Chapter 47 : The Battle of Uhud VI - Aftermath Flashcards


Safiyyah Sees The Mutilated Body of Hamza

  • Ibn Ishaq Narrates :-

” Safiyya arrived one day on The Battlefield to see the body of Hamza. Safiyya and Hamza had the same Father and Mother [ Thus they are Full Siblings ]. The Prophet tells Zubayr Ibn Al Awwam [ Safiyya’s Son ] to take her back and to not let her see the mutilated body of Hamza. Zubayr goes to his mother Safiyya and says ‘ The Prophet is requesting you to go back and not to see the mutilated body of Hamza. ‘ Safiyya replies ‘ Why should I not see, I heard that he was mutilated. This happened to him for the sake of Allah. I would like to see his mutilated body so that I may practice Sabr [ Patience ] and may earn a great reward from Allah. ‘ Zubayr went back to The Prophet and says that his mother [ Safiyya ] insists on seeing Hamza to practice Sabr [ Patience ]. The Prophet then allows her to see. Safiyya goes to look at the body of Hamza and says ‘ Inna lillahi wa inna ilayhi raji’un [ Indeed, we belong to Allah and indeed to Him we return ]. May Allah forgive and pardon you. ‘ “

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Digging Graves For The Martrys

  • The Companions were commanded to dig graves for The Martyrs of The Battle of Uhud
  • It is reported that The Prophet said :-

” Let those who know the most Quran to be buried first “

  • This highlights the lofty tank of those who learn and become deeply acquainted with The Quran
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Abu Uzzah Al Jumahi

  • The only Pagan captured as a POW [ Prisoner of War ] in The Battle of Uhud was a man named Abu Uzzah Al Jumahi and he was executed on The Battlefield because he committed an act of treachery against The Prophet and The Muslims
  • He participated in The Battle of Badr and was captured and ransomed for 4,000 Dirhams
  • He pleased with The Prophet to spare him for the sake of his daughters who had no guardian
  • The Prophet spared him and released him under the condition that he no longer fights against The Muslims
  • Unfortunately, he broke that promise when he fought in The Battle of Uhud
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The Prophet’s Prayer Outside Madinah

  • The Muslim Army marched back into Madinah after Burying The Martyrs
  • However, before they entered Madinah, The Prophet told them all to stand in line and pray with him
  • 2 Rows are formed with Men standing ahead and Women standing behind
  • The Prophet then raised his hands and prays :-

” O Allah, To you belong all praise.

There is no one who can withhold that which You outspread. There is no one who can give that which You withhold.

There is no one for the one You leave in a state of misguidance. There is no one who can misguide the one who You guide.

There is no one who can bring close the one who You had distanced. There is no one who can distance the one brought close by You.

O Allah, I ask You from Your Blessings and Mercy and Grace and Security. O Allah I ask You for the eternal blessings that never end. O Allah, I ask You for safety on the days of fear And self sufficiency on the days of poverty and I seek refuge in the things that You give to us And I seek refuge with you from the things that you withhold. O Allah, Allow us to die as Muslims. O Allah, Make us love faith and beautify it in our hearts and make us despise disbelief and corruption and disobedience and make us among the guided ones.

O Allah, Punish the rejectors of the truth among The People of The Book and those who oppose and belie Your Messengers and those who bar people from your path. O Allah, send down your punishment and chastisement upon them. Ameen “

  • The Prophet highlights here never to forget Allah. Whether something goes your way or not, whether you win or you lose. Whether you attained great success or suffered great tragedy. Never forget to Pray / Express Gratitude to Allah
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Was The Battle of Uhud A Total Defeat For The Muslims ?

