chapter 8: political geography Flashcards
political geography
study on how and why political spaces emerge & how they effect social, political, economic, and environmental understandings and practices
a politically organized territory that is administered by a sovereign government and is recognized by a significant portion of the international community
sense of property and attachment to territory → determination to defend it
final authority over social, economic, and political matters should rest with the legitimate rulers of independent states
territorial integrity
the right of a state to defend sovereign territory against incursion from other states
promotion of commercialism & trade
peace of westphalia
negotiated in 1648 to end 30 years war
recognized statehood & nationhood, clearly defined borders, and guarantees of security
term encompassing all the citizens of a state; tightly knit group of people who bond over language, ethnicity, religion, and other shared cultural attributes
a recognized member of the modern state system possessing formal sovereignty where everyone sees themselves as a united nation
the goal for many countries but not common
desire of government → stability in society but cancels out other forms of identity (only nationalism) → can lead to focus on race → “pure/superior race”
government based on the principles that the people have final say over what happens within the state
multinational state
state where there is more than one nation in its borders
ex. former yugoslavia
multistate nation
nation that stretches across state borders
ex. transylvania (romania & hungary)
stateless nation
nation that does not have a state
ex.palestine, kurdistan
rule by an autonomous power iver a subordinate and alien people and place
world-systems theory
Immanuel Wallerstein → three tier structure
social change is linked to economic activities
economic model wherein people. corporations, and states produce goods and exchange them on the world market to get profit
where something that did not have monetary value is now given monetary value
states that incorporate higher levels of education, salaries, and more technology
these states generate the most wealth in the 3 tier system
states that incorporate lower levels of education, lower salaries, and less technology; generate least wealth
places where the core & periphery processes are both occurring; places that are exploited by the core but exploit the periphery
forces that UNIFY a country
ex. commitment to natl culture, shared ideological objectives, and common faith
forces that DIVIDE a country
ex. religious, linguistic, ethnic, or ideological differences
a nation-state that has a centralized gov & administration that exercises power equally over all parts of the state
→ minority groups get suppressed
political territory where a central gov represents regions
common interests: defense, foreign affairs, etc
→ state rights v fed gov
where regions within a state demand and gain political strength and growing autonomy at the expense of the central gov
territorial representation
system wherein each representative is elected from a territorially defined district
representative districts are switched according to population shifts
where majority-minority districts are spread evenly across each if the districts, ensuring control by the majority of each of the districts
majority-minority districts
district where the majority of the population is part of a minority
redistricting for an advantage
vertical plane between states that cuts through the rocks below and the airspace above
geometric boundary
political boundary defined and delimited as a straight line or arc
physical-political boundary
political boundary defined and delimited by a prominent feature in the natural landscape
heartland theory
Halford Mackinder → any political power based in the heart of eurasia could gain enough strength to eventually dominate the world
critical geopolitics
where geopoliticians focus on explaining the underlying spatial assumptions and territorial perspectives of politicians
world order in which one state is in a position of dominance with allies
supranational organization
a venture involving 3+ nation-states → political, economic, cultural cooperation
the movement of economic, social, and cultural processes out of the hands of states
when people within a place start to produce an aspect of pop culture but make it their own
boundaries are not instinct, they depend on context, for military and political control
boundaries are instinctual, animals have always controlled and defended their own land
nation-state: french revolution & nationalism
people: loyal& belief in nation
state: → depends on relations with other countries + national identities can lead to bigotry, racism, & genocide
19th century goals
unity as a “national whole” FR & SP
bring together a shared culture GER
separate from dominating group IRE NOR POL ITY
capitalism: world = 1 market
when one country goes down, all go down bc of connectedness
(global division of labor)
4 Ds to establishing boundaries
write down where the boundary lies (longitude & latitude) on a legal document that is signed
drawing a line on a map
physically define boundary
ex. signs, fence, wall, posts
maintain & patrol border with cooperation between both states
disputes over borders
- legal language of definition of border
- location / interpretation of demarcation + over cultural points
- operation of border (migration control + smuggling)
- allocation of resources (water & oil)
peaceful ethnocultural devolution
czechoslovakia → czech republic & slovakia
lithuania, latvia, estonia breakaway from russia
conflict ethnocultural devolution
yugoslavia (serbians & bosnians): ethnic cleansing, war, violence
sudan (N&S): ethnic cleansing, religious + ethnically motivated
srilanka (buddhist shinhalese & hindu tamil): civil war
china (muslim uighurs & buddhist tibetans)
economic devolution
Brazil: pampas (S WEALTHY) &Amazonia (N POOR)
Spain: catalonia (majority of exports originate from)
Italy: N wealth tall & pale S poor short & dark
spatial devolution
remoteness from main gov
corsica & sardina
puerto rico & US
zanzibar & tanzinia
Jolo & philippines
singapore & malaysia
analyzation of space and voting
church affiliation, income, ethnicity, education, socioeconomic factors affect voting patterns
porupt state shape
an area of the state protrudes from the central region ex. thailand
states that are encompassed by another state
distance from center does not vary
the state extends in two opposite directions
states with two or more fragmented pieces
boundary typed
antecedent: predates development of political communities
subsequent: evolves with cultural landscape
superimposed: drawn by outsiders
relict: border that no longer functions