Chapter 7: Middle Childhood Flashcards
Problems (Asthma)
a chronic inflammatory disorder of the airways that makes breathing difficult
Problems (Obesity)
having a BMI above the 95th percentile
many 6 to 11 year old’s eat too much, exercise too little, and become overweight or obese
an excessive weight contributes to future health risk increase, average achieve decrease, self esteem failures, and loneliness
Problems (Overweight)
having a BMI above the 85th percentile
Piaget (concrete operational thought)
ability to reason logically about direct experiences and perceptions
Piaget (classification)
the logical principle that things can be organized into groups
Piaget (seriation)
the idea that things can be arranged in a series. seriation is crucial for understanding the number sequence
education occurs everywhere and knowledge is acquired from social context
instruction is essential
guiding each child through the zone of proximodistal development is crucial
apprentices in learning
most important role of teachers is to help children focus
selective attention: ability to
concentrate on some stimuli
while ignoring others
Information processing
information processing perspective: compares human thinking processes, by analogy, to computer analysis of data
compares human thinking processes, analogy, to computer; select relevant units of information, analyze can connect, express conclusions in understanding ways
Memory (sensory memory)
stored for a few seconds at most, sense
Memory (working memory)
memory that is active at any given moment
Memory (long-term memory)
the unlimited storage information that is maintained for long periods, or life
Brain development (Maturation of Prefrontal Cortex)
allows for better executive function (mental processing that allows for planning, memory, and perform multiple tasks)
Information processing theory (Reaction time)
time it takes to respond to a stimulus
information processing theory (automatization)
process in which repetition of a sequence of thoughts and actions makes the sequence routine
information processing
factors that influence knowledge base, experience, current opportunity, personal motivation
Aptitude and achievement tests (IQ tests)
Aptitude: the ability to master a specific kill or to learn a certain body of knowledge.
IQ tests: Stanford Binet (test designed to gauge intelligence through cognitive ability), Weschler intelligence scale for children (WISC) (test that measures a child’s intellectual ability and 5 cognitive domains that impact performance), Flynn effect (phenomenon discovered by intelligence researcher that determine the average IQ of humans increasing overtime)
Gardner’s theory of intelligence
multiple intelligences
originally seven intelligences but added two more: linguistic, logical mathematical, musical, spatial, bodily-kinesthetic, interpersonal, intrapersonal, naturalistic, and existential
Childhood disorders (ADHD)
Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder: condition in which a person is inattentive, impulsive, and overactive and has great difficulty concentrating more than a few moments
Knowledge base (selective attention)
paying attention to one thing and tuning out the other noise, or events
Autism spectrum disorder (ASD)
learning disability, have unusual patterns of language, play, and social interactions, before school age. have mild, moderate, and severe.
Knowledge base (Curriculum)
what should they learn, teach reading, writing, arithmetic.
Knowledge base
a broad body of knowledge in a particular subject
makes it easier to remember and understand new information
Knowledge base (Meta cognition)
awareness and understanding of one’s own thought processes