Chapter 8 and 9: Alternative Medical Systems: Ayurveda and its practices Flashcards
four main principles identified in Ayurveda
1.Principle of inner balance
2.principle of universal cosmos (five elements)
3.Principle of body energies (Doshas)
4.Principle of disease causation
Principle of inner balance
-maintain inner balance by placing major emphasis on maintaining health by preventing disease and illness
-diet, exercise, positive lifestyle and balancing ones life are encouraged
-each person is unique and has different pattern of energy that compromises or makes up that persons constitution
-both external and internal factors responsible
Principle of Universal Cosmos: Five Elements
-every human being is a creation of the cosmos and universal consciousness
-universe consists of five elements (or tattwa) that form the sum and substance of the physical universe as well as serve as the building blocks of nature, and they originate from and are composed of an energy called prana
5 elements
- Earth (Prithvi)
- Water (Apa)
3.Fire (Tejas) - Air (Vayu)
5.ether or space (Akash)
-all five elements are thought to be present cells in all cells of the body
True or false: all five elements are thought to be present in all cells of the body. Every substance in our world is made up of a combination of the tattwa, and all substances can be classified according to their predominant element.
The tattwa combine to make the
seven tissues (dhatu) that gice the body its structure-plasma, blood, muscle, lipid, bone and nervous and reproductive systems
True or False: Tattwa also make up the different tastes of sweet, salty, sour pungent, bitter and astringent
What is the prime moving force between the body and the universe
What do the two parts of the word Prana mean
pra means foreword or before and ana means breath.
5 pranic forces that govern the body movement and function
prana, udana, samana, apana, and vyana.
represents the space or field in which everything happens. At the same time, it is the source of all matter and represents the distance among matter. Sound and nonresistance is a chief characteristic of ether.
is matter in a gaseous form. It is moving and dynamic. All energy transfer reactions require oxygen within the body. Air is also required for fire to burn. Air has no form.
is powerful because it can change solids into liquids and gases and back again. Energy (fire) within our bodies binds atoms together and changes food that we eat into fat (stored energy) and muscle. Fire also is responsible for our nervous reactions, our feelings, and even our thought processes. Fire has a form but no substance.
is the liquid state and represents change. No living thing can survive without water. The human body is largely composed of water. Bodies contain blood, lymph, and other fluids that circulate throughout the body and in between cells of the body. Those fluids help to carry away waste, regulate body temperature, and carry hormonal information throughout the body. The blood contains our disease protection properties (immune system). Water is seen as a substance but has no stability.
represents the solid state of matter. Earth is represented in our bodies as the bones, teeth, cells, and tissues. Earth is considered a stable substance. It manifests stability, permanence, and rigidity.
Principle of Body energies (Dosha)
-Ayurveda holds that the five elements make up the body’s constitution, which is identified as dosha.
-There are three mental doshas and three body doshas
Three body Dosha
vata (movement), pitta (transformation), and kapha (structure).
- Each individual is composed of a combination of the three, although different people have different ratios of the three doshas.
-Each person’s combination of doshas (or body constitution) is established at birth.
In males what is energy called
Purusha, choiceless passive awareness.
In females what is energy called
Prakruti, choiceful active consciousness
True or False: Most sources do not distinguish the gender energies and use the term Prakruti for both genderies
In indian terminology, what is the imbalance called that causes disease to occur
True or False: Vata, pitta, and kapha can exist in varying combinations, but usually one of the three is predominant.
according to Ayurveda how many body types are there
what are they
mono (vata, pitta, or kapha predominant), dual (vata-pitta, pitta-kapha, or kapha-vata), and equal (vata, pitta, and kapha in equal proportions)
When all of the types are evenly distributed a person is said to be
Tri-doshic individuals
-more likely to remain in balance because the ratio is nearly even
-tend to have a lifelong good health and a good immune system
because they do not have a lead dosha to start with, when they get out of balance, they have to work harder to balance all three doshas
-Vata is composed of space and air
-Vata is the subtle energy associated with movement and is located in the brain, large intestine, pelvic cavity, bones, skin, ears, and thighs
-Vata governs breathing, blinking muscle and tissue movement, heartbeat, and cellular activity.
-According to Ayurveda, vata is the most important dosha because it leads the other doshas.
- More than half of all illnesses are vata disorders. -If vata is kept in balance, pitta and kapha will stay in balance.
-Attributes of vata types are dry, light, cold, rough, subtle, mobile, clear, and astringent
Vata in balance
promotes creativity and flexibility, vata types have normal sleep patterns
Vata Qualities/manifestations in the body
Dry-skin, hair, lips, tongue ,constipation, hoarse voice
Light-light muscles, bones, thin body frame
Cold-cold hands and feet, poor circulation
Rough-cracked hair, skin, nails, teeth, hands
Subtle-subtle fear, anxiety, and insecurity
Mobile-fast waling and talking, restless, shaky
Clear-clairvoyant, experience void and loneliness
True or False, body type of vata people tend to be thin and follow wester enomorph body shape
What should vata types avoid
excessive stimulation like drinking caffeine and watching television.
