Chapter 10 Families Flashcards
Nuclear Family
Includes parents and their children
Extended Family
Includes grandparents, aunts, uncles and cousins
Simple Household
Unrelated adults with or without children living together.
Complex Household
Two or more adults who are related but not married to each other living together.
Crude Marriage Rate
Number of marriages per 1000 people in a population.
Common Law
Living together but not married.
Teen Pregnancy Rates
Quebec (2.5) and BC (2.6)-Lowest percentage of births to teens. Highest is Saskatchewan (8.1), Manitoba (8.0) and Nunuvat (20.3)
Ability to conceive. 91% at 30, 77% at 35, 53% at 40.
Total Fertility Rate
Estimate of average number of children that a cohort of women between ages 15-49 will have in their lifetime
Cluttered Nest
When adult children continue to live at home with their parents.
Rod Beaujot
Studied delayed life transitions. Also complementary vs companionate.
Families in Quebec
Highest cohabition rate (33.95%), lowest marriage rate (2.9 per 100000), highest divorce rate (69.2 per 100 marriages), highest number of divorces among couples married less than 30 years (61.0 per 100 marriages) Conclusion-Quebec went through more rapid modernization and outright change during last 40 years.
Conjugal (marital) roles
Distinctive roles of husband and wife
Elizabeth Bott
Conjugal roles as either segregated or joint. Tasks, interests, and activities differ vs shared. Created the Bott hypothesis.
Complementary Roles
Men are the primary earners or breadwinners. Women primarily do the childcare and housework.
Companionate Roles
Roles overlap
Double Burden (second shift)
Women are more companionate than men-they work AND take care of children, men do less of this.
Double Ghetto
Marginalization of women in the workplace and in the home
M. Reza Nakhaie
Gender is a greater factor than relative income or available time in determining how much housework an individual does.
Gender Strategy
Plan of action through which a person tries to solve problems given cultural notion of gender.
Occupational Segregation
Women choose jobs which have greater flexibility in terms of child care related work interruptions.
Endogamy vs Exogamy
Marrying within the same ethnic, religious, or cultural group as oneself vs marrying outside of one’s group.
Nancy Mendell and Ann Duffy
Canadian sociologists-government discouraged possibility of developing families among women of colour.
Scientific Racism (eugenics)
Used to justify prejudices based on supposed genetic inferiority of certain immigrant groups to North America.
Scientific Classism
Supports prejudice against the poor.
Sexual Sterilization Act
25% were metis and first Nations. Sixties Scoop-Removed large number of indigenous children from their families, communities, and the indigenous world.
What are the changing patterns of marriage?
- Marriage rate is decreasing, cohabition is increasing
- Age of first marriage is rising
- Age of women giving birth for the first time is rising
- Number of children per family has dropped, birth rate is below death rate, Canadian population is shrinking
- Since 1966, lone parent families are increasing
- There are more people living alone than before
- Children are leaing home at a later age.
Unites 3 or more people. Polygyny (man has many women). Polyandry (woman has many men). Much more common in low income countries, is an expression of wealth.
What are the legal peramaters of marriage
Can be legally married at 18, legally married at 16 with parents consent, legally married at 14 with courts consent.
What sanctions were put on indigenous people to control marriage?
Houses were smaller so indiginous people could not live with extended families, monogamy.
Indigenous Teaching and Learning
Is lifelong, there are 4 stages: Childhood, adolescence, adulthood, and amturity. Knowledge is aquired through experience and interaction, everyone is connected. Individual knowledge becomes collective knowledge.
Oval Tradition
Storytelling, passing information through generations preserves history (sharing circles).
Seven Generations
Learning through relationships, extended family role. Importantce of intergenerational relations (7 generations into the past and future).
Fosterage Practice
Grandchildren are sent to live with grandparents, both parties benefit.
How to give back to the environment
Inductive Discipline
How actions impact others. Punishments include teasing, scary stories, and ignoring-encourages proper behaviours.
Naming Ceremony
Establishes identity and child’s place in the community