ] admonished his Tribe Banu Tha’labah by saying ‘ It is our duty to aid Muhammad. ‘ He donned his armour and met The Prophet on the morning of The Battle. He converted and said that he will relinquish all his belongings to The Prophet if he were to die in The Battle of Uhud. He became The First Jewish Martyr of Islam. When he was Martyred, The Prophet said ‘ Mukhayriq was The Best of Jews. ‘

3) Thabit Ibn Waqash [ Father of Amr Ibn Thabit ] and Hasil Ibn Jabir Al Yamani [ Father of Hudhayfah Ibn Al Yaman ] were old men holed up with the women and children. They encouraged one another to fight in hopes of dying as Martyr

4) Abdullah Ibn Amr Ibn Haram [ Father of Jabir Ibn Abdullah ] saw Bishr Ibn Abd Al Mundhir [ One of The Martyr of Badr ] in a dream. He was enjoying Paradise. Abdullah shared the dream with The Prophet and he confirmed that this was the reward for Martyrdom. Abdullah had 7 Daughters and his son Jabir. He told Jabir ‘ We musn’t leave the women of our family alone without a man to support them. But I can’t bring myself to prefer you to myself in fighting for The Messenger of God. So remain behind with your sisters. ‘ Abdullah was the First Martyr of The Battle of Uhud

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The Individual Duels [ Mubarazah ]

  • Tafsir Al Qummi [ Sheikh Al Qummi - Shia Scholar ] reports :-

” The Standard of Quraysh was held by Talhah Ibn Abi Talhah Al Adwi from the Tribe of Bani Abul Dar. He came forward and shouted ‘ O Muhammad, you claim that your swords will send us to hell and our swords will send you to Paradise. If this is so, whoever wishes to be sent to Paradise, let him face me in combat. ‘ “

  • Imam Ali [ Around 23 / 24 years of age at this time ] accepted his challenge and said :-

” O Talhah, if it is in fact as you say it is, that you have more horses and we nothing but the arrows and spears we carry, then stand fast and let us see who among us will be killed. And let us see who is more deserving of what you say. For an attacking Lion has come to meet you with a sword that never dulls and is aided by a Dominating Lord and The Messenger of God. “

  • Talha asks :-

” Who are you boy ? “

  • Imam Ali replies :-

” I am Ali Ibn Abi Talib “

  • Talha then says :-

” I knew no one other than you would have the audacity to face me, Striker. “

  • Talhah attacked him but Ali blocked his strike with his shield
  • Then Ali struck him on his thigh severing them causing Talhah to fall on his back
  • Ali went over to finish him off but Talhah begged to be spared for the Sake of Kinship and so Ali leaves him wounded on The Battlefield
  • Abu Sa’d Ibn Abi Talhah [ Talhah’s Brother ] took hold of The Standard Flag and was also killed by Ali
  • The Standard Flag fell on the ground until another brother picked up The Standard Flag and was also killed by Ali so The Standard Flag fell on the ground once again
  • One brother after another picks up The Standard Flag and they are killed by Imam Ali
  • Others try to raise The Standard Flag and Ali kills no less than 9 People from The Tribe of Bani Abdul Al Dar

” A Slave from their Tribe picked up The Standard Flag and Imam Ali severed his Right Arm. He picked it up with his Left Arm and Ali severed it too. He then clutched The Standard Flag with what remained of his Arm and murmured ‘ O Bani Abdul Al Dar, Have I fulfilled my duty to you. ‘ Imam Ali struck his head and killed him. “

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Why Was Imam Ali Called ‘ Striker ‘

  • The following Narration from Imam Al Sadiq [ Quoted by Sheikh Al Qummi ] explains why Imam Ali was called ‘ Striker ‘ :-

” Hisham asks The 6th Imam [ Imam Jafar Al Sadiq ] why Ali was called ‘ The Striker. ‘ The Imam replies that The Quraysh could not directly hurt The Prophet because of Abu Talib so they used to tell their children to torment and throw stones at him [ The Prophet ]. So Ali began escorting him everywhere and he would strike them on their faces, noses and ears and send them home crying. “

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The Battle Begins

  • Due to Loss of Morale, The Quraysh are quickly defeated and chased off The Battlefield
  • Al Bara Ibn Azib [ One of The Companions of The Prophet ] says :-

” When we fought them at Uhud, they turned and fled until i saw with my own eyes the legs of women as they lifted their skirts running up the mountains and I could see their ankle bracelets. “

  • Ibn Hisham adds :-

” I remember clearly seeing Hind and her Female Companions all running away up the Mountain. “

  • From this, we can see how devastating the initial assault of The Muslim Army was
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The Archers Abandon Post

  • While witnessing The Turmoil in The Quraysh Army, Some of The Companions of Abdullah Ibn Jubayr said :-

” Let us go and collect The Spoils of War. Our comrades have been victorious so what are you waiting for ? “

  • Abdullah Ibn Jubayr said :-

” Have you forgotten the instructions given to us by The Prophet ? “

  • Those who wished to leave their position replied :-

” By God, We too will go to our Companions and Partake in The Spoils of War. They are taking The Loot so we shall take it too. “

  • Most of Abdullah Ibn Jubayr’s Archers abandon their post to collect The Spoils of War [ Only 12 Remain ]
  • Khalid Ibn Al Walid seizes the opportunity to Kill The Remaining Archers, Circle Behind The Muslims and Attack from The Rear when their guard is down
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