Common vata disorders
flatulence, tics, twitches, aching joints, dry skin and hair, nerve disorders, constipation, and mental confusion
-made up of fire and water
-digestive fire or agni
-located in small intestine, stomach, sweat glands, blood, skin and eyes
True or false: pitta governs digestive functions
A person with a dominant pitta type usually looks like and acts..
has a medium build, is strong, has stamina and endurance, and maintains a stable body weight-mesomorph
Qualities of the pitta and manifestations
hot-good digestive fire, body temp higher than average, hates heat
sharp-distinct eyes, sharp teeth, pointed nose, tapering chin, sharp memory
light- light,medium body frame, does not tolerate bright light, bright eyes
sour-sour acid stomach, sensitive teeth, excess salivation
oily- soft oily skin, hair and feces sensitive to deep fried food
spreading-loose liquid stools, soft delicate muscles, excess urine, sweat and thirst
bitter-bitter taste in mouth, nausea, vomiting, repulsion toward bitter taste, cynical
pungent-heartburn, strong feelings of anger and hate
red-red flushed skin eyes cheeks and nose
yellow- yellow eyes, skin, urine, feces jaundice, overproduction of bile
True or False: Pittas are generally very intelligent and quick - witted ,but may be overly critical
Pitta in balance
Pitta promotes understanding and intelligence. There is strong and complete digestion, healthy facial tone and coloration, and stimulated and open intellect
Pitta out of balance
Pitta arouses anger, hatred, and jealousy. Pittas tend to have incomplete digestion; variable, blotchy skin color; an unhealthy appearance; and cognitive reasoning is impaired.
Likely diseases in pitta types
inflammatory diseases such as boils, abscesses, ulcers, irritable bowels, hemorrhoids, and diarrhea.
What should pittas do
not push themselves too hard,8 should avoid artificial stimulants and alcohol, should regularly meditate, and should sleep and work in cooler rooms.
-made of earth and water
-supplies water for all body parts and systems
-lubricates joints, moisturizes skin and maintains immunity
-Kapha is located in the chest, lungs, and the spinal fluid surrounding the spinal cord.
What do Kapha people generally look like
They have heavy bones, muscles, and fat. The body type is analogous to the Western ectomorph body type. Their tendency is to be overweight, and they have slow metabolism and digestion. The skin may be cool and clammy, the eyes big and liquid looking, and their hair thick and wavy
Qualities of kapha and manifestations in the body
Heavy-heavy bones and muscles, large body frame, tends to be overweight, grounded, deep, heavy voice
slow- walks and talks slowly, steady appetitive and thirst with slow metabolism and digestion
cold- cold clammy skin, repeated colds, congestion, cough, desire for sweets and cold drinks
oily-Oily skin, hair, and feces; lubricated, unctuous joints and other organs
Liquid- Congestive disorders; edema; excessive salivation; mucus
hard- Firmness and solidity of muscles; compact, condensed tissues
smooth - Smooth skin; gentle, calm nature; smoothness of organs; smooth, gentle mind
dense- Dense pads of fat; thick skin, hair, nails, and feces
soft- Soft pleasing look; love, care, compassion, kindness, and forgiveness
static- Loves sitting, sleeping, and doing nothing
viscious- Viscous, sticky, cohesive quality causes compactness, firmness of joints, muscles, tissues, and organs; loves to hug; is deeply attached in love and relationships
cloudy- Mind is cloudy and foggy in the morning; often desires coffee as a stimulant to start the day
slimy- Excess salivation; slow digestion; attachment
sweet- Anabolic action of sweet taste stimulates sperm formation, increasing quantity of semen; craving for sweets
salty- Helps digestion and growth; gives energy; maintains osmotic condition; craving for salt; water retention
True or false: kaphas tend to be slpw
True or false: a person with a dominant kapha metabolic body type is easygoing, laid back and relaxed
kapha in balance
This is expressed as love, calmness, and forgiveness. They appear strong and calm.
kapha out of balance
This may lead to attachment, greed, and envy. They appear dull and lethargic.
likely diseases in kapha people
respiratory, asthma, allergy, and sinusitis problems
What do kapha people need to avoid
sweet and heavy foods, but need hot and spicy foods.
four main causes of disease Ayurveda identifies
mental factors
lifestyle habits
dosha imbalance
metabolic toxins
mental factors
Mental factors begin with an emotional imbalance or stress in an individual. If individuals are stressed, it will lead to unhealthy lifestyles and worsening mental stresses.
lifestyle habits
lack of exercise, substance-taking habits, poor dietary behaviors, poor sleep patterns, and unsafe sexual practices.
metabolic toxins
accumulate in the body because of the by-products of metabolism and presence of other toxins.
pulse diagnosing technique
radial artery pulse is felt with the first three fingers, the index, middle, and ring fingers, and the pulse is taken from both wrists.
