Chapter 15: energy therapies Flashcards
Energy therapies
a technique that involves channeling healing energy through the hands of a practitioner into the clients body to restore a normal energy balance and therefore health
two categories of energy therapies
bio field
are said to affect the energy in and around the body. There is no effective and efficient mode of measuring biofield energy; thus, these forms of treatment are quite controversial
is measurable, with energy forms using a specific frequency or wavelength, and is most often a magnetic force, light energy, or a type of radiation.
true or false: energy healers believe that the body possesses and emits “subtle energy” and it is the disruption in the flow of energy that causes disease and illness
human biofield
multidimensional, vibrational reflection of the emotional and mental energy of the body
-comprimised of measurable electromagnetic energy and qi, and is more generally referred to as the human energy field or an aura
-is an ancient method of Chinese health care utilizing physical forms, focused breathing, and deliberate movement.
-all involve posture, breathing and mental focus
true or false; qi is described as an energy force found in all things living and nonliving
what is qigong designed to do
activate the meridian system and improve or redirect the flow of energy, and as a result, improve well-being.
What book introduced the concept of Qi
Chinese Book of Changes
internal qigong
similar to meditation, using mind, breath, and visualization to guide bodily energy and energy immediately surrounding an individual. Internal qigong is designed to increase qi, open meridians, to open the lungs and improve respiration, and strengthen organs.
external qigong
involves greater movement. This movement is said to hold many health benefits, from reduction of blood pressure to increased flexibility. External qigong is used in conjunction with internal qigong to strengthen mind and body connection.
-energy force guided by greater power
-is a universal practice that once trained any individual can use to help themselves or others
What does the ICRT describes reiki as
a Japanese technique for stress reduction and relaxation that also promotes healing
they state: “If one’s life force energy is low, then we are more likely to get sick or feel stress, and if it is high, we are more capable of being happy and healthy.”
According to the book: a complete book of reiki what are the principles of reiki
Just for today, be free and happy.
Just for today, have joy.
Just for today, you are taken care of.
Live consciously in the moment.
Count your blessings with gratitude.
Honor your parents, teachers, and elders.
Earn your living honestly.
Love your neighbor as yourself.
Show gratitude to all living things.
Reiki symbols
1st-increases power from the surrounding area
2nd-promotes harmony for mental/emotional healing
3rd-send reiki over distance
4th-balances energy
5th-most powerful and is only used by masters as is purpoted to heal the soul
is the ceremony of initiation to the force of energy and is the precursor to an individual becoming a practitioner. The student receives this energy or attunement from a master, opening up the chakras and channels to allow the energy to flow through the body. Energy is released through the hands, and once “attuned,” a student can then use the energy on another person. The energy never leaves you once your channels are opened
First degree of reiki
most basic, contains the initial attunements, opening up energy channels for transmission of energy to another person
second degree of reiki
practitioner integrates symbolism into the healing process. At this level, the practitioner has been further trained in the placement of hands for the purpose of healing the nonphysical realm, and can send energy over distance to a person or event.
third degree of reiki
studied when one is ready to lead a life of healing. The Reiki master training is much more personalized, with mastery of the Reiki symbols the focus. The Reiki master is expected to then train new practitioners, passing along skills and attunements.
5 stages of therapeutic touch
- centering- form of meditation that allows the Therapeutic Touch practitioner to focus on their own energy field in preparation for transmission to the patient.
2.once the practitioner is centered, an assessment of the energy surrounding and emanating from the patient is performed. This stage is a clear distinction from Reiki practice.
3.rebalances the energy of the patient, clearning excess energy into the enviroment. his effort is designed to rebalance the energy field; allow for energy to flow in a positive, undisturbed fashion; and allow the patient to then heal more efficiently.
- the treatment phase, sometimes referred to as modulation. In this phase, the practitioner uses stationary hand positions to direct energy to a specific location. This is said to transfer energy from the practitioner to the patient, correcting any further imbalance in the patient’s energy field.
5.the evaluation stage. During this stage, the practitioner completes a final assessment of the patient’s human energy field to compare changes in the field with original assessment and to formally end the session.
university polarity
If one accepts the concept that we each possess a human energy field, or biofield,
guass rating
strength of the magnetic pull
magnet therapy
based in the idea that if illness is a disruption or blockage in the flow of energy, then the manipulation of polarity can return flow to normal
NCCIH stance on bioelectromagnetic therapies
there is no scientific support for the medical use of magnets as a therapeutic device. In fact, magnets may be dangerous for those who were on an insulin pump or have a pacemaker. The magnet can interfere with the function of these devices. There are some studies that show evidence for the use of magnets for pain, but in general, they are small studies, were conducted for too short a time frame, or were not controlled to Western medical standards.
Basic guidelines from NCCIH to choosing an energy therapy
Keep your primary healthcare provider informed. Seek their recommendation for a practitioner in the type of healing you seek.
List CAM practitioners and gather information about each before making your first visit. Check on their education, training, and licensure. Read the research for use of a practice for your ailment.
Determine if the alternative practitioner will work with your primary care provider.
Ask the practitioner some basic questions: What are your credentials? How long have you been in practice? Where did you receive your training? What licenses or certifications do you have? What is your success rate? Can I talk to other clients of yours?
Ask how much the treatment will cost. How many sessions of treatment would you need? Do not assume your insurance will cover the cost.
Make a list of questions for the first visit, and come prepared to answer questions about your personal health history. Decide after the first visit if the practitioner is right for you. Did you feel comfortable with the practitioner? Could the practitioner answer your questions? Did he or she respond to you in a way that satisfied you? Does the treatment plan seem reasonable and acceptable to you?
form of energy that can be measured scientifically