Chapter 19 : The Satanic Verses Flashcards


What happened during the so called Incident of Gharaniq [ The Satanic Verses ]

  • Shortly after the first emigration to Abyssinia, the Muslims returned to Makkah as they heard a rumour that the Pagan Leader of Makkah had all accepted Islam so they returned
  • This rumour is based on some reports primarily found in Sunni Sources [ Tertiary Sources ] which details the incident of “ The Satanic Verses “
  • According to this story, The Prophet had been engaged in reciting Surat Al Najm in front of the polytheist
  • When he had recited this verse :-

” Have you considered Lat and Uzza ? and Manat, the third one ? “

  • Al Quran [ 53 : 19 - 20 ]
  • Satan caused him to recite the following two sentences [ Which were not part of the Surah ] :-

” They are beautiful, high ranking birds and their intercession is anticipated. “

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What are some Sunni Sources related to the Incident of Gharaniq

  1. Sahih Al Bukhari

” The Prophet recited Surat An Najm and prostrated while reciting it and all the people prostrated and a man amongst the people took a handful of stones or earth and raised it to his face and said ‘ This is sufficient for me. ‘ Later on I saw him killed as a non believer. “

  • Another narration in Sahih Bukhari :-

” The Prophet performed a prostration when he finished reciting Surat An Najm and all the Muslims and Pagans and Jinns and Human Beings prostrated along with him. “

  • This is all there is in Sahih Bukhari [ There is no mention of Iblis tampering / inserting ayat in The Quran and corrupting revelation ]
  • It is just mentioned that when The Prophet was reciting Surat An Najm, the Mushrikeen are bewildered / overwhelmed / enchanted by the beauty of the Quran and fall into Sajdah [ Prostration ]
  1. Tafsir Al Tabari

” The Prophet was sitting in a gathering with Quraysh and he was hoping that God would not reveal something that they would detest, so God revealed Surah An Najm which The Prophet recited. As The Prophet reaches Verses 19 - 20. Satan inserted 2 sentences ‘ Those are the beautiful lofty birds whose intercession is anticipated. ‘ So The Prophet uttered this and continued reciting the entire Surah and prostrated at the end and the people prostrated with him. Al Waleed Ibn Al Mughirah lifted up some dirt to his forehead and prostrated for he was an elderly man who did not have the power to prostate [ On the ground ]. That night, the angel Gabriel reviewed The Quran with The Prophet and when he reached the 2 sentences [ Inserted by Satan ], Gabriel said ‘ I did not bring this to you. ‘ The Prophet responded ‘ Have I attributed a lie to God ? Have I attributed to God something that he did not actually say ?! ‘ The Prophet remained so distraught and depressed that God revealed Surah 22 Verse 52 ‘ And We did not send before you any messenger or prophet, but when he desired, the Satan made a suggestion respecting his desire but Allah annuls that which the Satan casts then does Allah establish His signs and Allah is Knowing, Wise. ‘

Prominent Sunni Scholars That Reject This Opinion [ Of Tabari ]

1) Fakhr Al Razi
2) Ibn Katheer
3) Al Qadhi Ayyad
4) Al Albani

Prominent Sunni Scholars That Accept This Opinion [ Of Tabari ]

1) Ibn Hajar Al Asqalani

  • He was one of the specialist of Sahih Al Bukhari
  • His point is that, its true that every individual version of this story is from a weak chain but when you put all these chains and stories together, it is acceptable
  • He believes that Satan inserted the false verses with his own voice and it was heard by The Pagans but not the believers
  • The Prophet was unaware of this interference

2) Ibn Taymiyyah

  • Says that this incident surely took place based on Verse 52 of Surat Al Hajj
  • Meaning The Satanic Verses becomes a test for those with weak faith
  • He also cites Quranic Verses that at first glance seems to suggest that The Prophet was inclined to say something that would appease The Mushrikeen :-

” And surely [ wa in ] they had purposed to turn you away [ la - yaftinuka, from fitnah ] from that which We have revealed to you, that you should forge against Us other than that, and then they would certainly have taken you for a friend [ khalilan ]. And had it not been that We had already established you, you would certainly have been near to incline [ tarkanu, from rukun ] to them a little. In that case We would certainly have made you to taste a double [ Punishment ] in this life and a double [ Punishment ] after death, then you would not have found any helper against Us. “

  • Al Quran [ 17 : 73 - 75 ]
  • He says the following verse is evidence that Shaytan tampered with the recitation of The Quran :-

” And We did not send before you any messenger or prophet except that when he envisioned [ tamanna ], Satan made an interjection [ alqa from ilqa ] with regard to his vision [ umniyyatihi ] but Allah annuls that which Satan casts then does Allah establish His signs and Allah is Knowing, Wise. So that He may make what Satan casts a trial for those in whose hearts is disease and those whose hearts are hard [ al - qasiyah from qasawah ] and most surely the unjust are in a great opposition. “

  • Al Quran [ 22 : 52 - 53 ]
  • These verses cannot be used as evidence that Shaytan can corrupt and alter Quranic Verses because of the following Decisive Verses of The Quran :-

” Indeed, My servants, no authority will you have other them, except those who follow you of the deviators. “

  • Al Quran [ 15 : 42 ]

” Nor does he [ The Prophet ] speak out of desire, it is just a revelation that is revealed. “

  • Al Quran [ 53 : 3 - 4 ]
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Narration in Sahih Bukhari regarding Satan Fearing Umar

  • Umar Bin Al Khattab asked the permission of The Messenger of God to see him while some Quraishi Women were sitting with The Prophet, talking and asking him for more expenses and raising their voices above the voice of God’s Messenger
  • When Umar asked for the permission to enter, the women quickly put on their veils
  • God’s Messenger allowed him to enter and Umar came in while God’s Messenger was smiling
  • The Prophet said :-

” These women who have been here, roused my wonder for as soon as they heard your voice, they quickly put on their veils. “

  • Umar said :-

” O God’s Messenger, you have more right to be feared by them than I. “

  • Then, Umar addressed the women saying :-

” O enemies of yourselves ! You fear me more than you do God’s Messenger. “

  • They said :-

” Yes, for you are harsher and sterner than God’s Messenger “

  • Then, God’s Messenger said :-

” O Ibn Khattab ! By Him in Whose Hands my life is ! Never does Satan find you going on a way, but he takes another way other than yours. “

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