  • Although we cannot claim that it was a decisive victory, we also cannot insist that it was a complete failure for the following reasons :-

1) The Quraysh intended Surprise Attack on Madinah to Obliterate The Muslims - FAILED

2) The Quraysh intended to Remove The Blockades on The Trading Routes - FAILED

3) The Quraysh intended to capture Muslim POW - FAILED

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Lessons From The Battle of Uhud


1) Do not be naive and assume that anyone who declares they are Muslim is truly a Believer at heart. The Battle of Uhud exposed the true colours of The Hypocrites

2) The Help of God is granted when Muslims are united and obedient to The Prophet

3) Victory is not guaranteed just because you are Muslim. Believers must struggle and endure hardships to achieve success

4) We must be careful not to succumb to the temptations of the material world. The Love of this world can blind even those who are fighting alongside The Prophet. Imam Jafar Al Sadiq has narrated the following :-

” The Love of The Temporal Material World is The Root of All Sin. “

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Returning To Madinah

  • Upon returning to Madinah, it is evident that the stark contrast between The Battle of Badr and The Battle of Uhud leaves many companions rattled
  • A number of Jews in Yathrib quickly voice out their opinion that the heavy losses at The Battle of Uhud combined with The Prophet’s own injuries are a sign of Muhammad’s failure as a Prophet [ Adding Insult To Injury ] [ Rubbing Salt Into The Wound ]
  • The Quran describes the sentiment and attitude among The Hypocrites after The Battle of Uhud :-

” O you who believe ! If you obey those who disbelieve, they will turn you back upon your heels so you will turn back loser. Nay ! Allah is your Guardian and He is the best of helpers. We will cast terror into the hearts of those who disbelieve because they set up with Allah that for which He has sent down no authority and their abode is the fire and evil is the abode of the unjust. And certainly Allah made good to you His promise when you were extirpating them by His permission until when you became weak willed and disputed about the affair and disobeyed after He had shown you that which you loved, of you were some who desired this world and of you were some who desired the hereafter, then He turned you away from them that He might try you and He has certainly pardoned you and Allah is Gracious to the believers. When you ran off precipitately and did not turn towards any one and The Messenger was calling you from your rear so He gave you another sorrow instead of [ Your ] sorrow so that you might not grieve at what had escaped you nor [ At ] what befell you and Allah is aware of what you do. Then after sorrow He sent down security upon you, a slumber coming upon a party of you and [ There Was ] another party who cared only for their own selves, they entertained about Allah thought of ignorance quite unjustly. They say ‘ Do we have any hand in the affair ? ‘ Say ‘ Surely the affair is wholly [ In The Hands ] of Allah. ‘ They conceal within their souls what they would not reveal to you. They say ‘ Had we any hand in the affair, we would not have been slain here. ‘ Say ‘ Had you remained in your houses, those for whom slaughter was ordained would certainly have gone forth to the places where they [ Now ] lie. ‘ And that Allah might test what was in your breasts and that He might purge was was in your hearts and Allah knows what is in the breasts. [ As For ] those of you who turned back on the day when the 2 Armies met, only The Satan sought to cause them to make a slip [ istazallahumu al - shaytan ] on account of [ bi ] some deeds they had done and certainly Allah has pardoned them, surely Allah if Forgiving, Forbearing. “

Al Quran [ 3 : 149 - 155 ]

  • The meaning of the above Verses are as follows :-

1) It may be possibly inferred from the context that The Unbelievers [ After The Battle of Uhud ] when these verses were revealed were putting ideas in The Believers Minds [ Just as ‘ Friendly ‘ Advice ] to hold them back from fighting and to incite strife and disunity among them in order to create rift and division in The Camp of Islam. This Verse first made it clear to The Muslims that if they obeyed The Unbelievers and were inclined towards their friendship seeking their help, they would suffer a great loss [ That is, they would turn back to Infidelity and would become Unbelievers themselves ]. Then this Verse strikes at this idea by showing them the bright reality that Allah is Your Guardian and He is The Best of Helpers. [ Verse 149 - 150 ]

2) This Verse promises The Believers that Allah will help them by casting Terror and Scare into the hearts of The Disbelievers. It points to the fact that Polytheists set up such things as Partners or Colleagues of Allah which have got No Authority and No Proof for it. The Quran repeatedly says that there is No Authority, No Proof which could prove any Partner or Colleague for God. [ Verse 151 ]

