CHapter 7: Complementary and Alternative Health Care: Historical Foundation of Holistic Healing Flashcards
True or false: there is a distinction between the word “healing” and the word “cure”
True or false: people with chronic illnesses may realize that they cannot be cured of the disease, but they want to feel as well as they possibly can, given the limitations of the disease. They consider factors other than the “elimination” of the disease, such as the kinds of adjustments they need to make in order to live with the disease.
What does healing mean
to use the mind, body, and spirit to control disease, promote a sense of well-being, and enhance the quality of life.
A sense of well-being, comfort, and an integration of the body–mind–spirit are important characteristics of the healing process.
Who is the healer
is the one who restores health or makes a person whole again
What are significant aspects of the healer’s role
Compassion, empathy, touch and caring
What two things in performing caregiving are important foundations to a healing relationship between the healer and patient
scientific knowledge and skill
Primitive tribes considered illness the work of evil spirits. The tribes, therefore, selected masters of the healing tradition who were known as medicine men, witch doctors, seers, or shamans.1 The word “shaman” literally means “he (or she) who knows.” To aid healing of tribe members, early shamans used various types of communication with the spiritual world that included singing, dancing, storytelling, and drawing
True or False: Anthropological studies have proven that many shamanic cultures used hallucinogenic substances to enter the “Otherworld.”1,2,3 Shamans were thought to be aided in this voyage to the Otherworld by particular animals that were the “spirit guides.”
What is another way shamans entered a trance state
by fast place themselves in isolation for long periods of time, use sensory deprivation and even undergo torture
True or False; Many shamans wear female clothing or garb as they preform healing rituals
three key features of shamans
Shamans can voluntarily enter altered states of consciousness.
In these states, they may experience themselves journeying to other realms.
They use these journeys to acquire knowledge or power and to help people in their community.
Sweat lodge
Native culture, built as a ceremonial sauna, used for a purification ceremony
Greek Asclepions
-sanctuaries of healing that had their roots in ancient Greece on the island of los
-named after asclepius, divine physcian, often shown standing with a long wooden staff and snake entwined
-built in areas of naturally beauty throughout greece
- They created a healing environment that addressed the physical, mental, and spiritual aspects of individuals.
-Once admitted to the healing centers, the healers utilized music, dream interpretations, drama, massage, humor, baths, herbs, and rest as treatments
Before entering an asclepions what did peope have to do
undergo Katharsis (catharsis) or purification.8,9 This consisted of a series of cleansing baths and purging, accompanied by a cleansing diet. Purification could last several days.
True or False: The foundation of modern medicine is thought to come mostly from ancient Greek physicians, although both Greek and Roman physicians had a tremendous influence on medicine.
Most famous ancient greek physician
What do the greeks have extensive knowledge on
hers and herbal properties and using them when treating illness
During greek medicine times, who played a major role as healers
True or False: Greek healing methodologies influenced Roman medicine and Roman methods influenced the Greeks
Since romans knew that poor hygenie was linked to disease and death, what resulted
public bath houses and other similar public hygienic facilities were built and maintained.
What are the two aspects most associated with Chinese medicine
herbal medicines and acupuncture therapy
What do early Chinese medicine physicians recognize
movement of life energy or qi chi
-believe that illness occurs when energy flow is blocked
What are acupuncture and herbal medicines used for
to unblock energy so that it can flow more freely through the body
true or false: acupuncture was mentioned in Mawangdui manuscripts
True or false; Traditional chinese medicine seems to be increasingly popular in the US today
Ayurvedic Medicine
The traditional system of medicine in india
word ayurveda means the science of life
True or false ayurvedic is the oldest healing system
true, begun between 5,000 to 10,000 years ago
Early healers of india
known as sages or seers, and they were the ones who began to systemize healing after having identified “Veda,” the knowledge of how our world works.
What are the four main Vedas
Rig,Sama, Yajur and Atharva
Whats the Rigveda
oldest surviving book of any Indo-European language
What do Ayurveda healing techniques promote
unity of the mind, body, and spirit. Similar to Chinese medicine, the Ayurveda belief is that when energy fields are blocked, they cause illness; however, in Ayurvedic medicine, the energy fields are identified as chakras.
Early christian healing
Early Judean beliefs held that people who had sinned or who were evil became sick, and that health and healing stemmed from repentance and divine forgiveness. To heal the sick, a ceremonial practice called anointing was used.20
early biblical times, both laypeople (men and women) and priests used anointing to heal the sick using oils such as frankincense and myrrh. It involved dipping a finger in the oil and touching the person either on the forehead or on another body part. By the middle ages, anointing became used solely by male Catholic priests, and rules were set as to who could and could not anoint. After the Reformation in the 1500s, the use of anointing (laying on of hands) by most of the newer Christian denominations sharply decreased in scope and breadth
Scientific healing revolution
-occurred in the 1800s
-physicians and nurses began separating themselves from the early healing practices and moved toward scientific practices
Who invented the stethoscope
René-Théophile-Hyacinthe Laennec in 1816
Gestalt psychology
means unified whole, s a theory characterized by the phrase “the whole is greater than the sum of its parts”—hence, “wholistic” or “holistic.” In other words, the theory speaks to mental health as being dependent on the rest of the human experience: social, emotional, physical, and sexual. It is most famous for the Gestalt “laws” of perception, which attempted to describe which properties of visual elements make them appear to belong together as an entity.
What do most theoretical framework concepts include
self discovery, relationships and ecoawareness
Where are most scientific research on selective forms of alternative medicine practices conducted
at the National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health (NCCIH)
What four research centres do they fund
Centers of excellence for research on CAM
Centers for dietary supplements research
Developmental centers for research on CAM
International centers for research on CAM
most publicized source of CAM criticism
website operated by Stephen Barrett
affiliated with the National council against health fraud
What view do Dr.barrett and others hold
there is no alternative medicine, only scientifically proven, evidence-based medicine that is supported by data-driven studies. Dr. Barrett writes that the alternative movement is a type of societal trend that is rejecting science as a method of determining truth, and that the movement supports pseudoscience over science. His case in point is a section he wrote on “Science versus Vitalism.
What is dr.barrett claim about vitalism
vitalists pretend to be scientific, but they really reject scientific methods and regard “personal experience, subjective judgment, and emotional satisfaction as preferable to objectivity and hard evidence.