Chapter 4 Socialization Flashcards
Primary Socialization
Socialization that an individual undergoes during childhood, typically parents involved in this type
Secondary Socialization
Occurs later in life due to changes in setting. Example: Entering University, starting a new job.
Deterministic Approach
People’s attitudes are determined by a single factor (nature vs nurture).
Soft vs Hard determinism
Soft: Room for agency in one’s life
Hard: We are programmed to think/act a certain way due to biology or culture.
What was Edward Thorndike’s theory?
Law of Effect: If you do something that is rewarded, there is likelihood you will do it again. If you do something that is punished/ignored, likelihood decreases.
What is behaviour modification?
Attempt to change a behaviour using reinforcement.
What are Freud’s Id, Superego, and Ego?
Id: Stands for intrinsic drives, we are born with them (unconscious). Eros and Thanatos, life drive which involves sexual pleasure vs death wish which is an instinct for aggression and violence.
Superego: Conscience, Takes in normative messages of right and wrong and internalizes them
Ego: Mediates between conscious and unconscious. Tries to make sense of what the individual does and thinks.
Dennis H. Wrong’s argument
Criticized over socialized representation of people, argued that people do not completely conform to lessons of socialization and can elect to resist it.
Bruno Bettelheim
Oversocialized cold mothers caused autism
What are significant others and generalized others?
Significant Others- Key individuals in a child’s life (primary parents, older siblings, close friends) whom young children imitate and model themselves after.
Generalized Others- Abstract societal norms, general expectations
What were George Herbert Mead’s 3 stages of socialization?
- Preparatory Stage- Imitation of others
- Play Stage- Pretend play and role taking, child assumes perspectives of significant other
- Game stage- several roles perceived and child considers several roles.
What did Carol Gilligan discover?
The self esteem of young girls declines during teenage years.
What was Charles Horton Cooley’s idea?
Looking glass self, how a person thinks he or she is viewed by others. 3 component- how you imagine you appear to others, how you imagine their judgement of you, how you feel as a result. (Symbolic interactionist).
What did John T. Hitchcock and Ann Leigh Minturn study?
Cross cultural socialization
What is national character?
Personality type of entire nations. Primary socialization of child-raising linked to country’s national character.
What is the swaddling hypothesis?
Russians are moody due to be swaddled as infants.
What did Brad Bushman and L. Rowell Huesmann believe?
TV is a source of violence in children
What did Jib Fowles believe?
TV takes violent thoughts out of people
What is a longitudinal study?
Examines data gathered on research subjects over an extended period
What is the observational learning theory?
Aquiring ways to solve problems through observation (ex: violence on TV causes children to use violence to solve problems irl).
What is desensitization theory?
Increased exposure to violence numbs natural negative reaction to violence
Pierre Bourdieu and Habitus
Socially aquired characteristics including “manners” and “good taste.”
What is reproduction?
Means by which classes (particularly upper or dominant), preserve status among different classes.
David Elkin
Culture as an agent of socialization-interest in negative effects on children whose lives have been over-programmed by parents (less spontaneous play, more organized activities).
Hurried-child syndrome
Causes kids to feel adult like stress levels and guilt.
What is secondary socialization?
Different from primary in that it involves a group that is much smaller than society in general and usually takes place outside of family.
What are non-deterministic approaches?
Nature AND nurture working together. Never 100% learned through those factors.
What is biological determinism?
Greater part of who we are is determined by our genes
What is social determinism?
Behaviourism: Any behaviour can be thought and learned (Edward Thorndike)
What is resocialization?
Erving Goffman, refers to process of unlearning old ways and learning new ways, can be voluntary or involuntary.
What is mass media?
Impersonal communications aimed at wide audiences. TV shows mirror society’s patterns of social inequality.
What is a total institution?
Resocialize by regulating all aspects of a persons life (prisons, military, residential schools). Physical isolation, rewards and punishments, breaking down identity. Resocialization is not equal in this case.