3) The Traditions unanimously say and history records that on the day of Uhud, at first, The Believers overpowered The Enemy and Defeated Them [ They Started Slaughtering And Plundering Their Goods ]. But then, Most of the Archers left their position at the Mountain Pass allowing Khalid Ibn Al Walid to attack and slaughter Abdullah Ibn Jubayr and the Few Archers who remained with him. Now, the way was clear for them to attack The Believers from The Rear which they did [ Seeing this, The Fleeing Polytheists turned back and put The Muslims to the sword killing 70 of The Companions and bringing utter defeat upon them ]. Accordingly, Allah promise of help [ On the condition that they should remain on guard and be patient ] was certainly fulfilled in the beginning of The Battle of Uhud ‘ Until you became weak willed and disputed the affair and disobeyed after He had shown you that which you loved [ The Archers leaving their post to collect The Spoils of War ]. ‘ This Verse also states that Allah was testing The Believers so that a Believer may be distinguished from a Hypocrite. Ultimately, Allah has forgiven them by His Grace. [ Verse 152 ]

4) This Verse signifies that The Messenger of God was calling them [ The Believers ] from their rear [ Signifying That They Had Fled Away En Masse From Around Him In Such A Way That The Mob In The Forefront Was Far Off From The Prophet And The Rear Group Was Nearer ]. He was calling them but nobody was turning towards him [ Neither Those In Front Or Those In The Rear ]. They ran off to save their own skins leaving The Messenger of God almost alone surrounded by Hordes of Blood Thirsty Enemies. [ Verse 153 ]

5) This Verse shows that this slumber had overtaken only some and not all The Believers [ Those who felt remorse and sorrow for wat they had done and returned to The Prophet ]. This Verse also mentions another group of Believers who cared only for themselves. This Verse also explains to This Group of Believers who were selfish 2 things :-

i) When The Martyrs were slain in The Battlefield, it was not because you were not on the truth nor because the authority was not in your hands as you think. Rather it had happened because of The Divine Decree which is enforced without fail had ordained that those martyrs would lie in this place. Had you remained behind, those for whom Martyrdom was ordained would surely have gone ahead to the place of their Martyrdom. There is no way of escaping from the appointed time of death when it comes.

ii) It is a divinely established system that the test and purge would encompass each and every human being, it would inevitably cover one and all, you as well as them. Neither you could avoid coming out of your homes nor The Battle could be put off. All this was necessary in order that The Martyrs might arrive at their right positions and achieve their high ranks and you might reach your due places. In this way, everyone would be placed in his proper place either Felicity or Infelicity, Happiness or Unhappiness after testing of the thoughts and ideas hidden in your Breast and the separation of Belief and Polytheism concealed in your Hearts [ Verse 154 ]

6) This Verse shows that some Sins and Evil Deeds done by them had given Satan the power to mislead them by making them retreat and flee from Jihad. Allah pardons those who turned back the day of battle. [ Verse 155 ]

  • The Surah continues foretelling that the established order will soon pass away :-

” And be not infirm and be not grieving and you shall have the upper hand if you are believers. If a wound has afflicted you [ At Uhud ], a wound like it has afflicted The [ Unbelieving ] people and We bring these days to men by turns and that Allah may know those who believe and take witnesses from among you and Allah loves not the unjust. And that Allah may purge those who believe and eradicate The Unbelievers. “

Al Quran [ 3 : 139 - 141 ]

  • The meaning of the above Verses are as follows :-

1) Infirmity refers to a weakness in Body or Character. In this Verse, Infirmity refers to weakness of will power, carelessness in establishing the religion and lack of courage in the face of it’s enemies. In this Verse, Allah tells The Believers [ Who felt Infirmity and Grief as they had seen themselves afflicted by wounds and found The Unbelievers gaining the upper hand in The Battle of Badr ] not to feel Infirmity and Grief. Allah also says that a True Believer should not be weak in will power and nor should they grieve for the losses suffered. [ Verse 139 ]

2) In This Verse again, Allah instructs The Believers that if they are True Believers, God will help them. Allah also informs The Believers that it is an invariable practice of God that He rotates these days among men by turns and these are not restricted to any one group nor prevented from another people. Allah also wished to make The Believers manifest [ After they were hidden ] and that Allah does not love The Unjust. [ Verse 140 ]

3) Allah removes the ingredients of Disbelief from a Believer’s Character little by little until nothing remains there but the belief, pure and unsullied. Likewise, He eradicates ingredients of Disbelief, Polytheism and Deceit from The Unbelievers vit by bit until all is destroyed. [ Verse 141 ].

