Chapter 11: emerging adulthood, body, mind, and social world Flashcards
strong and healthy bodies, usually in good health, years between 18 to 25 are a time for hard physical work and childbearing, by age 20 immune system is developed well enough to to fight off everything from sniffles to cancer
the adjustment of all the body’s systems to keep physiological functions in a state of equilibrium
as body ages it takes longer for these adjustments to occur, so it becomes harder for older bodies to adapt to stress
nutrition and exercise underlie health at every age
risk taking (edgework)
occupations, recreational activities, or other ventures that involve a degree of risk or danger, the prospect of “living on the edge” makes edgework compelling to some individuals
risk taking (extreme sports)
forms of recreation that include apparent risk of injury or death and that are attractive and thrilling as a result
stereotype threat
the fear that someone else will judge one’s appearance or behavior negatively and thereby confirm that persons prejudiced attitudes
the mere possibility of being negatively stereotypes arouses anxiety that can disrupt cognition and distort emotional regulation
stereotype threat makes people of all ages doubt their ability, which reduces learning of their anxiety interferes with cognition
postformal thought
believed to be more practical, flexible, logical, willing to accept moral and intellectual complexities, and dialectical than previous stages in development
less impulsive and reactive
more capable of combining combining contradictory elements into a comprehensive whole
intimacy vs isolation (Erikson’s sixth psychosocial stage)
particularly emphasizes that humans are social creatures
intimacy progresses from attraction to close connection to ongoing commitment
friends, new and old, are particularly crucial during emerging adulthood
sex and reproduction
the sexual reproduction reproductive system is especially vigorous during emerging adulthood.
sex drive is powerful, infertility is rare, orgasm is frequent, and birth is easy, with fewer complications in the early 20s than at any other time.
sexual reproductive characteristics are produced by sex hormones, which peak in both sexes at about age 20.
Sternberg’s theory of love
Robert Sternberg (1988) described three distinct aspects of love:
passion - an intense physical, cognitive and emotional onslaught characterized by excitement, ecstasy, and euphoria.
intimacy - knowing someone well, sharing secrets as well as sex.
commitment - grows gradually through decisions to be together, mutual care giving, kept secrets, shared possessions, and forgiveness
sex and reproduction
hookup - sexual encounter between two people who are not in a romantic relationship (about half of all emerging adults