Chapter 38 : Battle of Badr IV - Victory Flashcards


The Battle Begins

  • After the Duel [ Mubarazah ], The 2 Armies were ready to fully engage
  • The Prophet then threw some pebbles in the direction of The Quraysh which signified the beginning of The Battle
  • Among the supplications of The Prophet during The Battle of Badr was :-

” O God, Do not let The Pharaoh of this Nation, Abu Jahl Ibn Hisham escape [ Death ]. “

  • The Prophet also addressed his companions and offered the glad tidings of Paradise to motivate them to be steadfast and fight bravely :-

” Rise up for A Paradise that is as expansive as The Heavens and The Earth which has been prepared for The Pious. “

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Umayr Ibn Al Humam

  • Umayr Ibn Al Humam after hearing The Prophet promising Paradise for The Believers said :-

” Bakhin [ Bravo / Congratulations ], Bakhin [ Bravo / Congratulations ] “

  • The Prophet said :-

” Why are you saying this ? “

  • Umayr replied :-

” I wish to be among them [ The People of Paradise ]. “

  • The Prophet replied :-

” Surely you will be from its people. “

  • Umayr then took some dates out of his pocket and started to eat them [ To Gain Strength ] and then said to himself :-

” If I live long enough to finish these dates then it is too long of A life ! “

  • It is said that Umayr Ibn Humam was the first among The Ansar to be killed in The Battle of Badr
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The Death of Abu Jahl [ Amr Ibn Hisham ]

  • Abdul Rahman Ibn Awf narrated that he was standing between two very young Ansari Men in the lines on The Day of Badr
  • Abdul Rahman Ibn Awf says :-

” For A moment, I wished that I had been standing between two strong men but I looked on either side of me and I saw very young farmers from The Ansar standing next to me. I was just thinking this when one of them tapped on my shoulder. The young man asked me ‘ Uncle, do you know who Abu Jahl is ? ‘ I said ‘ Yes of course I know who Abu Jahl is. What do you want with Abu Jahl boy ? ‘ The young man said ‘ I’ve heard that he does terrible things to The Prophet. I swear to Allah that if I come across him, I will not leave him except that I have taken care of him. ‘ I was really astonished by what this young man said to me. Then the other young man tapped me on the shoulder and said ‘ Uncle, can you show me who Abu Jahl is ? ‘ I asked him what he wanted with Abu Jahl and he responded with the same thing. I saw that Abu Jahl was riding his horse around circling the lines and I told the two young men ‘ You see that man circling around ? That’s who your looking for. ‘ Both of them drew their swords and just bolted out the line in the direction of Abu Jahl. One of the young men struck down Abu Jahl from his horse and injured him badly. The two young men were :-

1) Mu’adh Ibn Amr Ibn Al Jamuh
2) Mu’wwadh Ibn Afra’

Mu’wwadh died as A Martyr later that day. “

  • Mu’adh Ibn Amr Al Jamuh narrates :-

” When I attacked Abu Jahl, his son Ikrimah struck me. He severed my arm and it was basically dangling [ By A Tendon ] from my body. I tossed my arm over my shoulder and I kept fighting until it started getting cumbersome. I then placed my arm on the ground, put my foot on it and I severed it completely from my body and kept on fighting. “

  • It was both Mu’adh and Mu’wwadh who attacked Abu Jahl and injured him
  • Ikrimah then stepped in and was able to fight them off
  • However, Abu Jahl was left in a pool of his own blood
  • Both of these men went to The Prophet and told The Prophet that they killed Abu Jahl
  • The Prophet asked :-

” Which one of you killed Abu Jahl ? “

  • They replied :-

” Both of us did. “

  • The Prophet asked :-

” Have you wiped your sword ? “

  • They said :-

” No. “

  • The Prophet said :-

” Let me see them. “

  • They show The Prophet their swords and The Prophet said :-

” Both of you have killed Abu Jahl. “

After The Battle of Badr

  • Much later, After The End of The Battle of Badr, The Prophet told his companions :-

” I need someone to check on Abu Jahl. “

  • Abdullah Ibn Mas’ud went looking for Abu Jahl in The Battlefield
  • He spotted Abu Jahl and found that Abu Jahl was still alive lying in a pool of blood [ Injured but Alive ]
  • Abdullah Ibn Mas’ud approached Abu Jahl and put his foot on his neck to finish him off and said :-

