Chapter 8: middle childhood, the social world Flashcards
Erikson (industry vs inferiority)
fourth of Erikson’s eight psychosocial crises. characterized by tension between productivity and incompetence. attempt to master culturally valued skills and develop a sense of themselves as either industrious or inferior, competent or incompetent
Dealing with stress (resilience)
capacity to adapt well to significant adversity and to overcome serious stress
resilience is dynamic
resilience is a positive adaption to stress
adversity must be significant
factors contributing to resilience
child’s interpretation of events
personal strengths such as creativity and intelligence
avoidance of parentification
parentification: when a child acts more like a parent than a child. this may occur if the actual parents do not act as caregivers, making a child feel responsible for the family
a state of worry or mental tension caused by a difficult situation
stress accumulates over time
daily hassles can be more detrimental than isolated major stress
homelessness as an example
social support
support of family and community
helps to cope with stress and problems that occur
family functions
the way a family works to meet the needs of its members
function is more important than structure, but harder to measure
functions of a family
physical necessities (food, clothing, shelter)
encouraging learning
helping them develop self-respect
peer relationships (nurturing friendships)
fostering harmony and stability
family structure
culture and family structure, cultural context always matters
family structure, legal and genetic relationships among relatives living in the same home
differences in family (Nuclear families)
generally function the best, better educational, social, cognitive, and behavioral child outcomes, parental alliance, positive effects beyond childhood
differences in family (adoptive and same-sex parent families)
typically function well, often better than average nuclear families, vary tremendously in ability to meet children’s needs
differences in family (stepparent families)
some function well; positive relationships more easily formed with children under 2; more difficult to form. child loyalty to parents often undermined by dispute
differences in family (single parent family)
consists of only one parent and his or her children under age 18
more than half of U.S. children will live in a single parent home for at least a year
differences in family (extended family)
family consisting of parents, their children, and other relatives living in one household
family type distinction based on who lives in the same household
Kohlberg’s levels/theory of morality
Lawrence Kohlberg (1963): described stages of morality that stem from three levels of moral reasoning, with two stages at each level
1. preconventional moral reasoning : emphasizes rewards and punishments
2. conventional moral reasoning: emphasizes social rules
3. postconventional moral reasoning: emphasizing moral principles
differences in family (polygamous family)
family consisting of one man, several wives, and the biological children of the man and his wives
step-sibling role is challenging for many
repeated, systematic efforts to inflict harm through physical, verbal, or social attack on a weaker person.
physical (hitting, punching, or kicking)
verbal (teasing, taunting, or name-calling)
relational (destroying peer acceptance and friendship)
cyberbullying (using electronic means to harm another)