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The Battle of Hamra Al Asad

  • The day after The Battle of Uhud on their way back to Makkah, The Pagans decided to turn back to Madinah to finish off The Muslims
  • When The Prophet heard this, he ordered every soldier [ Even The Wounded ] to join him on another campaign to stave off another attack
  • They travelled 20 Km to The South and Camped at Hamra Al Asad
  • The Prophet ordered 500 Torches to be lit to give the impression of a Large Army
  • This was enough to dissuade The Pagans from attacking and they turned back to Makkah
  • This even is referenced in The Quran :-

” [ As For ] those who responded to the call of Allah and The Messenger [ Even ] after the wound had afflicted them, those among them who do good [ To Others ] and guard [ Against Evil ] shall have a great reward. Those to whom the people said ‘ Surely men have gathered against you, therefore fear them. ‘ But this [ Only ] increased their faith and they said ‘ Allah is sufficient for us and most excellent Protector is [ He ]. ‘ So they returned with favor from Allah and [ His ] grace. No evil touched them and they followed the pleasure of Allah and Allah is the Lord of mighty grace. “

Al Quran [ 3 : 172 - 174 ]

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Expedition of Qatan [ Raid on Banu Asad ]

  • The Muslim’s defeat at The Battle of Uhud gave courage to some Outlying Tribes to try and pillage Madinah
  • The Banu Asad [ A Tribe located 300 Km Northeast of Madinah ] decided to raid the cattle grazing outside Madinah
  • They figured with their exceptional Horses and Camels and the advantage of surprise and the weakened state of The Madinans, they could get in and out quickly
  • However, an informant brings word of the raid to The Prophet who then sends Abu Salamah [ First Husband of Umm Salama ] with 150 men to raid The Banu Asad preemptively
  • Before they were able to attack, The Banu Asad
  • The Muslims were able to pillage their Camels and Sheep and take these back to Madinah
  • Abu Salamah who had been injured in The Battle of Uhud finally succumbs to his wounds and die
  • This occurred in Muharram approximately 3 months after The Battle of Uhud
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The Expedition of Abdullah Ibn Unays [ The Assassination of Khalid Ibn Sufyan Al Hudhali ]

  • The Muslim’s defeat at The Battle of Uhud gave courage to some Outlying Tribes to try and pillage Madinah
  • The Tribe of Hudhayl / Banu Lahyan [ A Large Bedouin Tribe In The North ] had started planning an attack on Madinah
  • Their chieftain Khalid Ibn Sufyan Al Hudhali began gathering a small army to surprise attack Madinah
  • The Prophet decided to preemptively attack him and execute him
  • The Prophet chose just one man by the name of Abdullah Ibn Unays Al Juhani to get rid of The Chieftain and he gets the job done
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The Expedition of Al Raji

  • The Tribe of Hudhayl / Banu Lahyan responded by resorting to a very evil tactic in order to get revenge
  • They contacted 2 Other Tribes [ Banu Udal and Banu Al Qara ] and they paid them to pretend to accept Islam
  • They travel to Madinah and beg The Prophet to send them teachers so they can learn Quran and the basic teachings of Islam
  • The Prophet sent some 6 or 7 Companions to The Pool of Raji [ 70 Km North of Makkah ] belonging to the Tribe of Hudhayl / Banu Lahyan to teach them The Quran
  • The Tribe of Hudhayl / Banu Lahyan betray them
  • Some die in the fight while 2 of The Muslims got captured and were turned over to The Makkans who proceed to Torture and Crucify them in revenge for The Battle of Badr
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The Expedition of Bir Ma’unah [ The Massacre of Bir Ma’unah ]

  • After The Battle of Uhud, The Prophet marries Zaynab Bint Khuzaymah [ The Widow of Ubaydah Ibn Al Harith ]
  • Zaynab is from The Hawazin Clan of Amir and after her marriage to The Prophet The Chief of Zaynab’s Clan [ Banu Amir ], Abu Bara Ibn Malik invites The Prophet to send teachers to his people
  • 40 men answer the call but 38 are slaughtered at Ma’unah by a Lower Ranking Chieftain of one of The Local Tribes of The Region by the name of A’mir Ibn Tufyal
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