” Has God put you to shame ? “

  • Abu Jahl replied :-

” How has He shamed me ? Am I anything more remarkable than A man you have killed ? Tell me how the battle went. “

  • Abdullah told him that The Battle went in favour of Allah and The Messenger of God to which Abu Jahl replies :-

” You have climbed high, you little shepherd. There is nothing that is more difficult for me today than the fact that someone like you is killing me [ Even in Death, Abu Jahl does not repent ]. “

  • Abdullah Ibn Mas’ud had enough of Abu Jahl at this point as even in death, Abu Jahl’s arrogance never fades
  • Abdullah Ibn Mas’ud had A broken little sword and Abu Jahl was lying there with his own sword
  • Abdullah Ibn Mas’ud used Abu Jahl sword and killed him
  • The same sword that was used to Intimidate and Terrorize Muslims was used against him [ Poetic Justice ]
  • Some have said that the arrogance of Abu Jahl surpassed even the arrogance of The Pharoah [ As ultimately even The Pharaoh repented ] :-

” We carried The Children of Israel across the sea whereat Pharaoh and his troops pursued them [ atba’a-hum ] out of defiance and aggression [ baghyan wa’aduwwan ]. When overtaken [ adraka-hu ] by drowning, he called out ‘ I believe that there is no God except Him in whom The Children of Israel believe and I am one of those who submit. ‘ “

Al Quran [ 10 : 90 ]

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The Death of Umayyah Ibn Khalaf [ Previous Master of Bilal Ibn Rabah ]

  • When The Quraysh had retreated in defeat, Umayyah began to look for people among The Muslims to grant him protection
  • One of his best friends in The Preislamic Era was Abdul Rahman Ibn Awf [ So much so that even after Abdul Rahman converted to Islam, they remained good friends ]
  • Umayyah catches a glimpse of his old friend and begs for protection
  • Bilal sees Abdul Rahman holding Umayyah’s hand as A prisoner and says :-

” Umayyah Ibn Khalad, The Leader of The Infidels ! You are giving him security ?! “

  • Abdul Rahman starts pleading to Bilal :-

” Calm down Bilal, Calm Down, These are my prisoners, etc “

  • But Bilal kept on raising his voice until he called The Ansar and told them :-

” This is that man who tortured me ! “

  • Abdul Rahman insisted that Umayyah should be spared and taken as A War Captive but Bilal refused to let Umayyah escape death
  • Until finally, they surrounded Abdul Rahman and began attacking Umayyah
  • Abdul Rahman tried to stop them with his own body and they would go underneath his hand, etc
  • Historians mentions that Abdul Rahman was actually wounded on his foot trying to protect Umayyah but eventually both Umayyah and his son were killed
  • Umayyah Ibn Khalaf was also the only person who was not buried
  • Umayyah’s body was found on a bed of pebbles [ Which was what he would use to torture Bilal ]
  • Whenever they tried to lift him up, the flesh would just decompose so they couldn’t pick him up
  • They took the same burning hot pebbles of the desert and just threw it onto his body to cover it
  • Umayah’s death was A Mirror Image of the Torture he used to subject Bilal with
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The Quraysh retreats

  • Eventually, The Quraysh turned on their backs and fled back to Makkah
  • When we examine the map of the battlefield, we find that The Prophet did not block the one passage leading back to Makkah
  • Some have theorized that The Prophet allowed that exit for The Quraysh in order for them to always entertain the option of retreating
  • This Military Tactic is used to weaken the resolve of the enemy combatants
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Casualties in The Battle of Badr


The Quraysh Army [ 1,000 Strong ]

1) 70 Killed [ Approximately ]
2) 70 Prisoners of War [ Approximately ]

  • Thus, around 15 % of The Quraysh Army was either killed or taken as Prisoners of War

The Muslim Army [ 313 Strong ]

1) 15 Were Martyred
2) No Prisoners of War

  • Thus, less than 5 % of The Muslim Army was killed
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After The Battle of Badr