Snake pulse (Vata)
The position of the index finger denotes the vata dosha. When vata is strong in the constitution, the index finger will feel the pulse strongly. The pulse will be irregular and thin, moving in waves like the motion of a serpent.
Frog pulse (pitta)
The middle finger denotes the pulse corresponding to the pitta dosha. When the person has a predominant pitta constitution, the pulse under the middle finger will be stronger. Ayurveda describes this pulse as “active, excited, and moves like the jumping of a frog.”
Swan pulse (kapha)
When the throbbing of the pulse under the ring finger is most noticeable, it is a sign of a kapha constitution. The pulse feels strong and its movement resembles the floating of a swan. Hence, this pulse is called swan pulse.
tongue diagnostic technique
Ayurvedic physicians examine the size, shape, surface, margins, and color of the tongue.
-A blemish, discolouration, or coating on some part of the tongue is used to indicate a body problem.
pale tongue
Anemic condition or lack of blood in the body.
blue tongue
Indication of heart disease.
whitish tongue
Indication of kapha imbalance and mucus accumulation.
red or yellow-green tongue
Indication of pitta imbalance.
black or brown tongue: Indication of vata imbalance.
indication of vata imbalance
coating on the tongue
indication of toxins in the stomach, or small or large intestine
Facial diagnostic techniques
the face mirrors the mind and that disorders and/or disease may be indicated by wrinkle pattern, looks of the eyelids and eyes, appearance and shape of the nose, and appearance of the lips.
six major treatment concepts
Shodhanam: Cleansing
Shamanam: Balancing
Pathya vyavastha: Prescription of diet and activity
Nidan parivarjan: Avoidance of disease- causing and aggravating factors
Rasayana: Rejuvenation
Satvajaya: Mental hygiene/psychotherapy
Purva-karma therapy
before shodhanam therapy
two main treatments snehan and swedan treatment
Snehan treatment
given both internally and externally. In internal Snehan, patients are given medicated edible oil or medicated edible butter in a dose prescribed by the Ayurvedic therapist (e.g., two spoonfuls). Nothing else is taken in on that day.The mixture is called ghee or sneha and is best if made from cow’s milk. The intention of internal Snehan is to enhance later Pancha karma procedures in order to rid the body of impurities. External Snehan is carried out by medicated ghee body massage, given every few days for a week or more.
Swedan treatement
he use of dry or wet fomentation or heat therapy to facilitate sweating. It can be given in many ways: sunbathing, in a sweat box, pouring warm water on the body, a steam bath, or sitting in a tub of warm water. The water may contain milk, herbs, or medicated oil. According to individual needs, Swedan can be whole body therapy or just focus on a diseased part of the body. Swedan reportedly liquefies toxins and increases the movement of toxins into the gastrointestinal tract
Shodhanam therapy
-involves five procedures grouped under a term called Panchakarma treatment
First is forced vomiting. It is intended to remove kapha toxins collected in the body and respiratory tract. It is given to people with a kapha imbalance by a daily treatment that is supposed to loosen and mobilize toxins.
Second is forced purging. This therapy is intended to remove pitta toxins that accumulate in the liver and gallbladder by completely cleansing the gastrointestinal tract. Benefits of Virechana include helping to root out chronic fever, diabetes, asthma, skin disorders such as herpes, paraplegia, hemiplegia, joint disorders, digestive disorders, constipation, hyperacidity, vitiligo, psoriasis, headaches, elephantiasis, and gynecological disorders.
hird is medicated enema or colonic irrigation. Basti is intended to eliminate loosened vata dosha, which is predominantly located in the colon and bones, but also supposedly cleanses the body of toxins from all three doshas.22,23,24,25 The treatment involves the introduction of medicinal substances, such as herbal oils and decoctions in a liquid medium, into the rectum of the person. Medicated oil or ghee and a herbal decoction are given as enema to cleanse the colon and increase the muscle tone. This procedure is usually applied for 8–30 days, based on the medical condition of a person. It reportedly benefits hemiplegia, paraplegia, colitis, cervical spondylosis, irritable bowel syndrome, constipation, digestive disorders, backache and sciatica, hepatomegaly and splenomegaly, obesity, hemmorhoids, sexual arousal problems, and infertility
nose or sinus cleaning. Nasya treatment is intended to cleanse kapha toxins from the head and neck region. Some use a neti pot to pour salt water through the nose to combat chronic sinus problems (water irrigation). Medicated oil may also be administered through the nose for up to 30 days, depending on the medical condition of a person. Nasya reportedly benefits trigeminal neuralgia, Bell’s palsy, memory, eyesight, insomnia, elimination of excess mucus, hyperpigmentation in the face, premature graying of hair, clarity of voice, headaches of various origin, hemiplegia, loss of smell and taste, frozen shoulder, migraine, stiffness of the neck, nasal allergies, nasal polyps, neurological dysfunctions, paraplegia, and sinusitis.
