chapter 10: development Flashcards
commodity chain
links that connect places around the world to help create a commodity that is then exchanged on the world market
ex. designed in CA, parts made in MX, manufactured in China, then shipped back to CA for distribution
break-of-bulk location
a location where goods are set to be transported from one carrier to another
ex. cargo on train to bus to plane to ship etc
gross national product
total value of all goods/services produced by a country’s ECONOMY in a year; whether they are located in the country or not
gross domestic product
gross natl income
total amount of money earned by a nations people, businesses, and shares in other countries
per capita GNI
the dollar value earned by a nation’s people/businesses divided by population
formal economy
the legal economy that is taxed and monitored by a government and is included in a gov’s gnp
informal economy
economis activity that is neither taxed nor monitored by a gov; not included in that gov’s gnp
digital divide
the gap in access to telecommunications between developed and developing countries
millenium development goals
- eradicate extreme poverty and hunger
- universal education
- gender equality
- reduce child mortality
- maternal health
- combatting disease
- environmental stability
- global partnership
modernization model
(rostow) if you follow the behavior of rich countries YOU TOO CAN BE RICH
- upward mobility
the geographical situation in which something occurs and what is happening outside of its own scale
the entrenchment of the colonial order, such as trade and investment, under a new guise
structuralist theory
model of develop that treats economic desparities among countries as a result of historically derived (colonization) power relations within the global economic system
tldr: colonialism has long lasting effects on countries’ development
tldr: its basically impossible for upwards mobility
dependency theory
critiques modernization model → colonialism has created arrangements that keep the colonial powers wealthy and the colonies poor
when poorer countries tie currency to a wealthier country/completely abandon their own
world systems theory
social change in developing world is linked to the economic activities of the developed world
in a capitalist world we can never be all equal
three tier structure
core, periphery, and semiperiphery
when a family send a child to a labor recruiter in hopes of receiving money for their work
structural readjustment loans
loans granted by institutions such as the World Bank & the International Monetary Fund to countries in the periphery and semiperiphery in exchange for gov and economic reforms
→ rich get rich and the poor stay poor
washington consensus
- free trade raises the wellbeing of all countries
- competition allows long term growth
economic control moves from state to private sector
- they make all the policies
- lasseiz fare
export processing zones
zones est by countries in the periphery and semiperiphery where they offer favorable trade arrangements to attract foreign trade and investment
the term given to zones in northern mexico with factories supplying manufactured goods to the us with low wage workers
special economic zones
specific area within a country in hich tax incentives & less regulations attract foreign business and investment
north american free trade agreement
agreement btwn canada, mexico, & us to eliminate the barriers to trade in and facilitate the cross-border mvmt of goods and services btwn the countries
when areas become more like deserts because of the overuse of soil and shifts in environmental zones
island of development
place built up by government or corp to attract foreign investment
nongovernmental organizations
international organizations that operate outside of the formal political arena but that are nevertheless influential in spearheading international initiatives on social, economic, and environmental issues
microcredit program
program that provides small loans to poor people, especially women, to encourage and develop small businesses
barriers to development: social conditions
- high birthrate,
- too many dependents,
- inadequate nutrition,
- terrible hygiene,
- inadequate healthcare (more orphans → small workforce)
- no clean water,
- lack of ed,
- high illiteracy
- gender inequality
barriers to development: foreign debt
repaying wealthy/worldbank/international monetary fund
- structural adjustment loans (loans with strings)
barriers to development: political instability
- gov not able to maintain control
- gap btwn rich and poor
- competition amongst groups
- decolonization effects
5 stages
preconditions to “takeoff”
drive to maturity
high mass consumption
stage 1: traditional
self sustaining, slow tech, rigid social structure
stage 2: preconditions to “takeoff”
more tech, involved gov with flexibility, diversification of economy
stage 3: takeoff
industrialization, sustained growth, urbanization, better tech
stage 4: drive to maturity
specialization in industrialization
tech diffused to all
stage 5: high mass consumption
services, high tech, high income
flaws in traditional measurments of development
masks uneven distribution of wealth, doesnt meausre costs
alt measures
role of tech, production, transportation, speed of communication