Chapter 4 - Sensation And Perception Flashcards
Bottom up Top Down
Bottom up When the Stimulus influences our perception Start with no preconceived notions and trying to understand what it -Hallucinations Top Down uses background knowledge and preconceptions to influence perception -Delusion
Sensation Perception Transduction
Sensation The ability to detect and encode information from the environment Perception The ability to use, organize and understand environmental sensation. The ability to give meaning to what we sense Transduction The process of converting physical or chemical stimuli into a nerve impulse/language of the nervous system
Define Capgras Syndrome -What brain piece goes wrong
Capgras syndrome -When perception/top down -Recognizing faces but thinking they’re imposters -Disconnect between memory and emotion of your past -Problems in the linking of the -Amygdala and temporal lobe -Linking emotions and memories
What is prosopragnosia?
Facial blindness -Can’t recognize the people you know -Damage of the fusiform gyrus
What two physics factors influence the translation and perception of vision
Wave amplitude -height of wave -amount of intensity Wave length -color
Know these parts of the Eye Cornea Lens Retina Pupil Iris Optic Disk Fovea
Cornea -Outside surface that light passes through to the lens Lens -Focuses light on the retina Retina -Surface on the back of eye where translation occurs Pupil -Black circle light passes through Iris -Pigmented part that changes size of pupil Optic Disk -Blind spot, start of optic nerve Fovea -Center of focus; most cones
Rods Cones
Rods -Sensitive during dark conditions -Periphery of retina -Black and white Cones -Center of retina -Activated by different wavelengths -Transduction occurs here -Color vision
The names of the two theories of color vision are:
Young hemholtz trichromatic theory Opponent process theory
Young hemholtz trichromatic theory
Young hemholtz trichromatic theory There are three kinds of cones sensitives to various Wavelengths: -Short (Blue) -Medium (green) -Long (Red) The mixing of them produces any color
These color blindness types are missing which cones? -Red/green -Blue/yellow
Color blindness Red/green -Missing green cone Blue/yellow -Missing blue cone
After image
When you stare at something and it stays -Sun/Jesus pics from class
Opponent process theory
Opponent process theory -There are specific cells set to only certain colors (rgb) -When you stare at one color basically the cell gets fatigued which makes you highly sensitive to the opposite causing afterimage -There are Antagonistic pairs -Red/Green -blue/yellow -black/white -Occurs at the deep cells -Ganglia cells -bipolar cells
Hearing/Audition is produced by
the movement of air pressure waves which displaces fluid in the ears
What are the two physical characteristics of sound and how do they affect it?
Physical characteristics of sound -Frequency (pitch) -Amplitude (loudness)
Identify the main ear parts (hard)
Parts of the ear: Pinna: Sound enters in pinna Auditory canal: Goes through auditory canal Eardrum: hits and vibrates Vibrates three bones -Hammer, -anvil, -stirrup Cochlea: transduction occurs at cochlea