Fifth are procedures to detoxify the blood. This may include bloodletting or the use of certain herbs to cleanse the blood. It is not advisable during general Panchakarma, and most Ayurveda centers do not offer Raktamokshana due to the high risk of infection involved in blood cleansing
Shamana therapy
intended to achieve a balanced state in the body and to alleviate symptoms of disease
7 procedure
Deepan (creating appetitie)
Consuming food or mild medicines that help in empowering agni (digestive fire or digestive enzymes). This includes consuming ghee, oil, spices, hot drinks, and warm food. Improving deepan helps achieve dosha balance.
Pachan (digesting)
Pachan is an aid to digest toxins (ama). This is a preferred treatment in digestive disorders. People are encouraged to eat foods such as dry ginger and sweet kernel, which help digestion when eaten after lunch or dinner.
Kshudha-nigrah (hunger control/fasting)
This is a treatment for dosha imbalance and involves total, partial, or selective fasting. Avoiding food for a period of time or changing lifestyle can provide rest to the digestive tract.
Trushna-nigrah (thirst control)
This treatment helps when water retention is a problem. In the case of generalized edema or ascites, if water intake is monitored, the urinary tract gets an opportunity to clear the accumulated fluid from the body.
Vyayam (exercise)
This is the prescribed treatment in conditions like obesity and diabetes. It helps to reestablish balance without medicines or with the lowest possible dose.
Atap-seva (sun bath)
This is a preferred treatment in vata disorders. It is recommended for many skin disorders and uses solar energy as a medicine. This treatment also works well in cases of arthritis pain and rheumatic conditions.
Marut-seva (consumption of fresh air)
This is the prescribed treatment for tuberculosis, asthma, and other lung conditions. Breathing fresh air helps lung function and provides energy within the respiratory system. (Known as sitting in the wind/breathing exercises—pranayama.)
Pathya Vyavastha therapy
-treatment is a prescription of diet and activity
-a nutritious diet is prescribed in order to stimulate agni and optimize digestion
Nidan Parivarjan therapy
his treatment focuses on helping individuals change their lifestyles to avoid known disease-causing factors (e.g., smoking, alcohol and other drug use, diet).
Rasayana therapy
-rejuventation therapy
-focuses on promoting strength and vitality
Satvajaya therapy
Satvajaya treatment is psychotherapy or mental health counseling for those needing it. It might involve helping people to restrain from overindulging in alcohol or other drugs, or it might involve helping people to improve their memory or gain self-concept and self-esteem. One of its therapies is the use of meditation.
Scientific testing in the United states has shown favourable results to
turmeric (curcumin) and Salvia lavandulaefolia (Spanish sage).
Ayurvedic pharmaceuticals
-branch of ayurveda that deals with the collection and selection of drugs
-the practice studies preparation, preservation, mode of administration and dosage specifications
what percent of ayurvedic medicines tested had detectable levels of lead, mercury or arsenic
what metal has been used in ayurvedic medicine since it began
what are golds main purposes
promote longevity, combat aging, treat impotency
-used in ayurvedic medicine as a tonic and an anti-inective, combats liver and heart disease ad currently is used for rheumatoid arthritis
NCCIH reports about ayurveda
not enough scientific evidence to vouch for the effectiveness of Ayurvedic practices, and so it is calling for more rigorous research.
On the NCCIH website, examples of Ayurvedic medicine research include studies of the following
Herbal therapies, including curcuminoids (substances found in turmeric), used for cardiovascular conditions
A compound from the cowhage plant (Mucuna pruriens) used to prevent or lessen the side effects from Parkinson’s disease drugs
Three botanicals (ginger, turmeric, and boswellia) used to treat inflammatory disorders such as arthritis and asthma
Gotu kola (Centella asiatica), an herb used to treat Alzheimer’s disease
-national institution of ayurvedic medicine, located in brewster new yorl
-one can take a certificate course in Ayurveda at the NIAM, which is a 3-year program. Candidates for the program must have completed 2 years of college or university study and have graduated from a school of medicine, nursing, oriental medicine, nutrition, physical therapy, massage, social work, or other allied health discipline. The following gives more detail about various ways to become an Ayurvedic physician or practitioner.