  • After The Battle, The Prophet camped out at Badr for 3 Days :-

1) To Bury The Martyrs [ This is the first time the laws of burying The Martyrs is taught by The Prophet as part of The Islamic Law ]
2) To Recover And Ensure Quraysh Don’t Launch A Counterattack
3) To Prolong The Sense of Victory And To Cement The News of Quraysh’s Defeat

  • The 15 Martyr who died each got their own grave
  • Ibn Ishaq reports :-

” As for The Quraysh, The 70 who died were covered up in A Well. They were buried by throwing the bodies into one of The Abandoned Well’s and then Sand is thrown onto that to cover up The Bodies. [ Excluding The Body of Umayyah Ibn Khalaf ]. “

  • The Prophet looked at The People of The Well [ In which The Bodies of The Pagans were thrown ] and said :-

” Have you found true what your Lord has promised you ? “

  • Umar replied :-

” You are addressing dead people that have no souls. “

  • The Prophet replied :-

” You do not hear better than they … “

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How many people did Imam Ali kill


Majma Al Bayan Fi Tafsir Al Quran by Shaykh Tabarsi [ 12th Century Shia Scholar ]

  • In Majma Al Baya, it has been said that on The Day of Badr, Imam Ali killed 27 men

Al Waqidi [ Sunni Scholar ]

  • Al Waqidi says that various narrators and reports agree about 9 Men whom he killed while there is A disagreement about the others
  • However, Al Waqidi relates from Ibn Ishaq that most of the fallen in The Battle of Badr were vanquished by Ali

Kitab Al Irshad by Al Shaykh Al Mufid [ Shia Scholar - Student of Shaykh Al Saduq ]

  • It is mentioned in his book that :-

” The Commander of The Faithful [ Imam Ali came forward to fight Al As Ibn Said Ibn Al As after the others had shrunk away from him and no one was left to challenge him. Soon, The Commander of The Faithful had slain him. Next, Hanzalah Ibn Abi Sufyan challenged him and was slain. Next, Tu’aymah Ibn Adi challenged him and was slain. Next, Nawfal Ibn Khuwaylid [ One of The Devils ( Shayatin ) of The Quraysh ] challenged him and was slain. The Commander of The Faithful kept fighting them one after another until he had killed half of those who were killed. Seventy Men were killed in all. The Muslims at Badr along with 3,000 Striking Angels had taken care of half of them and The Commander of The Faithful had taken care of the other half alone. “

  • It also says in this book :-

” Sunni and Shi’i narrators concur that the names of the Idolaters whom The Commander of The Faithful vanquished at Badr are as follows :-

1) Al Waleed Ibn Utbah - He was brave and murderous [ Men feared him ]

2) Al As Ibn Said - He was A fearsome man whom heroes trembled before [ He was the one who set Umar Ibn Al Khattab to flight ]

3) Tuaymah Adi Ibn Nawfal - One of the chief’s of The Misguided

4) Nawfal Ibn Khuwaylid - One of The Idolaters who was fiercest in enmity towards The Messenger of God. They [ Quraysh ] used to look up to him, honour and obey him. He was the one who had tied together Abu Bakr and Talha with A rope in Makkah before The Emigration [ Hijra ] and tortured them day and night to find out about what they were doing. When The Messenger of God knew of his presence at Badr, He beseeched God to handle the matter by saying ‘ O God, take care of Nawfal Ibn Khuwaylid. ‘ Thus The Commander of The Faithful killed him

4) Zam’ah Ibn Al Aswad

5) Al Harith Ibn Zam’ah

6) Al Nadr Ibn Al Harith Ibn Abd Al Dar

7) Umayr Ibn Uthman Ibn Ka’b Ibn Taym

8) Talhah Ibn Ubayd Allah

9) Uthman and Malik - The Sons of Ubayd Allah and The Brothers of Talha Ibn Ubayd Allah

