Chapter 6 - Learning Flashcards
Two types of learning we need to know
Classical Conditioning
Operant Conditioning
What is learning?
A durable change in behavior or knowledge due to experience
Who developed:
Classical conditioning
Operant conditioning
Ivan Pavlov
Describe Classical conditioning
Type of learning in which a stimulus acquires the capacity to evoke a response that originally was insignificant
Associating one thing with another because of experience
Ivan Pavlov
What’re the 4 elements of CC?
Unconditional Stimulous (UCS)
- Naturally and automatically triggers a response
- Salivation for food
Unconditioned Response (UCR)
- Unlearned automatic response to unconditioned stimulus
- Innate response
Conditioned Stimulous (CS)
-At one time was neutral but when associated with unconditioned
stimulus produces a response
-Sound of bell
Conditioned Response (CR)
- Made in presence of conditioned Stimulous
- Cats running in after response, even with no food
Define: Extinction Spontaneous recovery Renewal Effect Stimulus generalization Stimulus discrimination Higher order conditioning
- What happens when CS and UCS is not maintained
- Association is suppressed
Spontaneous recovery
- Post extinguished response returns
- Reemergence of a CR after a period of non-exposure to CS
Renewal effect
-If you extinguish a response in one environment other than where it
was acquired, it may reemerge when you return to the original
-You form associations not only with stimulus but also with
Stimulus generalization
-Conditioned response that occurs with stimuli similar to conditioned
Stimulus discrimination
-Someone has a conditioned response that is demonstrated to some
stimuli and not others
-There’s a specificity btwn CS and CR
Higher order conditioning
- When a CS can act like an UCS
- Forming more CS’s by association
What four things should be present during CC
Forward conditioning (.5-1 sec)
Predictability (CS only used for UCS)
Signal strength (should occur with a strong UCS, not weak)
Attention (they must pay attention)
Applications of CC
Development/ treatment of anxiety disorders
Conditioning by using aversive behaviors
Operant Conditioning
Reenforced behaviors reoccur
What are the three types of OC?
Positive reenforcement
-Consequence when applied will increase the likelihood of it reoccurs
Negative reinforcement
-Removing something negative or aversive increases behavior
Punishment learning
-Inflicts a negative response after behavior
Define two types of positive reenforcement
- Consequences that have natural and intrinsic reinforcing value
- Shouldn’t require learning to be reenforcing
-Becomes rewarding when paired with a primary reenforcer
Define two types of negative reinforcement
Escape learning
-Response that ends something averse
Avoidance learning
-Prevent something bad from happening
Define two types of punishment learning
Type 1
-Presentation of something negative
Type II
-Taking away something pleasant
Needs to be consistent immediate explained
Discriminant Stimuli
Discriminant stimuli
-Stimuli which when available signal that reinforcement is available
-Consistent failure to reinforcing a behavior
-Rewarding successive steps of a behavior
Fixed Interval
Variable Interval
Fixed Ratio
Variable Ratio
Fixed interval
-Rewarding someone after a specific amount of time has passed
Variable interval
-Getting rewarded after variable amount of time
Fixed ratio
-Get rewarded after a set number of times
Variable ratio
- Rewarded after a varying number of responses
- Gambling