Chapter 20 : Umar's Conversion Flashcards


How The Prophet invites Najashi to Islam

  • The Prophet not only sent his followers to seek refuge with Najashi, he also invited the latter to Islam
  • Amr Ibn Umayyah Al Damri, The Prophet’s envoy to Al Najashi said :-

” I must speak and you must listen. Accept Islam and you will have attained all good and virtue. If you do not, then you have behaved with this Prophet as the Jews behaved with Jesus son of Mary. “

  • Al Najashi replied :-

” I testify that he is The Prophet awaited by the people of the book and that the prophecy of Moses concerning the one who will ride a donkey is like the prophecy of Jesus concerning the one who will ride a camel. I know that nothing is like seeing [ Him with my own eyes ]. But my supporters in Abyssinia are few. Give me some time so I can gather more supporters and soften their hearts. If i can, I will come to him. “

  • The people accuse Al Najashi of betraying their religion and insulting Jesus by calling him a slave of God
  • Al Najashi puts the Muslims on boats and sends them off telling them :-

” If I am ousted, go wherever you can and if I win then you may stay. “

  • Al Najashi writes on a piece of paper :-

” He testifies that there is no God but Allah and that Muhammad is his Servant and Messenger. And he testifies that Jesus son of Mary is the Servant of God and His Messenger and a Spirit created by Him and His word which He cast into Virgin Mary. “

  • Then he placed this in his breast pocket near his heart
  • He entered his public court and addressed his people saying :-

” O people of Abyssinia, am I not the most worthy ruler for you ? “

  • They replied that he was
  • He asked :-

” How has my character been ? “

  • They replied that he has the best character
  • Then he asked :-

” Then what’s the matter ? “

  • They said :-

” You have abandoned our religion and you think Jesus is a servant. “

  • He asked :-

” What do you all say about Jesus ? “

  • They said :-

” That he is the son of God. “

  • Al Najashi placed his hand over his breast pocket and said :-

” I testify that Jesus son of Mary is nothing more than this. “

  • He thus satisfied his people and affirmed his faith at the same time
  • With this, he is able to satisfy his people and to affirm his own faith
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Regarding the conversion of Hamza Ibn Abdul Muttalib

  • The formal conversion of Hamza Ibn Abdul Muttalib to Islam was a huge morale booster for the Muslims
  • It gave them a sense of security and protection
  • It is narrated that Hamza was a well known archer and was one of the strongest men in Makkah
  • He would often go on long expeditions and when he returns, he would go to the Kaabah, do Tawaf and go home

The Story of Hamza’s Conversion

  • One day, Abu Jahl was verbally abusing The Prophet and his ancestors publicly in a way that was uniquely offensive even for Abu Jahl
  • News reaches Hamza that Abu Jahl had publicly ridiculed The Prophet and his ancestors
  • Hamza went straight to Abu Jahl and struck him in the face with his bow and blood gushed from his face
  • He proclaimed to Abu Jahl and everyone around that Muhammad was not only his nephew but that he is also a follower of his religion
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Regarding the conversion of Umar Ibn Al Khattab

  • The conversion of Umar in the Sunni Tradition is considered a major turning point because they argue that his conversion strengthened Islam and intimidated the enemies of Muslims
  • Like Hamza, he is portrayed as a physically powerful person with massive influence
  • Umar was one of the most rabid enemies of Islam
  • Some historians mention that Umar’s hatred of Islam and his hostility to The Prophet were matched only by the hatred and hostility of his own maternal uncle Abu Jahl

The Story of Umar’s Conversion [ Sunni Tradition ]

  • It is said that one day in sheer exasperation, Umar resolved to kill The Prophet and thus extinguish the flame of Islam itself
  • He left his home with this intention
  • On his way to Dar Al Arqam [ House of Arqam ], he was met by Nuaym Ibn Abdullah
  • Upon learning what Umar was about to do, Nuaym said :-

” By God, you have deceive yourself O Umar ! Do you think that Banu Abd Manaf would let you run around alive once you had killed their son Muhammad ? “

  • Nuaym informed Umar that his sister and her husband had become Muslims
  • Umar became furious and immediately changed direction from Arqam’s House to her house to investigate the rumour
  • Umar came to the door [ Of the house of His Sister ] as Khabbab [ A companion of The Prophet ] was teaching her and her husband Surat Taha
  • Umar exploded in a wrath and struck his sister in her face
  • The blow caused her mouth to bleed
  • He was going to strike again but the sight of blood made him pause
  • He suddenly appeared to relent and then in a changed tone asked her to show him what she was reading
  • Umar immediately went away, washed himself, returned to his sister’s home and read the text of the Quran and then went to the house of Arqam where he formally accepted Islam
  • Umar was about 35 years old when he recited his shahadah
  • This took place in the 6th year after the commencement of The Prophetic Mission [ 6 After Bi’tha ]
  • Al Tirmidhi reports a tradition from Abdullah Ibn Umar :-

” The Messenger of God said ‘ O God ! Honour Islam through the most dear of these two men to you. Through Abu Jahl or through Umar Ibn Al Khattab. ‘ He said ‘ And the most dear of them to Him was Umar. ‘ “

Regarding These Reports

1) The reports portraying Umar as a fearless man who was willing to kill The Prophet is doubtful because we see no signs of this fearlessness in any of the battles of Islam

2) Did the situation for Muslims improve or get worse after Umar’s conversion ?

  • A narration in Sahih Bukhari regarding Umar :-

” When Umar embraced Islam, all the [ Disbelieving ] people gathered around his home and said ‘ Umar has embraced Islam. ‘ At that time I was still a boy and was on the roof of my house. There came a man wearing a cloak of Dibaj [ Kind of Silk ] and said ‘ Umar has embraced Islam. Nobody can harm him for I am his protector. ‘ I then saw people going away from Umar and asked who the man was and they said ‘ Al As Ibn Wail. ‘ “

  • Sahih Al Bukhari
  • Another narration in Sahih Al Bukhari :-

” While Umar was at home in a state of fearm there came Al As Ibn Wail As Sahmi Abu Amr wearing an emboidered cloak and a shirt having silk hems. He was from the Tribe of Bani Sahm who were our allies during the Preislamic Period of Ignorance. Al As said to Umar ‘ What is wrong with you ? ‘ He said ‘ Your people claim they would kill me if I become a Muslim. ‘ Al As said ‘ Nobody will harm you after I have given protection to you. ‘ So Al As went out and met the people streaming in the whole valley. He said ‘ Where are you going ? ‘ They said ‘ We want Ibn Al Khattab who has embraced Islam. ‘ Al As said ‘ There is no way for anybody to touch him. ‘ So the people retreated. “

  • Sahih Al Bukhari
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