Chapter 8: Communication And Relational Dynamics Flashcards
The way people deal with one another socially. An association in which the parties meet each other’s social needs to a greater or less or degree.
Interpersonal relationship
What are seven reasons that we form interpersonal relationships?
Appearance, similarity, complementarity, reciprocal attraction, competence, disclosure, and proximity
A reason that we form relationships. We are drawn to those who are more attractive
A reason we form relationships. We generally like people who are similar to us.
A reason why we form relationships. We are attracted to those Who are different than us. Opposites attract. When each partners characteristics satisfy the others needs.
A reason we form relationships. We usually like people who like us, and conversely, we don’t care much for people who seem in different or attack us in some way.
Reciprocal attraction
Probably because people who approve of us bolster our self-esteem
A reason we form relationships. We like talented, competent people, but not if they’re too competent, which makes us look bad by comparison.
People are generally attracted to those who are talented but flawed in someway because it shows that they are human, like us
A reason we form relationships. Revealing important information about yourself can also build liking. Sometimes the basis of this liking comes from learning about how we are similar, either in experiences or in attitudes.
Self disclosure
Self disclosure is also a sign of regard. When people share private information, it suggests that they respect and trust you. The key to satisfying self disclosure is reciprocity: getting back the amount and kind of information equivalent to that which you reveal. The timing must be right.
A reason we form relationships. The more often we interact with someone, the more likely we will form a relationship with that person.
Allows us to get more information about other people and benefit from a relationship with them
A socioeconomic theory of relational development that suggests people seek relationships in which the rewards they receive from others are equal to or greater than the costs they encounter
Social exchange theory
According to social exchange theory, relationships suffer when one partner feels “underbenefited“
Tangible rewards might be a nice place to live or a high-paying job, while in tangible ones might include prestige, emotional support, or companionship. Costs refer to undesirable outcomes such as unpleasant work, emotional pain, and so on.
Rewards - cost = outcome
Communication aimed at keeping relationships operating smoothly and satisfactorily
Relational maintenance
A developmental model, what are the 10 stages of Knapp’s relational development?
Initiating, experimenting, intensifying, integrating, bonding, differentiating, circumscribing, stagnating, avoiding, terminating
The first stage in relational development, in which the parties express interest in one another
Communication is usually brief and follows conventional formulas such as handshakes, innocuous remarks about the weather, and friendly expressions.
The process of getting to know others by gaining more information about them
Uncertainty reduction
The second stage in relational development. An early stage in relational development, consisting of a search for common ground. If this stage is successful, the relationship will progress to intensifying. If not, it may go no further
The third stage of relational development. A stage of relational development, preceeding integrating, in which the parties move toward integration by increasing the amount of contact and the breath and depth of self-disclosure
Often the most exciting and even euphoric stage
The fourth stage in relational development in which the parties begin to take on a single identity
In this stage, individuals give up some characteristics of their old selves and develop shared identities. As we become more integrated with others, our sense of obligation to them grows.
The fifth stage in relational development in which the parties make symbolic public gestures to show that their relationship exists
The peak of the coming together fees. Bonded relationships are those involving a significant measure to make the relationship “official“. These include getting married, moving in together, having a public ceremony, making a written or verbal pledge, and so forth
The sixth stage in relational development in which the parties reestablish their individual identities after having bonded together
Previously agreed-upon issues may now become points of contention. But the need for individuality doesn’t need to be a negative experience – the key to successful differentiating is maintaining a commitment to the relationship while you create your individual spaces
The seventh stage in relational development in which parties begin to reduce the scope of their contact and commitment to one another
In this stage, communication between members decreases in quantity and quality, and the stage is characterized by restrictions and restraints. Members may withdraw mentally or physically when there is a disagreement. Interest and commitment begin to wane
The eighth stage in relational development characterized by declining enthusiasm and standardized forms of behaviour
In this stage, there’s little feelings and no growth. Couples in unenthusiastically have the same conversations, see the same people, and follow the same routines without any sense of joy or novelty
The ninth stage in relational development, immediately prior to terminating, in which the parties minimize contact with one another
In this stage, partners create physical distance between each other, either indirectly by using a guise of excuses or directly. The prognosis is not good but deterioration is not inevitable.
The 10th stage in relational development. The concluding stage characterized by the acknowledgement of one or both parties that the relationship is over
In this stage, couples talk about what went wrong and declare that they want to break up.
This model doesn’t describe the ebb and flow of communication in every relationship. And although it suggests that partners go through one stage at a time, in real life, elements of other stages are usually present
Inherent conflicts that arise went two opposing or incompatible forces exist simultaneously
Dialectical tensions