Chapter 8 Race Flashcards
Social process in which human groups are viewed/judged as essentially different in terms of intellect, morality, values and innate worth because of perceived differences in physical appearance or cultural heritage.
Indigenous Classifications
Registered Indian, Bill C-13 Indian, band member, reserve resident, treaty indian, metis and eskimo.
Certificates given to metis declaring that the bearer could receive payment in land, cash, or goods.
2 different types of metis
m=mixed indigenous and non indigenous heritage M=descendents of french fur traders and Cree women.
Prejudgement of others on basis of group membership
Individuals are treated differently based on group membership
How does power manifest?
When institutionalized advantages are regularly handed to one or more groups over others.
Racial Bigotry
Open, conscious expression of racist views by an individual
Systemic (institutionalized) racism
Racist practices, rules and laws become institutionalized ex: Chinese Exclusion Act.
Friendly (polite or smiling) racism
Subtle racism, hidden behind a smile or kind words.
Master Narratives
Stories people tell about their countries. Racism is often downplayed or altogether omitted in these. Michel Foucault-buried knowledge.
Primordialism (Essentialism)
Every ethnic group is made up of “laundry list” of traits carried down from past with little or no change. Every ethnic group has inherent, genetic traits that can be passed on from one gen to the next.
Theorhetical framework that analyzes the destructive impact colonialism has on both the colonizer and the colonized. First developed by Franz Fanon and Albert Memmi.
Indirect Rule
Governance policy, European nation uses the members of particular ethnic group as its intermediares ruling African Territory.
Dual Colonialism
Idea that, under colonial regime, most oppressed groups suffer both at the hands of colonizers and local groups.
Epiphenomenal Theory
Any ethnic conflict is a by product of the struggle between economic classes.
Emerging ethnicity, no long-established ethnic characteristics. Ethnicity is a tool used to accomplish a certain goal.
Ethnic Entrepreneurs
Mobilized ethnicity for personal gain. Ex: Hitler.
Social Constructivism
Ethnicity is constructed by individuals for varying social purposes. Ethnic groups are created through interaction
Everett C. Hughes
Studied ethnic division of labor between English and French.
John Porter
Cultural Mosaic: Socieities in which individual, ethnic, cultural, and religious groups are able to maintain separate identities.
Melting Pot-Individuals forced to assimilate into new society
Vertical Mosaic-Hierarchy of higher and lower ethnic, cultural, and religious groups.
Daniel G. Hill
First black canadian sociologist.
Intersectionality Theory
Kimberle Crenshaw, elaborated by critical sociologist Patricia Hill Collins. Argues against notion that the experience of being “female” is basically the same for all women-interlocking matrix of domination: Gender based stereotypes combined with racial prejudice.
Is a shared cultural heritage that can be modified
Visible Minorities
Are foreign or Canadian born, visibly a minority. Indigenous people ARE NOT visible minorities.
4 Elements of Racism
- Construction of certain groups as biologically superior or inferior
- Stereotypes and Prejudice
- Discrimination
- Power and institutionalized inequality.
Cultural Appropriation
Members of the dominant culture take elements of subordinate culture and use them for their own purposes (ex: indigenous halloween costumes).
Chinese Head Tax
1880, the chinese worked for half of white mans wage. Cost 50-500 dollars to immigrate into Canada per person. “Yellow Peril” attempted to stop people immigrating from china. “Chinese Exclusion Act” doesn’t consider chinese as citizens of Canada.
Komagate Maru
Sikh immigrants (entire boat) denied entry into Canada. No citizenship reason, simply racism.
MS St Louis
Jewish refugees refused entry into Cuba and Canada, due to our Prime Minister at the time. Anti-Semitism rampant throughout Western World.