Chapter 8 - Intelligence Flashcards
Francis Galton
Francis Galton
Interested in eugenics, improving the human race
-said some people are better than others
Two ways of defining intelligence:
objectively observable behavior
Capacity to learn
Alfred Binet
Alfred Binet
Identified mental age
-special ed kids
Mental age
Reflects mental ability typical of a child of a certain chronological age
Performance of a child and how it corresponds to chronological age of other kid
Louis Terman
Lewis Termin
Developed the Stanford Binet test
Stanford-Binet Test
First intelligence quotient (IQ)
Iq = mental age /chronological age * 100
David Weschler
Developed the Weschler Adult Intelligence scale
psychological tests
Psychological tests
A systematic procedure for observing behavior
-A good way to quantify mental abilities
– Can be reified or biased
Weschler Adult Intelligence scale
4 Categories:
Verbal comprehension scale
Perceptual reasoning scale
Processing speed scale
Working memory scale
The kallikak family (early 1900s)
Detailed study saying that intelligence is inherited
Reliability of a psychological test
Validity of the psychological test
- Is it consistent
- Test retest reliability
- Split half
Validity -Predictably How I'll they predict their future -External validity How does it do relating to the real world
Cumulative deprivation hypothesis
Cumulative deprivation hypothesis
Chronic environmental deprivation leads to iq decline
Kids from poor adopted into rich jump nearly 30% IQ
Flynn Effect
Flynn effect
Iq in industrialized countries have been increasing in the last 20 years
Reaction Range
Reaction range
Genetically determined range for ones IQ
Steriotype threat
Stereotype threat
People who expect to place into a stereotype they’ll fit in it
-Golf video
Steele and aronson (1995) showed people faced with stereotype