10) Mas’ud Ibn Abi Umayyah Ibn Al Mughirah

11) Qays Ibn Al Fakih Ibn Al Mughirah

12) Hudhayfah Ibn Abi Hudhayfah Ibn Al Mughirah

13) Abu Qays Ibn Al Walid Ibn Al Mughirah

14) Hanzalah Ibn Abi Sufyan

15) Amr Ibn Makhzum

16) Abu Mundhir Ibn Abi Rifa’ah

17) Munabbih Ibn Al Hajjaj Al Sahmi

18) Al As Ibn Munabbih

19) Alqamah Ibn Kaldah

20) Abu Al As Ibn Qays Ibn Adi

21) Muawiyyah Ibn Al Mughirah Ibn Abu Al As

22) Lawdhan Ibn Rabiah

23) Abd Allah Ibn Al Mundhir Ibn Abi Rifa’ah

24) Mas’ud Ibn Umayyah Ibn Al Mughirah

25) Hajib Ibn Al Sa’ib Ibn Al Mughirah

26) Aws Ibn Al Mughirah Ibn Lawdhan

27) Zayd Ibn Mulis

28) Asim Ibn Abi Awf

29) Sa’id Ibn Wahb - An Ally of Banu Amir

30) Muawiyah Ibn Amir Ibn Abd Al Qays

31) Abd Allah Ibn Jamil Ibn Zuhayr Ibn Al Harith Ibn Asad

32) Al Sa’ib Ibn Malik

33) Abu Al Hakam Ibn Al Akhnas

34) Hisham Ibn Abi Umayyah Ibn Al Mughirah

These are 35 men excluding those whom there is a disagreement about as well as those whom The Commander of The Faithful slew along with others. They are more than half of The Fallen at Badr as we have mentioned. “

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Who were The Martyrs in The Battle of Badr

  • In Bihar Al Anwar, Al Waqidi [ Sunni Historians ] narrates :-

” Abd Allah Ibn Ja’far told me ‘ I asked Al Zuhri, how many Muslims were martyred at The Battle of Badr ? ‘ He said 14, 6 from The Muhajireen and 8 from The Ansar. The narration continues with the following roster of the fallen


From Banu Al Muttalib Ibn Abd Manaf

1) Ubaydah Ibn Al Harith - He was killed by Utbah [ Another narration says that Shaybah killed him ]

From Banu Zuhrah

2) Umayr Ibn Abi Waqas - He was killed by Amr Ibn Abd Wadd [ The Horseman who was at The Battle of Ahzab / Trench / Khandaq ]

3) Umayr Ibn Abd Wadd, Dhu Al Shimalayn [ An ally of Banu Zuhrah ] - He was killed by Usamah Al Jashmi

From Banu Adi

4) Aqil Ibn Abu Al Bakir [ An ally from Banu Sa’d ] - He was killed by Malik Ibn Zuhayr

5) Mihja [ Freed Slave of Umar Ibn Al Khattab ] - He was killed by Amir Ibn Al Hadrami

From Banu Al Harith Ibn Fihr

6) Safwan Ibn Bayda - He was killed by Tu’aymah Ibn Adi


From Banu Amr Ibn Awf

7) Mubashshir Ibn Abd Al Mundhir - He was killed by Abu Thawr

8) Sa’d Ibn Khaythamah - He was killed by Amr Ibn Abd Wadd [ Some narrations say he was killed by Tu’aymah Ibn Adi ]

From Banu Adi Ibn Al Najjar

9) Harithah Ibn Suraqah - He was shot by an arrow from Hanna Ibn Al Irqah which struck his throat and killed him

From Banu Malik Ibn Al Najjar

10) Awf and Ma’udh [ The Sons of Afra ] - They were killed by Abu Jahl

From Banu Salamah

11) Umayr Ibn Al Hammam Ibn Al Jumuh - He was killed by Khalid Ibn Al A’lam [ Some say he was the first of The Ansar to be killed while others say Harithah Ibn Suraqah was the first of The Ansar to be killed ]

From Banu Zariq

12) Rafi Ibn Al Mu’alla - He was killed by Ikrimah Ibn Abu Jahl

From Banu Al Harithah Ibn Al Khazraj

13) Yazid Ibn Al Harith - He was killed by Nawfal Ibn Mu’awiyah

All in all, there were 8 of The Ansar “

  • It is also related from Ibn Abbas that Anasah [ The Freed Slave ] of The Prophet was killed at Badr
  • It is also related that Mu’adh Ibn Ma’is was wounded at Badr and died of his wounds in Madinah
  • It is also related that Ibn Ubayd Ibn Al Sakan was wounded painfully then died of his wounds
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