Chapter 12 Education Flashcards
Institution of Education
Set of ideas about education, how it can be used to accomplish goals deemed important to society.
Stephen Schecter
Ryerson’s public education model, not simply for social order, but procured social control.
Public Education
Reinforced class divisions to discipline working class
Human Capital Thesis
Humans invest in schools to enhance knowledge and skills of workers. Marginalized groups earn less than dominant groups-they possess less human capital.
Jeannie Oakes
Cultural Reproduction Theory: Tracking-process of categorization of students so they can be assigned in groups to various kinds of classes. Perceived ability is reflected through race, class, and ethnicity.
Low Track Education
Lower level of education, more discipline, less learning, absence of social skills, more willing to be controlled and conform to the needs of the workplace.
Legitimization of Inequality
To what extent students accept differential tracking placement.
Michel Foucault-Docile Body
Group that has been conditioned to behave precisely how administrators want. 3 forms.
3 Forms of Docile Body
- Hierarchical Observation-People are controlled through observation and surveillance
- Normalizing Judgements- Individuals are judged not on rightness or wrongness of actions, but on how their actions rank when compared to performance of others.
- The examination-Combines 1 and 2. Norms are formulated based on observations of test scores.
Reproduction of social structure
Education system helps children maintain their class when they grow up.
Jean Anyon
Ethnographic study of 5 elementary schools in New Jersey. 2 were working class.
Academic performance reflects natural ability and system provides mobility for lower class/minoritized who work hard to succeed. Translates privilege into hardwork.
Disqualified Knowledge
Knowledges disqualified as inadequet to their task- Indigenous writers not scientific or objective enough for sociology books.
Practice of valuing degrees and diplomas over actual knowledge and ability when hiring or promoting.
Adjunct Professors
Experienced instructor, who because of seniority, is first in line to take courses full time instructors can’t or won’t take. Pay is lower than full time instructors, jobs are competitive.
Commodification of education
Boosting revenue is the main objective, education experience into discrete, saleable things.
Separation between people and the work they are paid to do.
Intellectual Property
Course material taken out of original instructors possession.
Instrumental vs Critical Education
Limited set of tasks vs analysis of ideas and classroom discussions.
Social Distance
How well you know your instructors lowers your probability of plagiarising.
Mass Education
Didn’t exist prior to industrial revolution-reserved for elite. Uneducated population is easily controlled.
Post 1970s contraction
Less public money/funding on services caused increase in tuition cost.
Funding Clawbacks
Education is a privilege, you must pay for. Uofc Revenu was 1.3 billion in 2017. 17% of that comes from tuition.
1972 vs 2017
400$ to attend uofc for the year vs 5749$-we pay for 1/3 of the actual education fees. (subsidization)