Chapter 8 Part 1 (Eye and Vision) Flashcards
What is the conjunctiva of the eye?
A protective mucous membrane lining the eyelids
What is the function if the lacrimal apparatus?
Drain tears into the nasal cavity
The eyes outer most layer is the ____ and it consists the ____?
- Fibrous layer
- Sclera and cornea
The eyes middle layer is the ____ and it consists of the ____?
- Vascular layer
- Choroid, ciliary body and iris
The eyes innermost layer is the ____?
- Sensory layer
What is cataracts?
Partial or Complete lass off transparency of the crystalline lens of the eye
What is glaucoma?
Abnormal increase of the pressure within the eye causing damage to the optic nerve resulting in vison loss
What is refraction?
Bending of light
What is accommodation?
Changes in eye optical power to maintain a clear image or focus on an object as its distance varies
What is the cause of astigmatism?
Occurs when either the front surface of the eye (cornea) or the lens inside the eye has mismatched curves.
What is emmetropia?
To naturally have perfect vision (20/20)
What causes hyperopia?
When your eyeball grows too short from front to back, or when there are problems with the shape of your cornea. (Farsightedness)
What causes myopia?
When your eyeball is too long or the cornea or the protective outer layer of your eye is too curved (Nearsightedness)
What is the photopupillary reflex?
Protective reflex that constricts the pupil upon exposure to bright light to prevent damage to the photoreceptors
What is convergence?
Reflexive movement of the eyes medially when we view close objects
What is the outer ear composed of?
- Auricle
- External acoustic meatus
What is the auricle?
The shell shaped structure surrounding the auditory canal opening
What is the external acoustic meatus?
Tunnel like hole in the temporal bine where sound enters the ear
What is the middle ear cavity?
Open cavity medial to the tympanic membrane containing tiny bones the transmit sound to the inner ear.
The maze of bony chambers in the internal ear are called the?
Bony labyrinth
What are the tree subdivisions of the bony labyrinth?
- Cochlea
- Vestibule
- Semicircular canals
The bony labyrinth is filled with a fluid called?